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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. Well done Warley and SwaY and Allerzeit and everyone else helping! This website is great! Pointer Tintooki English Setter Bridgewood Tarquin Renset (Also Irish Setters) Aldersett Nundialla Talshae Piarki Trishael (also American Cocker and Irish Setter) Auldana Whidaura Glengordon Carlyra Rickaby Montiverdi Sherwyn Temeraire Tybyrn Quailsett
  2. Weimaraner Bromhund Greywei Ykarumba Weijarra Gunclip English Setter Ambershah
  3. Allerzeit and SwaY - Well done! The new search function is awesome.
  4. i have one of those rubber things too - best thing i ever bought for getting rid of dog hair!!
  5. I think Rockingham have a dog club but i could be wrong ... and in any case it might be further away...
  6. All go to Bowen therapy, but originally started out at Chiros - Spartan was checked due to an indication of an injury at about 5yo. James was taken at about 7months due to what we thought was an injury. He is now done regularly as a result. Ari was about 9mo and taken because she is incredibly high energy and rams into things constantly, jumps etc. I take her to Bowen therapy and she hasn't been to a Chiro.
  7. Poor little Jimmy RIP WHY send the pup home a SECOND time on a drip when clearly in need of monitoring in a calm, controlled environment
  8. to me it sounds as if he might be having a mild reaction to some of the grasses/flowers around at the moment... a lot of allergy sufferers get it seasonally. My boy was always at his worst in Autumn and the beginning of spring. depending on what he is having a reaction to, this might be the only time of year you will see him itch.
  9. I too noticed a major difference when my boy was started on this. I get mine from the health food shop - i ge the tablet for at the moment because the boy doesn't eat the powder cos he only likes dry biscuit and won't lick the bowl!!
  10. I much prefer handheld or a hose because you can direct the air...
  11. toy aussie mom, please don't be discouraged... there is so much info on this site and there are lots of friendly people. This is a purebreed forum and as such, some are rather protective of their breeds, but it doesn't mean that we chase off anyone with a Crossbreed or unrecognised dog. First and foremost, we are doglovers. Anyway, hopefully you will come back
  12. I wouldn't leave food down for honey - feed her at set times and if she doesnt eat it all within say, 15 minutes, pick up her bowl. No fuss, no worries. She will soon learn that if she doesnt eat she has to wait. Watch Honey carefully with necks/wings etc. good thing if she doesn't wolf them down, but I don't ever give mine bones if they are to be left unattended. Good on you for a job well done remember, consistency is the key, and Nothing in Life is Free!! (for honey) Best of luck tonight. Would love to see some pics of Honey.
  13. I am so sorry to hear about Brodie, but another good news story here I have a friend who has a Cav diagnosed with a murmer... she is now nearly 13 and still going strong. Fingers crossed for your little man.
  14. get tough on them and let them know that their behaviour will not be tolerated. I agree with settrlvr bribing them is not allowing them to learn what is acceptable.. in fact it is almost like they will learn that hte more they play up, the quicker they will get the "treat"...
  15. would love to know where you get the camel from our elimination diet choice was fish and potato.
  16. I use polaramine - works great and just one tab for him (28kg dog)
  17. It's interesting regarding the anal gland issue... My boy also had this issue and I am not sure whether it was related to his food allergy or something else... Derm vets are worth their weight in gold... good luck at your appointment and let us know how you go.
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