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Everything posted by dogbesotted

  1. potatoe, some orange sweet potato, pumpkin etc are fine.. just not grains. I am suspicious when a product just states: "starch" as an ingredient esp for premiun dog food that it another disguise for grains in one form or another. I think if the starch were potato it would be advertised loud and clear.
  2. Macrolone is cortisone and will makedly increase appetite and thirst as well as frequency of urination. Nasty stuff and to be avoided if possible. re the dry food. have a good look at the ingredients to make sure that grains are not included. remeber the ingredients are listed in order of their % of the food. Note starch is the first ingredient. Suspect grains but maybe potato. just checked and it includes starch ?????????ethoxyquin (a preservative), note: ethoxyquin is approved for human consumption in ONE application- to keep the colour in paprika..vastly different to forming a part of the every daily meal. check here:http://www.executec.com/nutra.htm http://www.holisticvetpetcare.com/ethoxyquin.htm A home prepared diet is not difficult to manage ( I have 12 big dogs all fed home prepared )
  3. my goodness..so many staffies have skin problems. What diet does your dog eat? Any supplements? ie Omega 3 and Omega 6, zinx, biotin, vitamins A, C E if a fatty acid deficiency is suspected 1 teaspoon per 10kg each day of safflower oil may help. Sardines also add essential fatty acids. Have you had allergy tests done? An oatmeal bath can help calm and sooth the skin. 1/2 - 1 cup oatmeal into a sock or stocking and squeeze into water. Soak dog for 10 mins. 3 drops lavender oil can also be added to the bath water. Rinse dog thoroughly in luke warm water and allow to dry. You may like to consdier a consultation with a reputable holistic vet for a full work up and prescription supplements.
  4. How frightening for both of you. Sending prayers that the surgery and recovery go well without any problems and your girl is back to her normal self quickly.
  5. what great news....lets hope the antibiotics do the job and Bess is fully recovered quickly.
  6. I'll add in my two penneth worth as well. Dr Barbara Fougere and Sue Hunt have been assisting in teh care of my dogs since 2002 when Lucinda was diagnosed with Mast Cell Tumour. I have been more than impressed. They work with my regualar vet too which is a great bonus. I am based in Queensland and have had no problems.
  7. Oh such horrid news for you. I know all to well the shock and emotional turmoil such a diagnosis brings. The something missing is that deep emotional belief that our dogs are going to be with us forever.. Do try not to panic ( I know that is next to impossible), wait for the biopsy results, consult with a veterinary oncologist. And remember that Bess is still with you. You now that the opportunity to really live each and every moment with her to the fullest. Also remember that the estimate of time is just that an estaimate based on averages. My girl Lucinda was dxd with Mast Cell Tumour Grade 3 in late August 2002. She was scheduled for a second surgery to try to get clean margins but within the three day wait her condition had deteriorated and surgery was cancelled and i was advised by the oncologist to take her home for a few days to say goodbye. Well that was over 3 years ago and Lucinda is still fiesty and still doing well. Lucinda is holistically treated now. I belong to two yahoo groups for people with dogs with cancer, there are several members whose dogs have been dxd with nasal cancer. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CanineCancer/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/endlesslove Sending you an Bess many positive thoughts as your travel this path together.
  8. Ah Katey, consider yourself hugged the other dogs give you a reason to keep getting up each day, the grief only becomes more bearable over time. In July I was so gratefull to have all my maremmas as after The Divine Miss Sophie and Beloved Jake crossed to The Bridge, I dont think I would have survivedotherwise. I still shed tears each day for them, but try to keep in mind that they live forever in my heart.
  9. maybe instead of kibble the dog could be fed a home prepared diet ( according to weightloss recipies) As kibble has a fairly high calorie content the amount of food always look pathetically small. The home prepared diet would "look" more and perhaps therefore fulfill the owners need to feed a lot of bulk to her dog.
