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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. IMO you still need to do a bit of training aussielover... basic obedience and heelwork familiarisation with retrieving an item sent from a thrower familarisation with holding a dummy, and possibly a bird! waiting until you send out your dog for the retrieve returning the item to hand the possiblity of retrieving from water
  2. overreact Mirawee - I would do that too. i hope that all is ok.
  3. TSD it sounds like your first weekend trialling was fantastic, and that Em worked hard and did very well. Looking forward to hearing about your next adventure!!
  4. YAY Mirawee!! Lulu also had a pretty good weekend. She took out a 9 point BOB out of puppy class on Friday night, then BCC and RUBOB on Saturday night. JT, who only showed on Saturday, won RDCC and pushed hard for RUBOB against Lulu.
  5. It was absolutely freezing at k9 last night!! we all sat around freezing our butts off to watch the final. Was lovely to see the puppies strutting their stuff. Lulu did beautifully well, and I am so proud of her because we were there - a lovely Goldy won Junior puppy in the gundogs :) Ptolomy's boy also did very well for RV, although his stand for exam training definitely worked - his feet were glued when the judge tried to lift them!! HUGE :cheer: :cheer: to Mirawee and Anikka and her owner... they should all be very proud, it was a big line up of lovely working dogs. Such a massive weekend of shows, it's going to be a while before I do anything like that again - I seriously need this morning.
  6. Happened to James once - he was very distressed about it when it happened, but it came good the next day.
  7. ncarter I went to Kwinana yesterday morning. It was good - a lot busier than normal though, with lots of people looking as though they were setting up for a full day I didn't stay for long - got there at 7am and was gone by 8am. We didn't get any rain last night at all, but I did drive through it as I was coming from Ashby when the storm hit. Unu I also agree with Paw Prints pet training is good - i didn't do the puppy class but I've been to a few workshops and it's very good information.
  8. LOL lucky you RV! Our aircon has been going non-stop since yesterday I feel bad for it!! So jealous of the kids next door having a good ol' time in their swimming pool!!
  9. I always put my hair in at least a ponytail... i can't imagine showing and running around - my hair is quite long and gets in the way at the best of times!
  10. Gosh allerzeit I'd never pick her as a baby from those photos! except for maybe her puppy neck :) Good luck in Minor!!
  11. fingers crossed one will come up when they are finally checked :)
  12. Katie what a sweet little angel face she has Love the big grin in the first pic!
  13. Sorry RS!!! I guess at the time they weren't that bad. Reminds me so much of my chicken treat days!! I had a bunch of friends that were obsessed with Hanson around the same time, so MB20 was much cooler!! I left the aircon on for the dogs today... I'm not looking forward to the electricity bill!! gosh i wish I had a pool!!
  14. agree with cfs. I have had two dogs do this to me before my most recent pup going through the training... i trained completely differently this time. Everything was done with a clicker and reward based training. I also did this with her mother (Ari) when she started playing up in minor - I clicker trained her to walk into her front then I would stack the rear. The thing I did wrong with Ari, though, is that when things were going wrong in the ring at that point (leaning, fidgeting), I kept training to 'fix' it... it made her bored and me frustrated, until I introduced the clicker. Always training for the perfect stack meant I had to change it up often to keep her interested. My advice, if you are going to train it, do one or two, don't overdo it, and keep it fun.
  15. I occasionally wear makeup but I also wear glasses... the other day it was weird humid/hot and I was just about to run back into the ring - my glasses fogged up!! I'm just glad I didn't wear makeup because my face was rather moist!
  16. Just quickly back to the Commercial radio thing - totally agree RS, about the people... the women sound like skanks or act so stupid you want to reach in and slap them.. in general they tell stories that everyone knows probably didn't happen, and their interview skills are shocking... yep, I don't think they hear themselves, or they just have no shame!! LR, remember last year when John S hosted breakfast? I really did want to stab out my ear drums... he just drives me insane... the only other person that annoys me that much is Paul V, who they also put on the breakfast slot last year... he really needs to stop trying to be funny and just do the radio thing... RS, to make you feel better, and I'm a little bit embarrassed for admitting this, but I saw MB20 about 12 years ago!! MG no worries about the beach thing :) I hope you have a good time with your new plans!! I'm likely heading down around 7.30 regardless of whether I meet up with JT's owners or not... Ptolomy isn't it amazing when their instinct takes over? Tracking really is amazing to watch. I'm hoping to at least get to some training days this year and I think it's possible I might be able to attend the tracking day now it's on the 5th :)
  17. sorry RS I posted after you said you didn't like Commercial stations ;) I love when stations play old school stuff... not enough of that. I'm a mad 60s/70s music lover and 94.5 used to play a lot of that, and now it's mostly 80s/90s and more recent stuff. I also remember when Nova first started out they used to play a bit of 90s stuff but that soon stopped. RS what time are you getting to the beach on Thursday? (it was thursday you and MG were going right?). Anyway, i'm going probably fairly early morning - around 7am, with Lulu and meeting up with JT's owner as I am taking JT for about 10 days while they are in NZ. If you can drag yourselves out of bed that early I might see you down there!
  18. I think of you AP everytime I hear Skrillex ;) RS, your opinion is that Triple J sux... My opinion is that the commercial radio sux balls, because in between the absolute crap they play, occasionally they'll catch onto a semi decent song that Triple J was playing 12 months ago, play the absolute shit out of it and ruin it for everyone. of course, JJJ does have it's downsides... *cough* John Saffran *cough*
  19. Apart from the possible BBQ with OH family, my australia day will consist of early morning beach visit (very), and hanging around in the aircon at home listening to the Hottest 100... nothing else will do!! it's the shows for the rest of the weekend which I'm hoping will not be too awful...
  20. Given you are submitting so many, perhaps you should ask them for an explanation for a few - why they were rejected!!
  21. Sorry Piper I didnt check I just looked for words
  22. What size are they? if it is AAE they go on weight. $700 does seem quite high to me... are you sending them up by themselves or travelling with you? it should cost less particularly if they are travelling with you. I paid $1100 return for 1 Weimaraner bitch (approx 28kg) from Perth to Canberra last year, unnaccompanied. before that, I paid approx $360 return from Perth-Adelaide-Perth for same dog, but I was travelling with her. ETA: by "with you" i mean same flight
  23. hey Jetshroom my ES pick favourites more than my Weims do. The ES are my dogs, the Weims are our dogs :laugh:
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