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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. Sentinal inhibits the fleas on the dog from breeding but does not kill the fleas onthe dog... if you don't have a big problem with fleas on the dog, you could get away with no frontline... I use sentinal and have no problems but i like to have frontline on hand just in case...
  2. Have a look at the breed standard. A pure breed maltese will usually grow to between those two standards and weights will also help... Also a lot of the time the coats will have examples of breeds that the coat will fit (on the packaging) - read up on breeds that are similar size to yours and then you can recognise the breeds that are similar to your dogs size when it is an adult. i would imagine your pup wouldn't have a lot more growing to do. http://www.ankc.org.au/home/breeds_details.asp?bid=19 <----- breed standard for the Maltese...
  3. Generally i am careful with chicken legs (drumsticks) as they are weightbearing bones and i worry it could split I tend to go for frames (possibly a bit big for Odette, unless you want her to be there all day), wings or necks... Turkey necks are a great alternative also, as they are much bigger so take longer for the larger dog
  4. Sandgrubber, can you tell me what the main ingredients are? do they have different varieties or is it just one flavour?
  5. Gees maybe she just got her facts wrong... at least she is against puppies from petshops...
  6. not sure if you do, but i get my kangaroo tails from better pets and gardens... of course i am in WA and i don't even know if you have one of those in Vic!! Best of luck. :rolleyes:
  7. Palane! Have you been holding out on us?? (i probably just missed the announcement!) Nakia is gorgeous!!!!
  8. He is doing very well on just joint guard - he gets stiff maybe once a month but he is a very active dog and his problems have not slowed him down at all. I know when he is feeling sore as he gets sooky and doesn't want to go outside to play.
  9. My boy was on Cartrophen injections - I stopped due to his needle phobia... as i was doing them at home with the vets permission (had previous and successful experience), there was no way i could handle the tantrums that ensued after getting the needle out... i was constantly worried that the needle would snap. sorry no solutions here just the experience of a dog with a needle phobia.
  10. OA, i would send a PM to centitout she may have some information about this (even though she is in a different state).
  11. StaceyB, i know exactly what you are going through... my OH is the same and I get frustrated also... With my now 19mo, well, he went through an incredibly destructive stage... we went through 3-4 hoses, clothes got pulled off the line, and we had our reticulation dug up. OH thought that there was something wrong with him. I tended to just persevere and reiterated that he was going through his "teens' and htat he would grow out of it... a few months on and he did, and OH likes the fact that he is calm and gentle without being fearful. Sometimes, with some OH's, if they just don't get it, IGNORE them complaining, tell them when they are in the wrong, and then prove you are right by showing how your techniques work better...
  12. Polaramine has worked best for James on his itchy days... but this has cleared up now we have found the cause for his itchies... i like to have both phenergan and polaramine on hand as james has had a few reactions to bites before...
  13. Hi Wendy... I am really sorry for you and Andy... I hope that you can ease his skin... just remember not to just give up... make sure you check the ingredients on the bag of kibble you feed... many may not use chicken but still use poultry bi-products... this can be just as harmful... My dog is allergic to chicken and in small amounts, his only reaction is skin pustules... if this is not caught quickly, it turns into infection and spreads and is very difficult to treat without antibiotics. if he has chicken in large amounts, it goes right through him and again, shows up on the skin as well. You say you don't have fleas on your dog? fair enough however he *could* have a flea allergy - all it takes is one bite from one flea and a scratch and an infection can spread... If you think there is something biting him, what do you think it is? if it is an insect of some sort i would be attempting to isolate your dog, or get rid of the insect... try some antihistamine tablets... if you are worried about the pred, get him on milk thistle tablets...
  14. yep, already!! Time flies!! Hopefully she will be like Jaeger and stay looking puppyish!! Her eyes have changed colour, but they are still that beautiful green - closer to blue than amber at this stage - i hope they stay that way!!
  15. everyone's puppies are so cute!! here is Ariane at around 8-9 weeks and then again at nearly 16 weeks... she is now 19 weeks but i haven't any pics!!
  16. I take the weim baby out for 10 minutes, at the most... at least once a day but sometimes twice... 5 minutes of that is off lead on grass where we practise recalls etc. She is a very active pup, and without at least one walk, she has a second wind at 11pm which not only tires me out, but exhausts all the already settled dogs too... I have no problem walking a young pup, but short walks only! It is annoying to see a new large breed puppy in the neighbourhood being taken daily for long walks, or running after the kids on bikes etc... those owners are sometimes the same type that walk the dog until the novelty wears off that they are no longer cute and cuddly and not worth showing off, and they just stay in the back yard...
  17. I use this too - it improved my boy in leaps and bounds... (literally LOL) I use the powdered form... 1/4 tsp twice a day for a 26kg dog...
  18. Spartan is allergic to Chicken.... which to him is now the yummiest and most precious thing in the world!! We have to watch him like a hawk... James is allergic to Bees... one sting as a baby resulted in swelling... most recent one resulted in anaphalactic (sp?) and a very rushed trip to the vet...
  19. So sorry to hear about your little Fairy Pomquest... thinking of you...
  20. Whippetlove she is beautiful!! Look at that fat little tummy!! I love her white mask and how it is so obviously cut off like she is wearing a jacket with a hood!!! Good luck don't forget to post more photos when you get her!!
  21. Yes this is a sign that she is challenging you and you want to put a stop to that... a dog of her age would be pushing the boundaries which is why she is trying things she may have previously not tried... there are a few approaches to this behaviour... depending on the situation, I would tend to ignore it, although it depends on what your training methods are and also how intense this behaviour gets... Bottom line though, do NOT give in to what she wants...
  22. Well everyones babies are just so cute - i can finally share mine... Name: Ariane (Ari for short) Sex: Female Age: 11 Weeks on Wednesday Colour: Silver Grey Breed: Weimaraner Hobbies: biting and chewing on as much as possible Loves: James - her "nanny" and playmate!! Hates: Baths, and staying still for photos!! here is a couple of pics
  23. Pix I am so sorry... sorry it is so delayed but I had to say it... :cool: RIP little Kaeleigh.
  24. Eldoop i sympathise with you! Speaking from my personal experiences only, I have found bitches easier to train than dogs... my youngest boy would have to have been the worst and we went weeks where we would be doing everything "right" but he would still go so we started getting very serious - taking him out as often as he was going (if he went every 20 mins we would take him every 15)... one day he just clicked and he has been fantastic ever since. The only thing i find easier with boys is that it doesn't seem to take as much convincing that they need to go!! It will get easier - hang in there!! You seem to be doing an excellent job so far - consistency is the key... it will click!!!
  25. Ahhh don't you just love it?!! There is no way to know how long it will last... just remember to remain calm, firm and consistent throughout and do NOT give into anything as that is the cue they are waiting for... they will most certainly keep trying. Hang in there!!!!!!!
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