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Everything posted by Scarlet

  1. This doesn't seem fair but it's what I do now. I don't use off leash areas unless they're empty, if other dogs come then I leave. Of course it is difficult at a beach but I would leash and carry your dog when another came into view and the owners would know about it if their dog attempted jumping up at me and my dog. It's a pity as it disadvantages my dogs and they don't get to play with other dogs but at least they are safe. Luckily everyone leashes their dogs on the street in my area so walks are OK
  2. I also agree that it is a wonderful idea BUT I do get a little concerned that the dogs don't get enough external stimulation and socialisation. I'd like to see someone occasionally take them to a busy shopping centre, railway station, school playground, on a bus etc.
  3. Are they your dogs? If not tell the owner you will act as a witness to this person's behaviour regarding the dogs. Maybe write to the council stating that the dogs don't cause a nuisance until the neighbour stirs them up
  4. Jed thanks for sharing the photos of your beautiful dogs. They certainly looked happy. And thanks also for sharing the poem-just beautiful. Take care.
  5. So pleased that you are on the mending road. I was in Caboolture yesterday and it was just beautiful, so warm and sunny. I'm sure you can't wait until you are back with family and friends.
  6. I have little knowledge about this but when I was looking for a dog I contacted the breed association in my state and asked them. They told me what to look and ask for in a pup and what scores and test results were acceptable for that breed. They were very helpful and friendly.
  7. A lot of spring flowering plants like daffodils, jonquils, hyacinths, tulips,iris etc and summer lowering plants like Liliums, Callas, Gladies, etc grow from an "onion like" bulb that is planted some months before they flower. Many people dig these bulbs up after flowering and store them in a shed or whatever until time to re plant. This storage time is when dogs would more likely get to them
  8. I'm sick of this cr@p about facing fines of $50,000. Just start giving them the full fine. I guarantee the word will get around.
  9. Rain doesn't stop me but other things do at times. My dogs get walked quite a bit but not every day
  10. I think if you had asked you probably could have patted the pup. As pups they are usually out being socialised. I don't think they are in training mode until around 12 months and they are with Guide dog staff and/or a sight impaired person. I live near a training centre so see them in the shopping centre quite often. I might smile at the trainers but I ignore the dogs. There are also a few puppy walkers around here and I often stop for a pat or stop on a walk for my dogs to say hello.
  11. One of my border collies is an obsessive retriever. She would use sticks, to chew if no one is throwing them, if they were available but I have to make sure that aren't. I have to replace the sticks with toys. I was very consistent with this so she now prefers a toy to a stick. I use different size kongs, and really strong squeaky toys etc. I don't use tennis balls as I believe, and I've also been advised by a vet, that they are very abrasive and do wear down the teeth.
  12. I know these idiots create a lot of work for rescuers but its better for these dogs/cats to be out of these homes. The really sad thing is that most will go onto get another pet
  13. I've heard that customs are thinking of using some foxhounds. They are a scent hound. Being a little taller than a beagle the dogs don't have to jump as much which is kinder on joints. Otherwise I really don't know anything about them.
  14. I always get sick in the stomach when pets go missing I'll be down that way tomorrow at a meeting and I've printed off some pictures and the phone nos (hope that's OK) to pass around. Has anyone contacted the radio stations - they don't often do lost animals but it's worth a try. His owner is overseas competing at a national level so they may feel this is a special request.
  15. I agree that you'll probably need to work with a reliable, experienced rescue group. At least check them out so you have some idea what they are like. Unfortunately not all dogs can or should be rehomed but I think they may need someone experienced in assessments to check them out and give guidance along the way.
  16. There is a genetic component that is why you like to know the dogs parentage but as GoldenGirl85 mentioned it isn't a guarantee with humans so it won't be a guarantee with dogs. One of my kids is a bit laid back like I am, another has his father's quick temper and the others are a mixture
  17. I think quite a few of the terriers are low allergenic Tibetan Terriers, Soft-Coated Wheaten, West Highland, Wire Haired Fox Terrier, Airedale and maybe the Australian Silky Terrier. then maybe a Maltese or any of the schnauzers. I think the smaller the dog the less saliva etc it has too, which can cause irritants. Some of these dogs are a bit harder to get and I think some are expensiveish. If you can clip yourself or pay for regular grooming I think a poodle is the way to go.
  18. Mandatory reporting of children is a controversial subject and I'm not sure if it is mandated in every state so I wouldn't think vets legally have to report cruelty cases. Morally and ethically it is a different story but if they have the vet giving treatment and taking their advice then they wouldn't be a problem.
  19. If you're not stressed then your pup won't be either. There is no reason for it not to be enjoyable. He's going to meet new people and have a fuss made of him
  20. +1 I imagine he is getting some of the best treatment available.
  21. My vet kept calling Maddy a wheaten when she was a pup. Said she wouldn't be a red and would stay quite light! The breeder wasn't concerned and laughed at the word wheaten.
  22. I just get a feeling that there is a physical connection to his problems-or part of it is physical. I'd be pushing the vet or trying an animal naturopath? I know stress can do strange things but his coat/skin would be a worry to me. Do you feed him a dry food for sensitive skin-or maybe try a BARF diet removing all preservatives. If this is stressing both of you out I would try drugs as a last resort. He sounds like such a sad dog.
  23. I have had a limited amount of contact with RSPCA Qld and the staff on the ground are always great. Congratulations for assisting with Jed's animals.
  24. The only problem MAY be the unit. Dies she have permission for a dog? Get her to check, check and triple check and get everything in writing. Strata title can be a problem sometimes.
  25. One of my dogs madly runs around and barks well before the arrival of a storm and this continues until it has passed. However if I put him on lead and tie him to furniture (usually under a coffee table or under my bed depending on which room I'm in) he is heaps better. He seems relieved that he cannot run. I do worry when no one is home and we have a storm.
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