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  1. I feed my dobermanns a raw diet. the differance it makes is unreal. i feed my boy on just advance biscuits for one week to see any diff and he coat became dull even in this short of time. Mine get a mixture of beef,roo,chicken mince all with blended veges added for their mince mix. the they get chicken wings, drumsticks,breast bones and necks,steaks,kidney,beef heart, lamb chops etc. Everything is raw. I also by human grade food where ever possible but it is expensive, cost me around 60-70 per week for 2 dobes. I used to work in herd health in dairies and saw what some down cows were like and what drugs were put into them so im very warying of pet food. You can go pet grade stuff but make sure you ask questions like what it actually is in it.If they cant answer or hesitate answering i wouldnt buy it. I do by my roo from a pet food place and it smells very fresh like any meat should and i know they wernt sick and thats why they have gone to pet food. You can by the chicken breatsbones,wings,necks etc form woolies as it is still cheap from them.
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