  10. how terribly shocking and sad. For heavens sake dont beat yourself up..you were doing what was the comapssionate and responsible thing to do. The dogs could well have been hit and died a long and painfull death alone, the owners may never have known what happened. Cannot understand people who dont stop.....I alway slow down if I see dogs on the side of the road and have stopped for dogs that have been hit by others. Be kind to yourself.
  11. Phew, Bill you gave us all a scare. so happy you are home where you belong. Take care little fella.
  12. possible prostate issues. link: http://www.vetinfo.com/dmale.html
  13. I oredered them about 6 months ago. All my guys and gals thought they were great. But given that my 12 dogs weighbetween 35 - 55kg, the price is a bit prohibitive. But I do keep about 20kg in the freezer for emergencies.
  14. my heart breaks for you..This is indeed the high price paid for sharing our lives with these most wonderfull souls..but it is also the greatest gift we cangive them..release from earthly sufferings. I am rushing off now to light a candle in his honour.
  15. A candle will burn brightly tonight in honour of Nelson..handsome fellow. Soar with the eagles Nelson. Hugs to you Brigantia.
  16. I am so saddened to hear this. A candle will burn for tiny sweet Irial tonight. It is one of those unexpected occurrences that leap out at you from left field. Remember that she will always live in her own special place tucked deep in your heart. Blessings
  17. oops there..was not inferring that your vet was ripping you off..and to each their own. I was just saying what my vet believes.
  18. my vet is perfectly happy NOT i repeat NOT to do yearly boosters. In a long conversation I had with him he said that even three yearly vaccination is possibly still too frequent.
  19. what a sweet heart...our loss is heavens gain. I will light a candle for Angel tonight, to celebrate her life and mark her crossing. Hugs
  20. Busters mum, sweetie, If your dogs are vaccinated everything should be fine. Parvo is nasty..but can be beaten. Pm me if you need some financial assistance
  21. I would be inclined to think that it is stress..2 dogs are fine..three is apck and the dynamics start to change. If your foster is heading off tomorrow all will return to normal I would think
  22. he is possibly a little stressed in his new home. Have you checked his temp?
  23. so glad that Goerge spent his last year loved and cherished. A candle will burn tonight in his honour.
  24. a candle will burn brightly for your sweet Kandy tonight..to clelbrate her life and mark her crossing to The Bridge. My heart aches for you..I have just travelled that road as well
  25. with the deepest sadness and profound grief my beloevd jake was released from his suffering on Moday, a short 6 days after The Divine Miss Sophie. Jake arrived at my place Australia day weekend 2000. he has been a fighting dog for his first six years and I admit I was relectant to take him on...that is until I met him. Altho battle scared, thin and covered in wounds, this sweet soul gently approached me and placed his head on my lap and snuggled. Within a short time he was glowing with health and vitality. They say that when an APBT grabs you they donts let go..its true..they grab hold of your heart and dont let go. Jake shared my life for the past 5.5 years and has been not only a constant delight but a cheerful loving companion. At night, his warm body would snuggle up to me and he would snore gently. Should I move somehow he would follow. he adored people and was loved by all who met him. he taught me resilience and forgiveness and the importance of being willing to give a new way of life the opportunity to succeed. A mere three weeks ago he appeared healthy and well....then diagnosed with advanced dilated cardiomyopathy! All spiralled out of control and he became a fading shadow of himself and the enjpyment of life was gone. My home is now empty, no sound of paws on stairs and verandahs, no sounds of doggy breathing and gentle snores, no warm bodies snuggling up on the sofa, no barks from Miss Sophie in the middle of the night to entice jake to leap up to check what was going on..leaving a warmed spot for Miss Sophie to comandeer, no bright eyes watching my every move. To quote Vicki Hearne ( dog trainer in a poem she wrote: All my beautiful Dogs are Dying: " Littering the heavens,The new dogs Start to arise, but the sky must go Deeply dark before the stars emerge."" in an essay she also wrote: ""Until he died, he was immortal, and the death of an immortal is an event that changes the world."" How true, my world is forever changed.
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