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Everything posted by dogbesotted

  1. Jodie.. i will have Ollie tucked into my heart and thoughts all day......sending prayers for a perfect outcome hugs Helen PS. what a lovely pic of the dear lad
  2. the thyroid is a busy little gland.. the hormones it manufactures - the thyroid hormones - are vital for the good functioning of the body in so many diverse ways.. skin, coat, healthy eyes and ears, good circulation, hypothyroid dogs often have high colesterol concentrations in their blood and fatty lipomas, they can have brittle fur, have greasy skin, a huge appetite and thirst, lethargy behaviopural changes, agressaion or snappyness and on and on it goes.... depending on what is causing the problem hypothyroid condition has different causes ie low T4 production straightforward treatment with a thyroid supplementtwice daily for life is an easy and cheap treatment, but if it is all caused by for example autoimmune thyroiditis the solutions can be more difficult, on the high end of the scale cushings disease also bring problems but that is another story. here is a link with a good overview: http://www.newmanveterinary.com/Hypothyroid.html also I should add that having had three dogs with a thyroid problem and known a dear friend who had a dog with cushings and being all too aware of the long period of time before they weretested I now jump up and down about it LOL. cheers H
  3. Tony is excellent.. i have been a client of his for many many years. Helen
  4. Poor old man. he really does need to loose weight.. that is no good for his heart, his kidneys or his arthritis. I also recommed a consult with the holistic vets mentioned.. ( I am a happy client fo theirs. they are wonderful and sensible.) complementary medicine can and does assist with quality of life and can slow down the progression of some disease.. but always keep both the regular vet and the holsitic vet updated on what is being administered etc. ( barbara and my vet would talk.) Making up his food allowance for the day first up and then using that for a few snak meals durting the day and treats is the best way to ensure that he is getting the right amount and qwuality of food. The I would also be looking at getting his thyroid levels tested..well worth it. All to often I have had a vet say that they did not think that poor thyroid levels were the problem when the tests came back there was indeed a problem. Altho he is a senior with health issues he is still capable of adjusting to change, loosing weight and beginning some gentle exercise. I also feel that all his meds need to be reevaluated to ensure that they are not combining o make a problem for him. Cheers Helen
  5. just adding that I have been taking all my dogs to Tony smith -- and in fact one ram who went lame the day before the toowoomba royal....... H
  6. I would also try a telephone consult with a reputable holistic vet. Maybe try some traumeel .. which a homeopathic product for tissue pian etc. Cheers H
  7. bless the money pit....... I have found also that the dogs with hypothyroid problems also seem to be more prone to lipomas... both Casper, Angelina and Joe have recurring lipomas. Hugs to my fave AMPBT ( australian money pit bull terrier ) H
  8. sending powerful positives vibes Ollies way... jodie are you sure that he does not read a dog veterinary handbook and is working his way thru HUgs H
  9. ok here I go again... recurrant ear infections and weight gain.. I would insist on having thyroid levels tested. My Casper had constant ear and eye infections and weight gain..... by the time his thyroid levels were tested he had almost none. It is well worth the effort and not just T4 and it is possible for there to be adequate levels of T4 and the body is unable to use it. seek out any thyroid articles by Dr Jean Dodds.. cheers Helen
  10. As others have said whenthe time is right she will let you know. I have had the task of helping several of my beloved companions to The Bridge it is never ever easy... but I have always known deep in my heart it was right. Take each day at a time and dont put any dates or time lines on anything. Let her enjoy her older years until she decides that it is time and lets you know Blessings H
  11. RIP Buzz.. my condolances. H
  12. cowanbree can you arrange a consult with a holistic vet... I have found that in many instances when complementary medicine is used as complementary medicine rather than as an alternative there can be some very good results. my usual vet and lucindas holistic vet work together for her benefit. I dont just pop into the local health shop for some suggestions of what to give lucinda it is prescribed. H peigirl.... re pumpkin poop..... all respond differently your poor boy ... H.
  13. well.. I would have dedicated gorgeous chef to prepare the BARF diet using only orgainc fruit, veggies and meat -- so I would also need a gardner and animal handlers LOLs H
  14. I would be adding pumpkin ( mashed) to his diet works wonders for bowel problems , then perhaps looks at a home prepared diet eliminating grains. Cheers H ps. slippery elm also has a soothing effect
  15. I would insist on thyroid test..T4 and antibodies at the very least. My Casper has that funny smell about him, his coat was coarse and sort of brittle, it would get very very greasy within a day of washing.. he has really awful eyes and ears.. all cleared up with thyroxine supplementation
  16. I am constantly astonished that these days it takes so long to dx hypothyroid condition.. it should be one of the elimination tests. My first thyroid dog was also treated with cortisone for 18 months before final dx. cortisone only makes the problem worse. Glad there is a simple explanation and a simple solution H
  17. ok here is a link to start reading .... http://www.marvistavet.com/html/body_alopecia_x.html I would be wanting blood tests etc.. but I applaud your vet for recommending a raw diet hope you get answers and solutions soonest H
  18. hmmmmmmmm! has there been any improvement at all? did you have any blood tests done esp thyroid ( full panel not just T4)? and lastly what are you feeding now? cheers H
  19. Ollie -- you trouper three years!!!!!! sure puts some perspective on the " one day at a time " delighted delighted/ hugs to the dear lad/ Hi Pampas.....glad to see tjat you are still around. Lucinda actually managed to terrify someone this week... he leaped the fence-- Lucinda looked quite stunned then turned and shashayed back under the house with all the grace of " humpf I still have IT after all these years"!!!! cheers Helen
  20. just a suggestion... there is a procedure for reporting suspected reactions to vaccinations and other medications.. the APVMA.... all reactions should be reported there and if your vet refuses do it yourself. If these occurrances are not reported how can we be sure that the vet meds are in effect safe... https://services.apvma.gov.au/AerpWebApp/ gald yr pup is recovering cheers H
  21. Phew! I do worry about that boy so i am delighted that all is heading in the right direction. Lucinda is doing well for an elderly lady LOL... was most put out the other day when the people collecting the sofa failed to be suitably terrified of her attempts to rush at them, with fangs bared.. it was a bit of a zig zag with bare gums... but the intent was there. the rest are fine.. poor Lucky had his first vet visit in years as he was on the receiving end of some transferred agression.. he managed very well with my bro Steve keeping him calm.. it is amazing how Steve has such a calming effect on them all.. I guess they sense that he is different or something hugs to both you and sweet Ollie Dog HG
  22. and how is my fav old fellow doing?????????? H
  23. oh no!!!!!!! poor Ollie. sending loads of best wishes to you alllove helen
  24. sorry that you and Harley are facing this. My girl lucinda was dxd with a different kind of cancer way back in late august 2002. I was advised by her oncologist to take her home for a few days to say goodbye... with help from a wonderful practise of holistiv vets and Lucindas local vet she celebrated her 11th Birthday last month.. so six years later my Lucy has become a rather elegant if a little doddery old lady. Lucinda has been treated holistically for the past 6 years. It has allowed her to have great quality of life. I dont know if you have contacted the caninebonecancer group at yahoo.. but a lot of support and experience is there for all who find themselves fighting this fight. here are some links to canine cancer support groups: http://www.caninecancerawareness.org/html/...portGroups.html Hugs Helen
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