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Everything posted by dogbesotted

  1. The girl is well .....frisky and having a great time.
  2. Erny, you can only do what you feel comfortable doing ( and I do know how trite that sounds). You have gathered as much information as you can, spoken at length with specialists in the area, and now you are at the sharp end of the road: decision time. It so sften seesm to be be damned if you , do be damned if you dont. Changing your mind every 10 seconds or even more frequently. This is perfectly normal. No matter what you decide it will be right and you need to then go forward without looking back to the what ifs.... Thinking of you. Helen
  3. Jodie, The vet just needs to check Ollies feaces for blood ... Maybe speak with Sue about Slippery Elm which coats and soothes the GI tract. Nothing invasive at all. Lucinda had some bleeding which was easy to see as it was from the bowel...but any bleeding further up is harder to pick as it is not so noticible in the feaces.
  4. Another bugger! Jodie..have you checked to make sure Ollies GI tract is OK. MCTs often cause ulceration of the GI tract . sending heaps of postive thoughts Ollies way.
  5. for fungal problems you can make up a rinse of 1/2 organic apple cider vinegar and 1/2 tepid water : use to soak feet (if you need a douche for yeasty ears use 1/3 apple cider vinegar and 2/3 tepid water). You can use this rinse after shampooing and leave on and let dry. you can also give the applecider vinegar internally at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 5kg either in drinking water or added to food.
  6. oh Erny how much more do you and Kal have to go through? I can only imagine how worried you are about this latest development. I would be too. Try to keep in mind that although we frequently imagine the very worst equally if not more often there is a simple explanation. Hang in there...Kal is in all our thoughts and prayers. Loads of hugs to you both. Helen
  7. I would suspect that your dogs immune system needs boosting. I would completely change his diet ( do not include anything that he has been eating. and start on an elimination diet. smelly dogs are not healthy dogs . supplements that are good fro the skin: Antioxidant vitamins A, C, E and B complex ( esp biotin), a good multimineral supplement that includes zinc. a fatty acid supplement such as safflower or sunflower oil ( organic and cold pressed) as well as flax seed or salmon oil. Try bathing him in an oatmeal bath: take one good handful of oats and put into a sock or stocking. swish in the water until the water becomes milky. Use the milky water to soak your dog in. If you like you can add a couple of drops of lavender oil to the water. Rinse thoroughly with fresh tepid water. How much exercise does he get? and how much time in teh fresh air and sunshine? I would also recommend a consult with a reputable holistic vet.
  8. Gently grasp your dog's head using your non-dominant hand. If you are right-handed, use your left hand. Place your hand on top of the muzzle with your thumb on one side and your fingers on the other. Avoid holding the lower jaw, and do not hold it so tight that it is uncomfortable or the dog cannot swallow. You may need someone to help hold the front legs and chest of the dog to hold him/her still. Wrapping the dog in a towel or blanket is a good restraint technique. Once his head is held in place, raise his nose to point toward the ceiling and firmly squeeze in just behind the upper canine teeth. The mouth should then open. Use your other hand to administer the pill. Place the pill between your thumb and forefinger. Use your little finger, ring finger or middle finger to lower the jaw by applying pressure to the teeth between the lower canine teeth. After the mouth is fully open, place the pill as far back in the mouth as possible. Avoid placing your hand too far into your dog's mouth. You may stimulate the "gag reflex" and this will make the experience unpleasant and make future medication administration attempts more difficult. Close your dog's mouth and hold it closed. Gently and briefly rub your dog's nose or blow lightly on the nose. This should stimulate him to swallow. The quicker you perform this procedure, the more cooperative your dog will be. Always remember to praise your dog and offer a treat after receiving medication. This will help make future medicine times easier." I pop the pill in at the side of the mouth and push towards the back of the throat with my finger. With Jake- APBT - it was reasonably difficult to acrtually get his mouth open if he did not want to open it but we still managed.
