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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. I suppose if you are concerned enough about the dogs swimming then you dont necessarily have to let them swim? there is a big park area at Kwinana so anyone not wanting to let their dogs go in the water doesnt have to, if they still want to come along.
  2. Mine says shipped on the website but no email as yet. I am not too worried about getting them after christmas, although I did put my work address as the shipping address and the office won't be open over the 3 days between christmas and new year... bugger My friend ordered her stuff a couple of weeks ago and received it yesterday. Against my advice she ordered treats (in the packets) and I told her they'd likely be removed by AQIS, so she ended up probably not saving that much because she spent half the amount on food treats!!
  3. If you don't want "packed" but still a beach, then Kwinana beach is fantastic. It is very easy parking, and very flat but fairly close to the parking. In terms of the water, early morning on a warm day with low wind is best - minimal breeze and a large shallow area before it gets deep makes it safe and calm for the little dogs.
  4. yay booker!! Ok I've finally created a DOL meet thread (with a poll!) for a beach meet in January. Feel free to send the link to anyone that doesn't frequent the WA thread Linky to DOL Beach Meet Thread
  5. So we've been toying with the idea of a beach meet for a while... What are everyones thoughts on a beach meet in January? I attached a Poll for fun, but feel free to discuss in the main body so we can eventually come up with a time/date that suits at least the majority. Feel free to send the meet link to anyone that doesn't visit the WA thread. I haven't done a Poll in a while so hopefully I've remembered all the options!! FOR ANYONE WHO HASN'T READ THE WHOLE OF THIS THREAD, THE BEACH MEET IS TAKING PLACE ON SUNDAY 8TH JANUARY AT 8.30AM KWINANA DOG BEACH MEETING 8.30AM AT CARPARK NEAR GOVERNOR ROAD, OFF ROCKINGHAM BEACH ROAD. MORE DETAILS POST #64 ON PAGE 5 OF THIS THREAD HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!!!
  6. Agree with others and my Alarm bells would be going off at the refusal to interact with the breeder (both puppies and the dam).
  7. Lulu is the same as well! but lately I have noticed that Lulu's puppy passport is soon to expire, as Ari doesnt let her get away with quite so much, including stealing directly out of her mouth! Emery I am glad that your mum's dog is ok - don't feel bad, though, accidents happen!!
  8. I didn't use cardboard at the bottom, but it depends on whether your whelping box has a bottom or not. Mine doesn't have a bottom, so I had Lino, followed by newspapers, followed by "old sheet number 1" followed by more newspaper, followed by "old sheet number two" with towels right to hand next to the box, and more newspaper layed out next to the box also. During whelping, when the first sheet was heavily soiled and ripped up, along with the newspaper, I just lifted it all off and had fresh sheet and newspaper underneath. I would also cover any wet bits/soiled with sheets of newspaper during the whelping between puppies. Once it was all done, I removed all the newspaper and sheets, and replaced with more newspaper and vet bed on top. The lino at the bottom of the box under the layers of paper and sheets didn't get anything on it at all so didn't need to be changed or cleaned.
  9. I planned my litter in advance, so start collecting about 6-12 months beforehand. I didnt run out but I was surprised how fast the pile went down!!
  10. I chose my puppy's registered names. I had a loose theme (by loose, i mean i chose all the names based around the theme, except for the puppy I kept, whos name didn't come close to the theme!) I didn't give the buyers a choice because to be honest it took me that long to come up with 5 names I was happy with that fit the theme I wasn't about to come up with more so they could choose!! Next time, I might not be as precious, and either get the puppy buyers to come up with some choices based around the theme I've chosen, or i will give them a choice of a couple of names.
  11. Same here MG - if Spartan's ears went bad his skin issues would follow, or visa versa.
  12. Coming home to 4 of them, it's important that they aren't running around like morons... I walk straight through them, let them outside, and continue on as usual. I don't talk to them or make eye contact until they are calm. Two of them calm down faster than the other two, and they get the attention first. The other two continue to be ignored until they settle. If you find it difficult to do this, come in with the idea of doing something else first. come in and put the kettle on and make a cuppa, or go get changed. The whole time remain calm and relaxed so that they settle. As soon as they settle, call them to you.
  13. 65cm that is the size of my Weim from wither to floor, and she is on the tall side for her breed.
