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roxy's mum

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Everything posted by roxy's mum

  1. Lablover, do you know what class you will be teaching? Do you incorporate any drive training into your classes? Sorry for all the q's.........
  2. To the best of my knowledge..... yes. I thought it was the first Saturday of each month. Although they may let you join, depending on how busy they are. If not you can always come along for a look-see!!! Doggy, of couse.... hehe!! And also plenty of treats, and a treat bag. You want to keep your hands as empty as possible. I use an old bum-bag. If your joining up you'll also need your vet card to show up to date vaccinations. Also the basics, such as: your preferred choice of collar (check chain, flat collar, head halter), and also a strong lead. That should be it!!!
  3. Hey Bella, We attend Berwick and you can use a Halter, Check Chain, Flat Collar..... whatever you like. They do have someone there that will fit a Halti/Gentle Leader, and it is apparently cheaper than any shop. Good luck with it!!!!
  4. Hi Shoey, Just wondering what club you train at?
  5. Hi Guys, When you are referring to 'Rescue Remedy', do you mean the variety that you can purchase at the chemist for yourself, or do you need to get a specific doggie variety?
  6. Hi All, Thanks for the positive feedback. Miss Roxy is a Boxer Cross. She is full of beans and a beautiful girl. I will definately take those tips on board, and we can't wait till Saturday!!!!!
  7. We were at Obedience on Saturday and noticed they were starting beginners Agility. We have been looking into this for a while and decided to take the plunge and give it a go!!!! Well..... wasn't it fun!!! Roxy and I had a ball! The only problem we had was in relation to Roxy's flat collar. They prefer you use a flat collar, and this is something Rox is not used to. So we had a few issues with pulling, etc. We started off with the hurdles, which she wasn't too keen on.... and to start with I was jumping them with her. We then moved on to the tunnel. This was a comedy of errors from the start. She really didn't want to go in it to start with. The trainer held her at one end and I stood at the other end coaxing her through with treats etc, which she wasn't too keen on. One of the other trainers came over and asked if I would like to use some of her training treats. I said "ok" and she proceded to get pieces of sausage (home made, I might add!) out of her pocket. Roxy is obviously not stupid and now realised that this lovely lady had yummy sausage in her pockets.... so from this point there was no getting Roxy in to the tunnel. It was Roxy licking this lady to death and sooking to get sausage from her. It had the class in histerics!!!! And then the worst thing happened. As I was cleaning up 'doggy-doo', Roxy slipped her coller. I turned around to find that I was holding a lead with a collar attached to it..... but no dog. I looked over my shoulder to see Roxy bounding around. She wasn't running, she was frolicking almost!!! I yelled out to her immediately to come back to me, and she could obviously hear the distress in my voice as she came straight back. And then rolled over onto her back. I grabbed her and kissed her and cuddled her all I could, as I was so proud of her for coming straight back. The trainers then took this as a que to move onto the beam that the dogs walk over (apologies, I don't know the correct name). Roxy was a master at this..... I was a very proud mummy again!!! Anyway, can't wait till next week now..... we are now officially Agility-Addicts!!!
  8. IMO I feel the best foods (that we have fed) are: Innove EVO California Natural Eagle Pack Holistic
  9. Hi all, Just wondering where I can purchase an Easy-Walk Harness in Melbourne?
  10. I voted other..... we feed California Natural. BTW - Where can I buy Nutro in Melbourne?
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