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Everything posted by blackdiamond

  1. Hi Choker chains (check chains) which is the correct name because that is all they do if used correctly The idea is to check the dog into the correct position , not choke. Placed on a dog in the correct manner (hanging loose) will not harm the dog in any way until he has to be checked. A lot of top obedience traillers have used this method for many years with great results, However there are some obedience clubs that do frown on them ( they are not totally banned) and encourage newbies to try with a fitted collar or a halter If your club is one of these there is a solution that will keep everyone happy, there is a collar that is 1/2 fitted and 1/2 check ( sorry cant remember its correct name) but the effect of the chain noise and correction is as effiecent Hope this helps Amanda
  2. I too have found that frontline of late is not as effective as previous, so I switched to adantix, great product, fleas all gone in a short amount of time. Only problem now is that I am left with a dog that had a lovely soft coat to one that is coarse and brittle Working on that problem , any suggestions :D
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