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Everything posted by dogbesotted

  1. friends like that we could all do without. ignorant fools.. as the dog in question is obviously well cared for and loved and is not only coping but enjoying her life how dare these ignoramusus make such comments.. how hurtful and thoughtless... same sort of folks who say "its only a dog you can always get another "when your heart dog is dying.. sigh not a clue H edit spelling again!
  2. jeeze..what an idiot! if you pay the price it is no business of the butcher who eats the meat....stupid reason to put off customers. i had two very large dogs ( The divine miss Sophie ( wolfie x dane) and Morris - cross breed for lugging approx 65-70kgs of dodggy muscle LOL) they were both very partial to their wednesday night meal of lennards chicken in filo accompanied by lightly steamed snow peas -- note the lightly steamed not soggy.. whn OH rejected the offer of a special of apricot chicken in filo he accidently said it was because the dogs did not like them! the people nearly choked laughing.. bet they did not realise that the dogs in question were not little toys but great huge slobbering hounds .. H
  3. indeed RIP Matey. Dear Michelle, matey will be a part of you forever until you meet again... you are a different and better person for having journeyed along lifes path with Matey.. that is their great legacy to us. Hugs helen
  4. a well thought out and measured response. i agree wholeheartedly... i woul have replied in a more vitriolic way h
  5. as well as diet i wouyld be giving a liver detox supplement... st mary's thistle ( milk thistle) is excellent. http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/milk-thistle-000266.htm h
  6. cold comfort but at least it is something.. hope the sods arelocked away. H
  7. I have tried to feed my dogs well.. and they still seem to die before reaching a ripe old age.. i have recently taken in Hairy Beary (maremma aged 10.5. Hairy is spritley, races about like a youngster and has been fed on the cheapest of cheap dried dog food and cooked left over chicken bones his whole life!!!!!! go figure H
  8. just when you think you have heard it all.. somone sinks even lower into the cesspool of abhorrent behaviour. My heart aches for the familyt and thos epoor dogs. a pox on the rspca spokesperson for the comments on crossbreeding... stupid ignorant blinkered fool. H
  9. will file that info away for future use.. hope it heals quickly H
  10. hugs RIP bear. Beatrice .. The spirit never dies , Bear will forever be bonded with you.. until you meet again! Helen
  11. nice to get a reply... but it really does not give much comfort as the decsions remain with the councils.... H
  12. dear doG in heaven! just listen to us.. we are supposedly dog lovers and are arguing like a pack of fools.. when BSL was originally introduced many peopole were perfectly happy as they indeed thought it would only affect those nasty misbegotten fighting dogs owned by tattooed yobbos ( afterall the other breeds banned were not common here) . i called around many organisations ssing their views on BSL it it was always "pitbulls who in their right mind would want toown one of the slavering killers? when you can have your choice of any other lovely breed"... their words not mine... iwould gaze down at myjake and fear for his life. most choose to believe that this is a good thing eradicate pitbulls.... and complacently believe that it would not spread certainly not to ANKC registered breeds! well lookee now it has.. ask yourselves where will it stop????????????? act together for all dogs regardless of breed that it the only way to have any hope of commonsense returning this is a sad day for responsible dog people Helen
  13. this result is exactly what the people who oppose bull breeds wanted.. in fact i would go so far as to assume this is where the GCC wanted the case to go::: prove the dog is an amstaff then argue that pitbulls and amstaffs are in fact the same breed therefore all amstaffs are pitbulls and therefore banned... circuitous but it has used our own arguments against bsl against us.. all those who stand by and say that this will not spread t other breeds beware and take note... satffies their crosses and in fact all mastiff breeds are immediately in danger my heart aches for the sheer bloody minded injustice of all this a pox on all their houses to quote the bard himself. Helen in memory of jake....
  14. my sympathies ...you little fellow had a wonderful long life with you and knew he was well loved and cherished. It was time for him to journey along a path that you cannot yet travel but rest assured his spirit is rejoicing with restored vigor. until you meet again he will live in your heart which is filled with the memories you made during your journey together... you will get thru the pain of loss and know that it was all well worth it. Hugs helen
  15. my beloved Guiness McGuinness has an epulis that involved the jaw bone.. he lived quite a few years after dx and was helped to the bridge in jan this years as the tumour was obviously causing him pain ......... if there is bone involvement the surrounding bone is removed. good luck h
  16. Puck knows that ears are soft velvety fashion statements that need to be rearranged from time to time in order to achieve maximum impact.. soooo cute i just want to hug him H
  17. Happy easter dear Ollie dog love helen and the maremma Crew
  18. upright dyson... have three maremmas.... i LOVE my dyson h
  19. the problem remains that a dog identified as a piotbull has once again inflicted horrific injuries on a human being. The circumstances matter only to people who are concerned with understanding dog behaviour - ill treatment or lack of training does not influence the knee jerk response that the bayiong of the media is encouraging. Sadly some owners of "macho" type dogs see them as an extension of their masculinity/toughness etc etc the more awsomely savage and uncontrolable the dog the bigger the swagger of such an owner... NO AMOUNT OF REGULATION LEGISLATION OR SUCH will ensure that dogs that are dangerous are not owned by such idiots.. that is why the current legislation will actually lead to increased incidents because the pitbull has been sent underground and therefore will be bred and owned only by those who should never be allowed near a dog let alone own one. Off my soap box now H
  20. a shocking shocking incident. i pray that the woman recovers as much as possible both physically and mentally. The predicatble media frenzy is also a tragedy. any larger sized dog is capable of inflicting horrific injuries on human beings.. the smaller the human the smaller the dog capable of inflicting terrible injuries. The frenzy . does not result in one iota of responsible regulation or legislation or one person becoming a more responsible owner.. so where to from here???? I have had the pleasure of owning several pitbulls... and known many one was certainly more problematic than the others.. however he was finally diagnosed as "hyperthyroid" yes hyper thyroid and this was the probable explanation for his sudden changes in behaviour. we was euthanised. this dog had been a pet dog owned by several idiotic young men..... this dog appeared to have no "connection" with people. now i do not know if it was how he was raised, how he was born, or maybe even a genetic sensitivity to vaccinations etc.. who know. but certainly i would not judge all of the breed by this one dog. the other was a rescue dog who had been fought regularly for the first 5 years ofhis life. his owner was raided and eventually did jail time for dog fighting... jake came to me via my son. Jake was absolutely the best dog i have ever had the pleasure of owning. Pleasant, obedient, calm, fun loving, etc etc... so which is the "generic pitbull" the slavering fighting dog who we all should quake at the mere sight of??????? i for one dont believe that the hyperthyroid dog is the usual example of the breed. i do not support BSL in any way shape or form .. but i do acknowledge that the big breeds are more capable of inflicting severe damge when things go wrong... helen
  21. woogoo.. i love hearing this sort of news.. way to go vada... H
  22. man/// if they were my rellos i think I would shoot them... i cannot imagine how you feel about their lack of responsibility or worse their lack of emapthy for another living creature.. maybe they deserve a pet rock H
  23. yup send the BF over to DOL we'll train him up H
  24. Cause he drives "The fastest Milkcart in the west"that's Erny ...... Erny dons her yellow raincoat and hops astride her tricycle. LOLS my poor mind is boggling at the mere thjought of that vision in yellow.. H
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