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  1. OMG Silva how awful I hope she recovers quickly, how much damage has she done? I can only imagine how hard it's going to be to keep her quiet for a while.
  2. I go to the one in Warrnambool itself, they must have a store at Hamilton as well.
  3. Warrnambool Prime Petfoods They also sell frozen bunnies for $5.50 which I feed occasionally by the half as something different. Ahhh I know plenty of spots, plus a few spots where you can get feral deer as well. Seen one crossing the road in broad daylight the other day. So quick though, barely realised what it was before it was gone. If you're really lucky might even find a few feral cattle
  4. You know I'd never thought of that, and no-one has ever pointed it out to me either. I've been buying roo tail for well over 6 months as a main source of protein/bones nearly daily. I've been grabbing about 10 days worth, chopping them up into daily sizes and freezing them separately. One day the store didn't have any in the fridge, and the grabbed some out the back for me which were still partly frozen. So they're defrosted in the store, and I've been bringing them home and freezing them again once they're chopped up. It's a 45 minute drive to the store so I can't really do it any other way, and my dog has been doing great on it. Been feeding it for well over 12 months with no issues LOL at the chainsaw - great idea! Chopping up tails isn't one of my favourite jobs. Anything that makes it easier is good in my books, but the clean up would suck.
  5. I can get a 20 kg frozen slab for $35 here in Western Vic. Took me probably 2 hours to separate them out and then chop them up into daily sized portions, but I paid $2/tail today for some relatively small tails 1/2 tails. Looks like I need to work out a safe way of defrosting them, they won't fit in the fridge in that sized block. It was the defrosting/separating that took so much time last time. Have to say I have no issues with Darcy farting on roo, but on lamb phewie!!! Would love to get it cheaper, but I think the only way I would find it any cheaper in country vic to is to shoot and cut it up myself. Tempting given the price of it lately.
  6. Just my experiences with Darcy - I've found there is such thing as too high when learning something. I'm happy for her to be high as she wants to be while working on a semi-established behaviour. But if she's in that state with unfamiliar work or something we've done very little of, then she can be a bit too nutty and in front of herself. It's also where she starts to throw behaviours at me in desperation of trying to get her reward. At that point we normally go work on something she does know until we've taken a bit of the edge off her and we can get a little more brain activity!
  7. Great to take another look at this - thanks for digging it up RubyStar and congrats on your first title, it's an awesome feeling and there will be plenty more to come I'm sure Well, we got our JDM far earlier in the year than I ever thought we could, got our ADX and 2 passes in ADM. Haven't really bothered with ADO and certainly haven't made a start on CD. As for the rest - seeing some improvement but we have a long way to go. For someone who's been trialling in agility for less than 2 years with her first dog, I'm pretty rapt with what we've achieved so far.
  8. Can I ask why you think Ronda's teachings are so much better than Derrett's system? Legit question - I have no idea of her work and am genuinely interested. That said, I dunno whether I would suggest someone change their entire handling technique based around a tunnel issue.
  9. My understanding of the threadle arm, aside from threadles, that it came into play where there was a potential for a "question" from my dog. I don't know if it is necessarily "correct", and KC - feel free to correct me here, but I use my shoulders for tunnel discriminations these days and have never really used the threadle arm for tunnel entrances. I figure if I'm clear enough with my shoulders then there is no "question". If we get it wrong, then I wasn't clear enough early enough, or I made the stupid mistake of trying to beat my dog to a tunnel entrance
  10. Not an idiot at all - I wondered the same thing when I filled my first entry forms as well. I wasn't brave enough to ask
  11. You don't need to put anything if you don't want to. :D The reason they ask for what club you are a member of is for award purposes - some clubs donate special awards to be presented. So it might be highest qualifying xyz club member in obedience, or fastest xyz club qualifying run in agility/jumping. I would put them in, because you'll kick yourself if you don't and miss out. Been there, done that. Good luck
  12. :) I don't believe you just said that.... Wouldn't be an issue if I didn't have to go to work! Must mention that at my next performance review..... my job is getting in the way of my training and trialling! Good thing my boss has a good sense of humour and didn't mind me heading home early Monday arvo to catch up on some sleep.....
  13. Thanks Tassie - happy trialling to you as well!! I am over the moon about getting our first Masters title, particularly since Darcy is my first dog and is still quite young. We've had a big few weeks, 3 titles finished in 4 weeks (ADX, JDM and JDO) and the extra passes in Masters was just icing on the cake Have to admit I'm really quite looking forward to having this weekend off from trialling
  14. Go Pippi We had a great weekend as well, we needed 2 Masters Jumping passes for Darcy's Masters Jumping Title and we got 3 Two 2nds and a 3rd, and then managed to pick up our 1st Masters Agility pass with a 3rd as well. :D
  15. Nice pics Lots of familiar faces, including Pippi from here. None of Darcy though Black dogs are too hard to photograph, particularly fast black dogs :p
  16. Oh the agony of a twisted arm You were so so close the previous weekend, more than once too, and I reckon if you weren't dragged down with that horrible lurgy you'd have been doing the title ribbon run at ADCV Well done to Kiz and her handler too - he does bloody well with a range of different dogs! :cool: When we will see you back on the agility trial circuit SW??
  17. Calling Pippi - I know you have brags from this weekend
  18. I also feed my 3 yo twice a day, probably 3/4 cup of vegie mush, yoghurt, a few supplements and maybe some extra protein (fish/offal/egg or heart) for dinner, and her bone for brekky (mostly roo tail). I think the morning Kongs are a great idea for keeping them busy. I should keep one already done just in case I run out of bones. :rolleyes:
  19. Congratulations LP and Kinta How exciting :D
  20. Haven't used guides so can't comment on that. Love the 2x2 method, have just got the DVD and will be working through some sections we skipped or didn't proof well enough (I used the method described in her Shaping Success book so missed the proofing and really tricky entries work). On the DVD Susan works with a green dog that doesn't belong to her. Over 3 short training sessions a day she has the dog weaving 6 poles with some really difficult entries in less than an hour's work when totalled. I realise that is Susan herself, but I didn't have too much issue with teaching Darcy (who is my first dog) using the method from the book with no backup.
  21. Well done Tassie!! 4 titles in so little time. :rolleyes: And a big well done to mntgood, you've obviously done a heap of work on your weaving - good on you! Tassie, I'm really happy with what I've picked up out of the Derrett seminar as well. We had several from club go and it's been great to have others to bounce ideas off and work through the understanding of it. Also means we've had some interesting "discussions" along the way, but I've certainly learnt a lot from it.
  22. Yep we're both still members...... stupid single fault runs Here I was worrying that I'd get stuck in ADX due to April's trial calender and missing out on a pass up somewhere, now I'm thinking, what if I get to the end of April after so many trials and still don't get there
  23. Darcy got her final pass for her JDO today!! Was an interesting course, plenty of room for speed with a straight 3 jump run-up into a tyre, but was actually a call-off into a fairly difficult weave entry. I fully expected to have to call her off the tyre out into no-mans land and send her back out to hit the weave entry. Instead she listened beautifully to my "pull-up" cue and hit the weave entry perfectly with no hesitation!!
  24. I trained my dog with the 2x2 method as it was written up in the Shaping Success book. She was weaving within a few weeks, and I had several judges comment on her weaving ability & entries as a novice dog. However she does occasionally pop a weaver on "different" poles - i.e very narrow or wide poles, or if there's a tunnel in front, and will occasionally miss a difficult weave entry. My fault given I didn't do enough proofing work, which I plan on working through now I have both the booklet and the DVD. My next dog will definitely be learning via the same method. :rolleyes:
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