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Everything posted by dogbesotted

  1. IDWT.. now that is sounding like a sensible and well thought out plan. Good luck for Thursday Helen
  2. IDWT the antihistamine comment was for just prior to surgery.. this was not done with Lucinda and she had a major antihistamine release and was very very ill for quite a while after wards. the antihistamine would have at least minimised the release. there is no need to start antihistamines now and I am sorry if i gave that impression.. it should be discussed with yourvet prior to surgery. L also was treates by All Natural Vets at Russell Lea... cheers helen
  3. mct articles: http://www.theveterinarian.com.au/clinical.../article638.asp http://www.vetmed.wsu.edu/deptsOncology/owners/mastCell.aspx http://www.marvistavet.com/html/body_mast_cell_tumors.html also speak with a reputable holistic vet for further complementary options hope this helps a bit more cheers H
  4. hmm yr description sounds very like one that Lucinda has had on her back now for 3 years.. my vet feel it ius possibly a hemangioma but we are leaving well alone as L does not copw with the stress of surgery etc .. as we did not get clean margins with her MCT there is little point in subjecting her to further trauma.. she has had a happy life for over 6 years post dx. I also think that a fine needle aspitare is not a bad idea. re speaking with vet do as much research as possible and go in armed to the back teeth.. write your questions down before hand so you do not get side tracked etc .. make notes of answers if you like, get copies of lab reports. cheers helen
  5. OMG I am not sure how i missed this..... I am sorry to hear this news.... Helen
  6. hang in there! check out info here: http://www.caninecancerawareness.org/ if you can ,try holistic support can be a goDsend. helen
  7. sending positive thoughts that the limp is just a lump and nothing more. the MCTs pump out histamines so if a MCT is suspected then Maxi should get dosed with antihistamine BEFORE surgery to prevent this. The canine Cancer awareness site is a good start for information run by somne very special people: http://www.caninecancerawareness.org/ Good Luck Helen and the Maremma crew in particular Lucinda who has been living with MCT grade 3 since 28 aug 2002
  8. have you had a full blood panel done.. including thyroid levels? ed to add: tests should be for Free T4, FreeT3, TSH ( maybe even TSH stim test) and T4 antibodies. cheers H
  9. thanks..... overwhelming vote against isnt it? I bow to experienced advice.. H
  10. ok thanks to you both for the info... have taken note and will keep belting the wings and necks with a hammer LOL I do get minced chicken with bone in but was intending to also mince up the wings and necks along with any beef or lamb that i can get my hands on. cheers helen
  11. Can anyone recommend a good heavy duty grinder/mincer suitable for chicken necks, wings, carcases etc? I have two dogs who need their meat and bones ground ( one with an oral tumour the other very old and frail) Cheers Helen
  12. oh poor wee man... praying he is home soon where he belongs H
  13. I second that..contact the health dept: Contact information Department of Human Services Public Health Branch Food Safety and Regulatory Activities Unit Address: GPO Box 4057 Melbourne 3001 Phone: 1300 364 352 Email: [email protected] cheers H
  14. hmm looks like a hot spot to me too... a question what breed is Chevy? some bully breeds have a zinc deficiency . I use curash powder on my maremmas at the first sign of a problem Good luck H
  15. lol.. the dear old fellow. age should have some priviledge and if he does not want to be photographed you will just need to be sneakier about it.... I am so delighted that he is doing so very well. Christmas greetings to you all from all of us. Love h.
  16. ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!! makes me happy too! made my day. helen
  17. oh I am so sorry to hear this. Remember the glorious memories that you both made during the 13 years you walked this life together, Maly will have her place in your heart forever RIP sweet Maly. I will light an candle in her honour tonight. Hugs Helen
  18. hmmm! worrying indeed. sending very positive energy your way and thinking hard Helen
  19. it all sounds so positive for the lad........ I am always delighted to hear that Ollie is doing well Hugs H
  20. oooh misery personified! how can you bear that soulful look. H
  21. HEHEHE! the things we do to amuse our friends can you try a little reiki over his op spot? It used to work wonders with oscar. both get comfy, you empty yopur mind of all but healing and slowly move your hand/hands over the general area. i used to "feel" a spot that felt different and i would stop there and let the energy flow. Often oscar would get up and bound away afterwards when he had been barely able to stagger before hand. It might me in my mind ( LOL) but it does seem to make a difference and certainly does no harm. still flooding the airways with healing energy for one of my fave gentlemen Hugs to you both Helen
  22. good effort.. loosing any weight will be good for the old fellow... re the liver problems on top of eveything els.. I would be consulting witha good holistic vet.. I feel he need a good work up and support for what recovery is possible ( my Lucinda gets st marys thistle for her liver ) cheers Helen
  23. psyllium husks already moistened was used for my dog oscar after bowel surgery.. worked well. If adding rice get either glutinous or medium grain and cook till sloppy.. and add. dont drian off the rice water let it just simmer away. It is also good to give the glutinous rice cooked in chicken broth. cheers H
  24. arrrggghhh! poor Ollie. Jodie when lucinda had bright blood in her bowel movements Barbara prescribed a homeopathic remedy that seemed to do the trick. Did not pop in yesterday a neighbour died suddenly ..... poor man . How is ollie today? feeling much better i hope.. and did you eventually get some sleep Hugs helen
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