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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. Page 2! hope everyone is having a good weekend!
  2. You've had such an awful time Mantis Sorry for your loss of your dog also I have gundogs, and love many breeds of dogs, but one breed I adore is the Lowchen. Beautiful little dogs.
  3. What lovely, photogenic babies!!
  4. I'd stand between the person and my dog, throw whatever they wanted from me at them, and run. Nothing is more important to me than the safety of my dog, and I wouldn't put them in the situation where they'd have to react. I don't know what my dogs would do, honestly. My younger setter (6) would probably be the most likely to ark up at a stranger, but he'd be the least effective because he has a very gentle look. The weims would probably be more of a deterrent based on looks, but neither of them would do anything i don't think. My old boy (9) would probably go up to them wagging.
  5. MishB I have to pick a dog up at 8am so I'll likely be there around 8.30am. I like to be there from the start to watch/support friends :) I recall that they would try their hardest to have it outside but given the weather today it might be too wet to show on the grass so my guess is undercover. RallyValley usually gets there pretty early to ensure she's settled before the show starts, so make sure you look for her or wait around for her and set up with us. Look forward to meeting you tomorrow :)
  6. I prefer males... but I wouldn't trade my girls for anything in the world.
  7. That sux RS! is that because of previous issues before insurance regarding bee stings?
  8. have you looked at any of the slightly smaller breeds still considered medium-large? Doberman, Weimaraners and GSPs are all quite good watchdogs. These breeds are also quite good to train although energy wise they probably are higher than any of your giant breeds. As far as I am aware they aren't "drooly" breeds although my weims do dribble when there is food around.
  9. oh come on, you know working ES are better workers, AND they have spots? perfect for you, really ;)
  10. what a beautiful cat CC - I'm very sorry to read this
  11. Lovely video of some stalking behaviour!
  12. Not to anybodies knowledge. Supposedly only 2 in the country and they are residents of W A. One of these is being shown in NSW at the moment. There is 3 now :) but yes two are in WA and the other is being campaigned in NSW.
  13. Orange Belton or Blue Belton (or tricolour) Poppy's mum :) nice choice of breed!
  14. I just went on it then and it looked exactly the same... so clicked on your link and it's all spanky and new!!
  15. I have my dream breed... English Setter But if i had to choose other breeds besides what i have, i'd choose a Slovakian Rough Haired Pointer and a Bracco Italiano.
  16. MishB your other question was answered well by Emery, but just to answer your other question, you dont have to send a SSAE unless it's stated, in WA. Most of the shows you just pick up your numbers before the show starts.
  17. if you want it to be what suits you best and least, maybe you should change the name of the thread? Dogs that suit me most in different ways - English Setter - friendly, gentle, calm. Weimaraner because they are active, loving and while a lot of dog I feel they suit me. Dogs breeds that suit me least I'd say would be the terriers - too much dog for me I'd say, for most of them, although i admire many of the terrier breeds for looks.
  18. Irish Water Spaniel is a good alternative. They are a spaniel and should be a friendly, outgoing breed. Ask your friend if they are aware that all the non-shedding breeds need regular grooming/clipping a cost that they wouldn't have to incur with some of the shorter coated breeds. I agree with many - let a poodle coat grow out a bit and I bet many would mistake them for an oodle with a REALLY good coat LOL. get friend to show husband some regular clipped poodles and he may just change his mind.
  19. That's awful - so very sorry for you hesa
  20. Excellent news the rules for spaniel and retriever trials are here if you are interested at the bottom under retrieving and field... from what I can gather, the dogs work in a brace, must locate birds & flush them and then remain steady after a shot, then retrieve the game. The demonstration will be very interesting to watch! May I suggest you also contact the retrieving club of WA I am sure that they would have many members both with spaniels and retrievers who would be interested in attending.
  21. woo hoo congratulations on the news MG that is fantastic :)
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