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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. I like the new rules... well done Troy It definitely puts everyone on a more even playing field. I love the idea of putting all the results of one show up. I am often interested in seeing results of multiple groups and the breed results in interstate shows. Yay for Neuter comp!!
  2. Ugh... *sigh* how many more variations of Blustaff are there!!
  3. I'd better get cracking on that bloody hold for Ari if I want to give it a crack!!
  4. My opinion is simply that - whether it keeps existing dogs in the ring or not, I still believe it will on occasion cause someone to up and leave because they cannot get past a big winning dog. Whether it's right or wrong, whether they should learn that they will lose or not, that person is lost forever to the dog world, once they are gone. I know not everyone expects to win - some people go into it a little bit more realistic than others... I couldn't title my first dog, got another, who I believe now to be just as good, however he didn't get past minor puppy, so I changed breeds (personal reasons) and got another, titled her, did well enough, and bred my first litter to which i have two lovely puppies in the ring doing well. It has taken 9 years to get to this point, and not everyone will stick at it for that long.
  5. When I was looking for an English Setter, it was virtually impossible to find anyone who had blues or Tris (Tri's being blue belton with tan markings)... I think it has changed a little now... there are more Blues/Tris being bred, but i still don't know what the more popular colour is. It seems a nearly even split in the show ring too. Lemons and Livers are rare to non-existent. in the UK, though, Blues and Tris are still the more popular colour, but there are more and more oranges showing up in the show ring. Grey is the obvious choice for a Weim
  6. I don't understand this attitude, in which other sport/hobby does someone starting out expect to beat more experienced participants? It would be like me starting out swimming and expect to beat Thorpie, or me start to play rugby and go straight into the All Blacks starting line up. I know when I first started showing I wasn't expecting to take out BOB at every show I was happy to get around the ring with my dog looking reasonable. But maybe that's just me and other people start something and expect to win big first out. But in normal sports you can improve. In showing you can't improve past a certain point (i.e. you can improve presentation but you can't improve structure). And not everyone has the opportunity to own multiple dogs or to buy in new ones. So if you never even win a class why would you continue to come back year in year out? There is no room for improvement like there is in swimming.... If I started at swimming, I would not be expected to go up against thorpie... New exhibitors are starting up against long time exhibitors, experienced dogs, well groomed and handled. Yes, you strive to improve, and you do... but without support, which many do not have, it is hard to know why you are not doing well, especially because there is no feedback or justification from the judge in the ring.
  7. Oh that's no good if it is January. not exactly a good way to attract numbers.
  8. Not in all breeds. In SOME breeds the entries at UK shows are consistently lower than the same breeds in other places in the world... And in the UK at some shows there are breeds which do not have challenges on offer. edited to make sense True, and there are breeds losing CCs at shows all over the UK. Their numbers are dropping too. They still place a higher value on their class wins for the most part. Open shows are just as popular and no CCs are offered.
  9. Im not placing my order til I get back on Friday, if anyone thinks of anything else they need....
  10. I agree that it can help the declining numbers of dogs already in the ring, but I can't help that think that it may further discourage newcomers who cannot beat the existing dogs. And before people say that they should start with a good dog, that a good dog will beat a Grand Champ etc, even the most determined exhibitor with a nice dog might not be able to beat a grand champ. No matter what anyone says, it is difficult for a new exhibitor to lose time after time against the same dogs/people.
  11. I may choose more than three... Toys Griffon Lowchen Havanese Pap Terriers Border Terrier Dandie Dinmont Terrier Bull Terrier Skye Terrier West Highland White Gundogs (Too many to choose but...) English Setter Weimaraner (both coat types) Irish Setter brittany Spinone Irish Water Spaniel Slovakian rough coat Hounds Whippet Greyhound Saluki Borzoi Working Old English Aussie Shep Polish Lowland Puli Lappie Utility Dobe Mastiff Tibetan Mastiff Non Sporting Dane Tibetan Terrier Poodle (Std)
  12. very true RS!! although it might make me prick my ears if i heard Ari barking her head off in the car.
  13. Horrible aout the thefts at k9 Isn't it terrible when we invite public to attend our shows and the only ones that turn up are the unsavourables how awful for those that had things stolen. I hope that we can work out a solution soon, especially since locking the cars is doing nothing and they aren't deterred by dogs (mine also bark like loonies when people approach but they seem to be aware that most people's dogs are restrained in wagons etc)
  14. True it's the UK system also, but they have the numbers that makes winning a class a huge achievement, at champ or open show level. They also offer the Junior Warrant for youngsters.
  15. AP that is such a gorgeous vid... Don't worry my two Weims from years ago both swam like that. They were ball and water mad and they never learned how to swim properly!! Pretty sad for dogs with webbing betweeen their toes!! RosieFT I'd have probably gone into the water if the dog was getting distressed and disoriented. I would definitely work on recalls and make sure you are more important than the ducks... easier said than done though...a long line would probably work very well Oh well I'll likely be offline all this week - off to Brisbane for work so back Thursday night. Just looked at the weather forecast and the rainy weather is awelcome change to this heat.
  16. Epic fail for Lulu today... Ari saw and pointed at a bird this morning... instead of backing her, which would have been very easy to do, Lulu powered through and chased the bird
  17. Ari has made a nearly 100% recovery... went for a walk with her this morning and although a little slower than normal, had a lovely time running around with lulu.
  18. Agree with this. A sport where the motto seems to be "you need a thick skin to survive" is pretty bad, imo, and shows that there is room for improvement. I don't care how many other sports where people have seen the same type of behaviour, it's no excuse for people to behave like they do. Honestly I think some people think that it's their right to say whatever they like "because if you can't hack it, you shouldn't do it". Have a look at the numbers dropping and then check your own attitudes (and of course this isnt aimed at everyone but as usual the minority that stands out and makes the whole sport look bad).
  19. perhaps you can maybe give us more of an idea of some breeds you are considering or breeds you like the look of. There have been some great suggestions for breeds that would suit. The smooth collie would also be good.
  20. I know! Was starting to wonder if I had said something wrong!!! lol Ari is way way better today - she played with the ball this morning and had a play with Lulu. Life is good
  21. An Old English Sheepdog would probably suit, if you were prepared for some grooming. You can keep them clipped but they do need to be clipped regularly. They don't shed masses of coat (hence the need to clip and/or brush out) They are a very intelligent breed but gentle and loving. They can go without exercise occasionally. They are obedient and loyal. Absolutely beautiful natures and want nothing more than to be with you. They are absolute clowns.
  22. In Wa it's possibly just because we don't really need to - there is loads of room to practice outside of the rings with the same beautiful grass to run on. I've seen plenty of people practice after the show is over inside the rings and see no issue with it.
  23. I find that breeds play in certain styles with members of their own breed... the weims are really rough with each other, the setters tend to play chasey but avoid contact, and OES play is so rediculously rough and crazy. When they mingle with each other, they play so differently. The very best "interbreed" play I have witnessed was when Faolmor's irish setters taught James how to play. Irish setter play is infectious.
  24. Faolmor the photo doesnt do him justice! OH got home today and reported that Ari had perked up a lot and she was very happy and wagging. By the time I got home she was up for a game of ball. She's still quiet and her glands are still up, but she is so much better already. I am a very happy camper
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