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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. TSD Troy did take our suggestion on board and changed the points from 50 to 100 for FT and RT Ch in line with the Tracking Champion. I think that this is a step in the right direction - yes the other retrieving and field titles are rediculously difficult to achieve and may be worth more to us, however I think for now it is at least a more even playing field for "champion" title points. i do think, though, that for the all the titles, including conformation, the "champion" award points should be the same, regardless of how hard it is to gain certain titles over others. They all carry the title of champion and they all enable a dual champ/triple champ if achieving more than one. All champion titles should be worth either 50 or 100 points, and all grands, if offered, worth 100 or more. ETA: this if in regards to the "breeder of the year" points being awarded.
  2. I came to this thread hoping for a decent conversation about the term "breeding to better the breed", I didn't come in to find a thread about breeder bashing... what a shame...
  3. I hope RV doesn't mind but I have to add this photo as well - because i still don't know how Millie managed to hover the ball outside of her mouth like that
  4. Can't answer your question, but if you PM Troy, he will admit you to the breeders section if you are a registered working registered breeder. The requirements to participate are in the breeders section.
  5. Fantastic!!! Well done to all involved and of course to Hagen!
  6. I hope everything works out ok... poor girl
  7. great pics Emery! We saw a couple of lovely rotts today at our meet - one was a baby with a docked tail - wondering if it came from NZ.
  8. Was a really fantastic meet - all the dogs got along so well. Apologies for any feet/legs etc that Lulu stepped on or crashed into - she is a typical wei puppy and hasn't got full control of those long limbs!! Dxenion was lovely to meet you. What a lovely boy you have also. It's the first time I've interacted with a WSS and I was not disappointed!! RS will be interesting when Lulu loses her puppy passport, how Millie reacts to theft ncarter it was great to see you again and I hope you do bring down your girl next time. ChristineX Duke did so amazingly well - I'm sorry Lulu made him a little nervous! MG was so nice to finally meet Gibbs! Lulu was very excited she had a dog she could outrun, since she can never catch Zora. Now Gibbs just needs to learn the element of surprise like Lulu did, so that he can catch her!! Looking forward to the next one!
  9. Lovely photos CC - RV and I were discussing that the few photos you took at the end would be fabulous and they are!! Dxenion love that photo and the other dogs took advantage of that hole after you left!!
  10. Agree with others - I'd let the breeder decide if there are two, even then there is never a guarantee that it is the right choice!!
  11. What a shame Lulu returned the dummy holding onto it's "feet"!!! They had a great time, and RS, I think that we may have found a good "training area" for the odd occasion... the river is great with some good entry points.
  12. well done TSD sounds like you had a very successful afternoon! Can I ask where did you get your cap gun from? I can't find any?
  13. I also like to hear about Whippets. I think they are adorable and I think I would love to own one, one day, perhaps when i can't handle the exhuberance of a gundog any longer!!
  14. damn you RV, now I'm trawling through the Cabelas website...
  15. I keep a lunge lead in my car and RV made me a massive long line but possibly too long and may get caught around the other dogs. I also keep a pair of gloves in my car to prevent rope burn!! given they live in my car you can have a look at them to use RS if you need to.
  16. RS I think Lulu's is Parfait too ;) but whenI went to look they didn't have Parfait... I'm just guessing it is... it seemed the closest to pink i could get at the time.
  17. As said before, the iSqueak is probably the biggest hit amongst the weims... the fluffy toys are best for the setters. Lock laces well they are excellent - definitely worth it. the rug I bought for showing is fantastic,can't wait to try it out I love the british style slip lead and I am excited i could get it in Lulu's theme colour - pink
  18. Much to Lulu's disgust Zora outruns her all the time - however Lulu has developed the element of surprise with Zora and likes to pounce on her when her back is turned or her attention is elsewhere!! Dxenion unless people bring food and other things you won't have to stay at the pergola, and even if we do bring food, perhaps if there are enough of us we can all take it in turns to babysit the gear.
  19. Bugger AP I was really hoping it was going to survive - James is a terrible destructo monster when it comes to soft toys and killing the squeakers within!! Still the only get the toys when I'm home and they are taken away when they start to get carried away!! my poor dogs are so deprived!!
  20. Well I finally got home and gave the dogs their toys... they each had a toy but of course they ended up wanting each others toys. The one toy that was a huge hit is the medium iSqueak... I've never seen Ari so obsessed with a toy before! She doesn't even squeak it, she just wanders around the house holding it (she has the softest mouth!). The other toy that was a hit was the Pogo Plush Frizzle, it seems quite tough although why they insist on putting a label on the seam of dog toys I can't quite understand - the dogs go for it Every time!!! I expected the travel bed to be a bit thicker, but it's still a suitable travel bed - i'll probably use it for shows
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