  9. Yay! grrrrrrrrrrrreat going Ollie! from your Brisbane Valley Fan Club
  10. They leave such huge pawprints on our lives that they are forever loved and forever missed. remember that your sweet Holly is still only a heartbeat away.
  11. Ah! 3.5 years old. Far too young. I will light an candle in macks honour tonight. Fly free Mack
  12. God Speed Stewie! A candle is burning brightly in his honour. There are various places in which a dog may be buried. Beneath a cherry tree, or an apple tree, or any flowering shrub is an excellent place to bury a good dog. Beneath such trees, such shrubs, he slept in the drowsy summer, or gnawed at a favorite bone, or lifted his head to challenge some strange intruder. These are good places in life or death. Yet, it is a small matter. For if the dog be well remembered, if sometimes he leaps in through your dreams actual as in life, eyes kindling, laughing, begging, it matters not at all where the dog sleeps. On a hill where the wind is unrebuked and the trees are roaring, or beside a stream he knew in puppy hood, or somewhere in the flatness of a pastureland where most exhilarating cattle graze. It is all one to the dog, and all one to you, and nothing is gained and nothing is lost - if memory lives. But there is one best place to bury a dog. If you bury him in this spot he will come to you when you call, come to you over the grim, dim frontiers of death, and down the well-remembered path, and to your side again. An again you call a dozen living dogs to heel, they shall not growl at him nor resent his coming, for he belongs there. People may scoff at you who see no lightest blade of grass bent by his foot-fall, who hear no whimper, people who may never have had a dog. Smile at them - for you shall know something that is hidden from them, and that is well worth the knowing. The best place to bury a dog is in the heart of his master (or mistress). Author Unknown.
  13. Erny, Always remember that you and you alone are the one who ultimately can make the best decision for Kal. That decision will be based on knowledge, knowing your girl and above all love. whatever you decide will be the right decision for you and Kal. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs Helen
  14. Ox hearts are good in moderation, lamb hearts too! and not fatty.
  15. Allerzeit, I am so sorry that you and Stewie may be coming to the bend in the road..where he will journey on to the fine place where all good dogs enjoy perfect doggy peace and happiness. You have given him so much love and care! In some way those of us who get a warning of what is to come are lucky, we can do and say the things we want to do and say before it is too late. I know that with my guys who have crossed to The Bridge the two that hurt the most were those that were not in my arms for our final parting. I will light a special candle now for Stewie..praying for a miracle but if that is not to come for a gentle crossing. Hugs to you at this difficult time.
  16. mine used to catch their own..thats why I dont have ducks anymore. :rolleyes: Seriously though..duck meat is fattier so maybe trialling small quantities would be best.
  17. Hey Pampa that is such great news isnt it? Its been such a long journey to get to this point. When you finally get to Australia you may be able to journey a bit further up to Qld for a visit. LOL. Keep safe.
  18. Now that is the truth....she still thinks shes got it! A few months ago, when Keisha was still here the two of them had a dust up. I grabbed keisha by the tail and pulled her away and Lucinda obviously thought" Just hang on tight to the b***h and I'll finish her off. " I had a terrible time getting my husband to do anything but stand there looking shocked. Lucinda demands RESPECT! and in capitals too. LOL.
  19. All in all a good weekend ( but she did get into a fight!!!!!!! she is fine tho) Eating and resting...with a bit of play time in between. How is Ollie?
  21. yippeee! another round to Ollie dog! excellent. Give the lad some very special tummy rubs from me. Helen
  22. oh Erny..it keeps on and on doesnt it? Kal is on the receiving end of many prayers and many positive vibes. Hugs Helen
  23. Sounds like it is all coming together! Kal is constantly in my thoughts, along with Ollie and Pampas girl ( what is her name???????- remember I am over 50 LOL). Re the soupified food..why dont you take an example in for them to see.. Hugs to all Helen
  24. this is one of my favoruites... She is not too bad at the moment.
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