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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. It's all experience. i always worry about my girls flying too... you just hope that if they do get scared they recover pretty quickly from it. make sure you get pics/vids!
  2. AP well done on the weekend and good luck for the nationals!! you must be excited :)
  3. Ptolomy and RS, Love the pics... what cute little butterballs you have, and SO hairy!! they are all very cute, I like blondie too, though, when I saw her stacked pic :) Emery congrats on your weekend and well done on your handling to placings! My weekend was good... I think I overdid it a little bit though... tracking on Saturday with Ari, dinner Saturday night, then headed to RV's house, then up at 4am the following day to take Lulu and Zora to a field trial. We didn't enter, we just watched what happened. WGAA is a different organisation and do tehir own field trials, This one was mostly pointers and setters, with some interstate entries as well! We watched a lovely pointer go through to win... then they were kind enough to allow Lulu and Zora to have a go retrieving a fresh quail. Zora enjoyed it although was a bit miffed with the feathers. Lulu didn't notice the feathers as she was too keen - no teeth marks but she did nearly swallow part of the wing while I was trying to take it from her mouth! they also had a turn doing some training - but the field we went to had few birds and the wind had dropped, so we worked on ranging and quartering, mostly. was a GREAT day!
  4. setters don't get coats, and neither do my short coated weims. they deal with it by snuggling, but I think i'll get getting coats for the weims this year.
  5. The way birds always make their way into the gundog ring at the most inappropriate time!
  6. i used to ask myself the same when I got number one setter with food and atopic allergies and number two with hip dysplasia. i am so lucky that dog number 3 is healthy as a dog can be and number 4 is following the same path, but the reason I got number 3 Weimaraner was because I couldn't face getting another setter with problems.. My mum used to tell me that I was meant to get spartan, because if someone else had him, he wouldn't have lived a happy life. His allergies were so bad if someone had him that couldn't be bothered, they would have probably had him PTS or let him endure the hell alone.
  7. English Setters - English... Done Weimaraners - German... Nup
  8. Agree with Darkrai... I'd skip it. Given you haven't got any of her previous history, it makes it hard to know exactly what goes on during her seasons. Either see a repro specialist or wait until next time to see if she has a "normal" one - and, if necessary, prog test her..
  9. TSD thanks for posting your runs in detail - it's really interesting to read! it seems quite a few people delight in picking on your choice of retriever!! :laugh: but lovely to read that she held her own and took out a 1st place!
  10. thanks RosieFT. Yep it's my first. :) wow RS I didn't realise that is what Ruby went through last time with her reaction... how awful for her and for you!!
  11. nothing is worse than favourites mirawee!! (especially if it's not you :laugh:) hope your leave is safe and tell him where to stick it if not... ha ha
  12. how old is she? how often does she have a season prior to this?
  13. just gorgeous! definitely has the faceshape for hats :laugh:
  14. I did mine at 6 weeks (chipped) but I'm going to wait til 8 weeks next time, that way they can have their final check, vacc and chip at the same time. I got the papers fast tracked last time, and I'll do that again, i think... I held onto pups til 8.5 weeks (so it was the weekend) and they all left with their papers in hand.
  15. Ari was quite a mover... lots of back arching but it was a combination of sitting and standing... the more difficult ones she was standing. A few weeks after her litter was born I helped a friend with hers, and her bitch stayed in the same spot the whole time, lying down... she barely moved and did very little of anything!! it was quite a surprise compared to Ari's rather active whelping.
  16. it could be my muddled brain, but I don't get it :laugh: btw those who I'm friends with on FB please don't mention anything I'm not putting it up on there yet.
  17. he he :) sure I'll share... Expecting a skin bundle in December peeps!
  18. Obviously getting weight back on him is important, but also get your son to focus on why he is skinny. I'd say (particularly as it is a Weim) that the stress of the whole thing has caused him anxiety... ensure once he has moved, that the dog is kept quiet and allowed to slowly get used to his surroundings. Introduce things slowly and don't throw him into walks and other situations that may cause more stress. Even go as far as keeping him in the house and garden for a week, don't baby him and as others have said, feeding little and often.
  19. TSD - CONGRATULATIONS!! an awesome achievement you should be so proud!! RS, takes NOTHING away from Ruby's achievement!!! Well done to Ruby for finishing her trial!!
  20. I feel it is all based on situation, and whether it is best for the dog. For myself, I have only been in the situation once, and I rehomed her because she was my mums dog, my mum has moved overseas and while i originally intended to keep her on, but i could see she was unhappy in a multidog household where I could not give her the attention she needed, having come from a single dog home where she was the centre of attention. she went to a home with an existing weim of very similar temperament, with experienced owners that are able to meet her needs. For me, while I do enjoy showing, I have reached my maximum in dogs for the time being, and the "retired" dogs or ones that never made the showring will stay with me because they fit in the home well. I can leave showing for a few years while my dogs live out their lives, but I understand that not everyone can or wants to do this. There are other things that my dogs can keep doing when I feel they have no more to offer in the showring. I don't have anything against breeders rehoming to "pet homes", because often it's because they want their dogs to live out the remainder of their lives as the apple of someones eye, and it's how they do it, ensuring the person is right for the dog and understands the dogs needs. Pet owners, well, it really does depend on the situation, and again, how they go about it. It's easy to put owners in the same basket, especially if you hear some of their excuses for rehoming and the conditions the dog is currently in, but it's the responsible owners that rehome the right way, that you don't hear about.
  21. I have a 9.5yo, 6yo, 4.5yo and 1yo. They all had their turn of being the one that looks after the youngest... the two youngest play the most (they are also the same breed and mother daughter). The two oldest are lazy setters. They played rarely when the 6yo was a puppy... I think that the oldest was too much of an old man when I got the now 6yo. I have to say, by far the best "relationship" is between the two youngest, but I think it's more to do with breed and temperament.
  22. have an Oldfield for the OES and it's fantastic...
  23. RosieFT i hope you sort it all out soon with a vet or your current one. 1000 is rediculous... good feedback has been given about the vet in Canning Vale also - i have forgotten the name of it now but i think showdog and Amypie have been there.
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