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Everything posted by dogbesotted

  1. Glad to hear that he is back to his normal self... I will add that i would be reluctant to board and train any dog of mine. I much prefer to know what methods are actually used ( as opposed to preached). Altho perhaps a dog may need to learn acceptable behaviours many problems arise due to the owners thenlseves ( I include myself here as well). A good dog trianer not only helps train the dog but trains the owners to train their dogs -- a much more successful process.
  2. So pleased to hear Elka is home where she belongs and that it is only tendons. As well as physio, chiropractic adjustments are alos helpful...favouring a leg put strain on back and pelvic region and possible also affects the neck. I have a firend whose dog had a complete knee reconstruction a few years ago...and now he is back in the show ring and winning.
  3. Elka will be in my thoughts today..sending positive vibes for a really great outcome. try not to worry too much.
  4. here is link to treatments for itchy dogs ( non steroid) http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.p...99&S=1&EVetID=0
  5. Jodie, Poor Ollie...this is just one of those bumps in the road. Sending sweet Ollie ( gorgeous handsome fellow that he is...and oh so photogenic too) many healing and positive thoughts and prayers. Hang in there Hugs Helen
  6. and to remember that you are not actually a "dog" trainer rather you are training ppl to train their dogs
  7. personal experience. in 1998 my heart do Morris had his annual booster. within 1 week he was fighting for his life - immune mediated thrombocytopenia. Four blood transfusions and many dollars later he recovered. but remained on pred..which caused bladder stones which required major bladder surgery. he passed away nov 27 1999 from lymphoma- six week after diagnosis. suspect vaccine advers reaction. 1.http://www.britfeld.com/vaccination-adverse.htm ( article by Dr Jean Dodds) 2.http://www.mercola.com/2003/apr/2/dog_vaccines.htm
  8. the pups death etc must be reported to the APVMA. ( Australian Pesticides and veterinary medicines Authority ). It is viatal that such reactions be reported as otherwise nothing is officially recorded.
  9. dont ya just love dog talk...it is surely only on dog lists that "poo" can be discused in such detail and with such celebration not not be perverted. LOLs. glad to hear the poo fairy visited ed. spelling again
  10. You can put a few drops in his water bowl or rub a few drops onto his ears, or a few drops onto the gums or under the tongue.
  11. Way to go Ollie lad! So pleased to hear that all is going well. I always have the MCT doggies tucked in my heart. WBC in the normal range is terrific. It is normal for him to be tired, there is a battle going on in his body. In my experience they pick up quite a bit when they get back into balance. Lucinda certainly did. Altho now she does get tired more easily ( started to slow down two years after dx). She has another lump now that has started to grow...and I am keeping my fingers crossed that it is not another MCT. Have chosen to do nothing as Lucinda reacts very very badly to stress and surgery...and as there were no clean margins with the first tumour I feel there is little to gain stressing her even more. What a wonderful Christmas pressie....I keep taking heaps of pics of my guys...the more the better. Sending Ollie many healing tumour shrinking thoughts. Hugs to you both Helen
  12. re the thyroid, it is worthwhile getting not only T4 but T4 antibody tested as well. Books: I recommed The Other End of The Leash Patricia B. McConnell Healthy Dogs A Handbook of natural Therapies Dr Barbara Fougere How To Speak Dog - mastering the art of Dog-Human communication Stanley Coren Cheers Helen
  13. bloody hell Ricey! Hobbes sure gave you a scare and himself an experience i am sure he would rather have done without. So glad he is now 2kg lighter ( pity about the cost per kg tho) Give the lad a suitable greeting from me. God i miss having a bully breed around.
  14. ah Peibe, I am so sorry....they wriggle into your heart so quickly. Bless you for opening your heart and giving a good home and love when it was needed. I will light an candle for Pippa and Kira tonight. Loads of hugs
  15. Jodie, That sounds great. I am so glad the sitter seems to be and sensible and lovely person. Taking the temp is good for MCT patients as if histamines are rampaging there will be a temperature..we battled for 6 months to get Lucindas temp down to almost normal. For three months her temp was between 30 and 40 deg C. Now she is just a shade over normal.
  16. Phew! What a good boy Ollie is..give him a tummy rub from me. I also have an article on the various chemo drugs - if you would like it just let me know.
  17. Staffyluv, If you get lots of meds for Ollie ( Like I have for Lucinda) you may find he gets very good at sieving his food with his front teeth and popping the pills etc out "phut" all over the place. I now give all Lucindas meds hidden in chicken wings..make a slit in the top part and pop a pill in , then lower down and pop in another one. For a herbal mix I make a big pocket in the fleshy part of the wing and put the powder in there. Works well.
  18. I have been thinking about you both as well.....how are things going?
  19. the art of a good dog wash product I believe rests with a good thorough rinsing. No matter how excellent the product if not well rinsed afterwards your dogs coat and skin will suffer.
  20. simply says it all. Thankyou for the opportunity to read it
  21. Go Bondi!!!!!!!!!!! nothing quite as exciting a a good bowel movement after bowel problems. shout it from the hill tops. edited cos i am an idiot sometimes.
  22. Jodie, All fingers and paws crossed for Ollie. Keep positive. HUgs Helen
  23. My Grand Old Man, Casper was found dead in the sheep shelters this afternoon. he looked like he was asleep. Casper now proudly walks the tratturo of the transhumanza with his ancestors, we are left to ponder the wonder of his life, his vigilance, his gentleness with his flock and his humans. He was a perfect ambassador for his breed, trustworthy, fun loving, majestic. God Speed my boy..may the Gods smile upon you in the afterlife.
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