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Everything posted by dogbesotted

  1. Lost Dog Impounded at the Refuge! On 28 February, this little dog was found on Curtin Avenue, Cottesloe. It is approximately 10 years old, Cocker Spaniel, tan colouring who appears to be blind. Being blind the dog is suffering severe stress and anxiety that is why we are desperately trying to locate the owner. Should anyone recognise or own the dog we would welcome their call on 9381 8166.
  2. makes me choke up for many reasons. never ever doubt that dogs are earth angels H
  3. my first dog: came to me when i was 13yo living in New caledonia.. Tuppence a cocker spaniel looking dog who was running with a pack of strays that i befriended or maybe they befriended me.. we all got along famously. Eventually animal control caught them but I managed to escape with Tuppence. LOved that dog and it broke my heart when we returned to Australia 3 years later and Tuppence was left behind with a new loving family. He set my feet along the dog lovers path. H
  4. Blessings to you all at this time.. hugs Helen
  5. it was not adopted it was sold for $1000.00 - a profit making transaction not a charitable one H
  6. I would also have a full thyroid panel done ( one it will eliminate a possible thyroid cause and 2 provide a baseline for future tests.) I have had three dogs with thyroid problems and they all had a very doggy smell.. even after a bath. Once their thyroid problem was addressed that smell disappeared. h
  7. a friend has just recommended Moffat Beach Motel, Caloundra. Happy to accept small pets. Moffat Beach is also dog friendly; http://www.moffatbeachmotel.com.au/ h
  8. cant remember if i have posted this link before ( the joys of being more than a little past 40 :D ) http://www.canine-epilepsy-guardian-angels.com/ great source of information and assistance H
  9. Hugs to you Jed... T. and a few more for good measure. H
  10. when one of my guys had bowel problems for the rest if his life i added psyllium huskes or benefibre to his meals.. the vet recommended that i soak the psyllium husks first.. they become sort of gelatinous.. but it works. I second the thyroid testing older dogs often develop thyroid issues and constipation can be one of the indicators ( make sure it is the full panel including antibodies why check here: http://www.veterinarypracticenews.com/vet-dept/small-animal-dept/how-to-test-interpret-thyroid-function.aspx?sc_cid=4828620 Cheers Helen
  11. I too recommend the pre made barf patties.. easy to buy, easy to serve up, can cut one in jhalf say to an am and a pm feed. Maybe try cutting up carrots ( lengthways) for snacks most of my guys love carrots.. young smallish carrots have a sweet taste. Maybe even try feeding small amounts of dry from a kong feeder that rolls about thus encouraging the dog to exercise for its food.. Check that it was a full thyroid panel carried out for the thyroid tests , as well as testing for antibodies. ( this is often not done) .. just testing for T4 level is only part of the picture..the full panel includes: Total T4,Free T4, Total T3,Free T3 and TGAA, (link here will explain relationships http://www.veterinarypracticenews.com/vet-dept/small-animal-dept/how-to-test-interpret-thyroid-function.aspx?sc_cid=4828620 ) does the dog have a smell..if so how would you describe that smell? H
  12. another emphatic good! here too. H thanks samman for posting.
  13. that is just wonderful.. sharing the love with other dog owners.. RIP Phoebe... H
  14. a;tho 6 out of 7 are afraid of storm the level of fear is at different levels: Dennys Dog.. is so terrified that he looses any common sense that he has.. he will still tear his face trying to get thru wire fences or under farm gates to get away. At least in hi dotage he can no longer leap fences and disappear up the riad in an attempt to escape the storm Grace: my very best storm forecaster.. long before i spot storn cloud building on the horizon Ms Gracie has take herself upstairs and curled up in her favourite safe place in the bedroom. Snotto, and Gina are not happy at all about storms but do not attempt to flee. Gina goes into the paddock shelters and sits in the middle of her goats and sheep.. clever girl. Snotto wanders about looking unsettled and nervous and if the storm is very bad she will sit as close as possible to her chosen human. Hairy Harry Huge was a carefree lad until a particularly bad storm a month or so ago.. now he is becoming increasingly anxious Bemjamin Bumblee becomes quite stressed with storms but fortunately fits comfortable in my brothers lap or chair where Benny is happy to spend the storm. Honey Bunny... well she barks challenge to the thunder and scares us!!!! H
  15. It brings tears to my eyes too SM just watching them. Feather's never had a playmate. She will be 12 years old in May so this is a huge turnaround for her. I'm so happy that she now knows what it is to have fun with another dog. For the first time in her life, she has a doggy friend. that makes the heart swell with emotion and brings the tears to the eyes.. It is a little miracle and i believe that an angel named Kirislin had a hand in it too... well done christmas joy Helen
  16. it also shows why there is such an emphasis on the three way relationship between shepherd, flock and dogs when speaking with the shepherds in italy and I am sure elsewhere where the dogs are still used in the traditional manner H
  17. http://predator-friendly-ranching.blogspot.com.au/2013/11/relastionships.html?spref=fb H
  18. http://predator-friendly-ranching.blogspot.com.au/2013/11/relastionships.html?spref=fb excellent thoughts on the workings of LGDs. a must read in my opinion Helen
  19. http://predator-friendly-ranching.blogspot.com.au/2013/11/relastionships.html?spref=fb excellent thoughts on the workings of LGDs. a must read in my opinion Helen
  20. I am delighted that your boy is home!! I need to make strong comment about the symptoms not being severe enough to warrant proper thyroid testing...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! this is old fashioned .. by the time symptoms are severe the thyroid is already extremely damaged. this is for you to keep in the back of your mind. :) read Dr Jean Dodds article here: http://www.canine-epilepsy-guardian-angels.com/ThyroidDisease.htm here is quote from the beginning of the article: " CANINE AUTOIMMUNE THYROID DISEASE AND SYMPTOMS OF HYPOTHYROIDISM CANINE AUTOIMMUNE THYROID DISEASE: COMMON PROBLEM OF PUREBRED DOGS by W. Jean Dodds DVM The information provided here outlines an approach that has been used successfully by the author to reduce the prevalence of clinically expressed canine thyroid disease within susceptible families or breeds. EARLY THYROID DISEASE (THYROIDITIS) COMPENSATORY AND CLINICAL CANINE HYPOTHYROIDISM Most of the confusion about the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disease in purebred or mixed breed dogs today stems from the expectation that affected animals must show clinical signs of inadequate thyroid hormonal production (i.e. hypothyroidism) in order to have the disease. The term hypothyroidism has been loosely applied to describe all stages of this disease process whereas strictly speaking it should be reserved for the end-stages when the animal's thyroid gland is no longer capable of producing sufficient hormone(s) to sustain clinical health. At this point, the dog can express any number of the non-specific multisystem signs of thyroid dysfunction. "
  21. listen here: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-11-08/dangerous-dog-laws-debated/5080490
  22. and here is the link: http://hemopet.org/hemolife/thyroid-testing.html another aspect of hemopet that i love is that they are part of the greyhound rehoming and are a registered blood bank.. which sources blood supplies ethically.. ie they do not bleed out unwanted greyhounds for profit... ( off my soap box now) H
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