  14. I started out with a male English setter - I wanted a pet but got a show one so gave it a go. I was hooked. I changed breeds back to Weis and purchased a bitch. I had the same idea as the OP that she had to turn out first and be worthy of breeding, however I did show her and had the desire to title her first. I was always keeping my eye out for stud dogs even though I hadn't chosen to breed yet. I was fully aware of my bitches faults and her strengths, the direction I wanted to head if I chose to breed and a fairly good idea of my goals for the breed. When I made the decision to breed her I took another year to choose a stud dog. I chose a stud dog pretty much after the national and contacted the breeder. I already met them from the national and they have a close relationship with my girls breeder so it didn't make things difficult. Unfortunately in my breed at the time there was nothing really in WA that I wanted to use so i made the decision to choose the very best stud dog that suited my bitch because i didnt want to start of my lines using a mediocre dog or a dog that didn't suit her. To do that, I had to send her over east. I do feel that it's not always necessary to show, however i do believe that in order to best learn, you do need to do a lot of reading, as well as observation, and have a fantastic mentor that is willing to be critical of your dog and help you choose a stud. You need to know your standard inside and out, and you need to have a good idea of the type of dog you like, and where you want to head. it's not enough to want to breed for temperament or to breed for "pets", because conformation is so important as well. Showing does aid in the learning process though, not necessarily showing your own dog, but watching other dogs, watching the consistent winners in your breed and others. it helps because you learn about structure and movement in all breeds and it teaches you more about your own. It's so easy to sit and watch your own dog at home and think that it is a nice dog until you put it up against another one and realise that your dog has faults and strong points like all of them. Oh, and I arranged to assist a whelping before I had my own (wasn't the same breed). That was absolutely invaluable to me. The bitch I assisted with the breeder had a long, more difficult labour than my own bitch did. The hands on experience of that was 100 times better than anything I could have read out of a book. ETA I have a very close relationship with Ari's breeder, we constantly discuss dogs and breeding, she sends me photos of litters and asks me to choose a favourite. Her help, even from afar, has been so incredibly helpful to me. I bouce my plans and ideas off her.
  15. weird! All my dogs with bigger ear canals never have problems... but spartan and Sorrel (mums weim) had terribly small canals and they got the most issues.
  16. wow... finally placed my cleanrun order (and for the record, RubyStar chased me down and added something to my order )
  17. are you talking about a Bull Terrier?
  18. The school system should be teaching kids to be more dog accepting? I think there are many things our education system needs to improve on before pet ownership education will be considered. What is more important than teaching basic human kindness and responsibility, if the parents are incapable of teaching that (and some are) Surely its up to the schools to pass on that knowledge to the best of their capability . Kindness and care for any living being is I believe the most important lesson we can learn, if it is not in us already ....surely after that everything should go hand in hand. Some farm Schools have animals and it teaches the children how to care for them here in Aus.I have read of some schools in the USA that bring dogs into the classroom so the children can interact with them and learn about how to look after them. Out of the mouths of babes. But that would be the sensible thing to do wouldn't it. There is a program in Victoria that teaches children (Kindy and primary) how to interact with dogs kindly and safely. The people that go to the schools have been trained extensively with the program and their dogs have passed temperament tests.
  19. That does make things a little easier then - if he's on main register and was intended to be shown, then I can't imagine your breeders having any issues. So now it's a case of getting him transferred into your name, becoming a member of DogsNSW and then entering some shows once he is 3 months. When you become a member, I assume you will receive a "dog news" which lists all shows coming up. There are show handling classes in NSW hopefully someone can give you the details, and no doubt they will help you with choosing and entering the shows, as well as explaining how it all works. Back to your original question, the importance of conformation, and more so, the breed standard for conformation, is to ensure that the breed continues to have the characteristics and the "look" that the standard had in mind when it was written. Breeds are always changing and developing, but they will always generally look like the breed in its original form, and this is what we strive for, by improving but also maintaining our breeds close to their original standard. It is important to familiarise yourself with the breed standard for your breed, learn as much as possible about what it all means, and then look at your own dog objectively to acknowledge what is and isn't correct (no dog is a perfect example of it's breed standard). You also must understand, that the breed standard is how the individual interprets it, which is why there are always varying opinions between breeders, and between judges.
  20. excuse my ignorance but what breed is Gus? (Dally?) Things can be difficult without help of your breeder... are they in the same state? If they are, and they show regularly, perhaps you can take Gus down there with you, tell them that you are interested in showing him and ask if they'd be willing to show you the ropes. I'm guessing, given they plan to use him in the future, he is already on Main register. If they sent you his papers, it will have his pedigree on the front, with his pedigree name, and a section on the back for you to fill out your details and the breeder shoudl have pre-signed it so that you can send it off to DogsNSW. If you want to show him, then you will need to pay the fee to transfer him as well as fill out a DogsNSW membership form if you are not already a member. Send both forms off together so that when Gus is transferred over, his papers will have your membership name and number on there. youwill need this when you enter shows. Was there a specific reason why the breeder chose not to keep him? was it something to do with his structure or a fault she may have explained to you?
  21. best tip ever was from Deb when Lulu was having trouble with her ears.. about 1.5ml of hydrogen peroxide (3%) although she did have drops as well.
  22. just searched on the Prefix search website and "Artemis" is registered to a Hungarian Viszla kennel, which means it wouldn't be able to be in your pedigree name (you cant have other prefixes in the pedigree name). In saying that it still could have been "Gift of Arte" but you will never get Artemis through.It's entirely possible the breeder misunderstood when registering, and in their haste just picked *prefix* Arte Was it their first litter?
  23. Talien on the back of your papers in a section where you need to fill out your name and details, and the breeder needs to sign and date. You send that off with your fee to change into your name (call your state body in order to change it) I suggest before you do that you speak to the breeder about having it changed.
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