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Everything posted by Rottshowgirl

  1. We had a huge boom of thunder while we were waiting and he sort of bounced in the air and thought it was funny
  2. This is a big worry with Adelaide and Melbourne Royals coming up
  3. I've stayed at the Mt Alexander Motor Inn, twas a few years ago. They allowed dogs in trailers and you can ask for a room that allows you to park them around the side of the room. eta: It's really close to the showgrounds Not sure if 'dogs allowed in trailers' is still current tho
  4. Woo Hoo, go Tabitha :D :p What a fantastic 12 months she has had, BIS at Adelaide Royal and now the National with a huge entry! Congrats to Paul, Denise and the kids :D
  5. Normally a good entry of Dobes, Victorians often come across which boosts the numbers I love Adelaide Royal, having it all undercover, great benches, good ring set up and the closed lunch hour makes for a good show IMO
  6. We have Vets Parades at Rotty specialties and it always makes a lot of people teary. I know I have run The Rottweiler(Laneka's Ashke) around a ring for a parade and lots of people told me after that it made them teary seeing the grand old guy still strutting. I was glassy eyed too I always applaud and cheer the oldies, I think it is the right thing to do and that those oldies should be honoured. My lovely oldie Juna won a BCC/ RUBISS from Vets, so it is not always for dogs past their prime and looking for a 'sympathy' reaction. At the recent SA specialty, BCC was again won from the vets class What I don't like to see is oldies clearly a long way past their best days being dragged around in competitive vets, it is not a respectful thing to do.
  7. What was Merv doing on telly?
  8. Gawd Cass, how scary! I'm so happy your ex got him to the vet quickly, time is everything when dealing with bloat. Big for you, big for your ex and :D :D for Huddy
  9. Highway 1 would be my suggestion. but there are also a number of properties on Stayz that allow dogs inside as well for slightly more expense
  10. I would like to congratulate the lovely Tayla Wright for winning the state final of junior handlers, her second year in a row Tayla is a girl who always displays great sportsmanship, win or lose and I am thrilled for her that she has won the right to represent her state again xxx
  11. Jeans, blergh, never. Have worn white jeans in a Rottweiler specialty ring but they are a huge no-no for AB rings IMHO. Just looks too casual these days when a lot of other handlers are in lovely suits. Skirts vs pants- a lot depends on the girl, some girls look better in one or the other, some can wear either. Number 1 rule though- girls, we do not need to see what you had for breakfast! Keep it decent, not too tight and bend over in a ladylike fashion Bright suits for blokes really does depend on the bloke, some look faaaaaabulous darling, others look like they are trying out for The Wiggles
  12. Or maybe he should never be allowed near another animal and the courts should do what they're supposed to Please tell me that wasn't a serious suggestion? The guy has serious mental issues, illness or violence, I don't think subjecting another dog to his violence as part of some revenge is good for anyone concerned. edit for clarity
  13. Ash was not only a champion, but a Legend of our breed and I truly believe that I will never see another dog like him in my lifetime. I always got all my friends to come down to the specialties to see him. I would never tell them who he was, rather I would just tell them that they would just know. Every time, their jaws would drop and there would be noises like 'Wow', 'Whoa' and 'Oh my god, look at that dog', such is the effect that he had on people. Those piddly little AB rings never did him justice, he was in his full glory flying around a large specialty ring. He gives us all something to aspire to, for his conformation, his temperament and his character. His bond with you Laneka & Mr Laneka is also something to aspire to, I have been priveleged to see this up close and it gave me a new appreciation of how we can interact with our special ones. When my daughter is a bit older, I will be so proud to be able to tell her that back in the day, Mummy handled The King of The Ring, THE Rottweiler. Thank you for the honour of being in the ring with him, it was always very emotional for me, such is the esteem that I hold him in. I loved being told off by him for interfering in HIS running and I loved being the one along for the ride in my own tiny little way. RIP King of the Ring, you will be missed here but truly remembered as the legend that you are. Have fun chasing the girls around at The Bridge darling Smashy. Much love to Laneka and Mr Laneka xxxxx
  14. I don't have any photos, I hope that someone does for you, but I want to say that your son looks great! He looks like quite the little pro handler in that outfit and looks very comfortable with his beautiful Golden
  15. You had better otherwise you will make me sad. I can't guarantee puppy will be leaving with you though..... A Rotten one I hope??? Nope, different breed. Has two legs
  16. Oh, are you going Gotta? I was thinking I would go, but if you are heading along...... I will bring my new pup to meet you
  17. Lucky he still has a sense of humour Erin Every now and then I get 'Do you think that maybe your next hobby could be less of a black hole of cash?'
  18. Shade (can just be a tarp for the dog crate if you don't mind a bit of sun), crate, chair for human, basic grooming gear (brush/shinespray- really depends on breed), a nice basic show lead, number holder, something yummy to use as bait, water bowl for dog, neat show outfit for handler. And a sense of humour Something will probably go wrong, get forgotten, mess up or not go according to plan
  19. Can't believe it's been that long already ;) He will always be remembered for his endearing ways, he was such a character. I can say they were endearing because I was not the one on the end of the lead trying to stop him bouncing to you and Chris, he will always be remembered by those who saw him performing in the ring and those lucky enough to know him personally
  20. How exciting for Robyn and Russell, what a great result
  21. Great topic Ditto. Utter perfection, absolutely adore the dog and expect to never see another dog like him in my lifetime. Australia's been lucky to have a dog of this standard, I don't think enough people realise/appreciate him. Phenomenal show record too, has been acknowledged by a large range of international specialty and AB judges. Was lucky enough to assist with handling him late in his show career and consider myself extremely priveleged for it. Also have enjoyed running him in some of his Vet's Parades, he charges around the ring with more style than most of the competing 'youngsters' Ash's other advantage is being owned by the loveliest 'parents', a dog of his calibre could have created a nightmare ego situation within the breed, but his people always conduct themselves with dignity and class. eta: DOL profile http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/profile.asp?dog=18504 Other o/s dogs I love/loved are US Ch Gamegards US Marshall- great dog, super producer. Saw a big-winning son of his on a trip to the US and he was super too Int Ch Gil Crni Lotos- features in a lot of very nice dog's pedigrees Int Ch Oxana vom Hause Neubrand- beautiful bitch, just gorgeous Yug Ch Beni- simply handsome :D
  22. Aaaah, the Rottweiler expert has spoken Clearly very familiar with all the work put in by dedicated breeders over the last century and more I'd like to know who they are too, breeding Rotts that stand at 52cm at the shoulder. Are they crossing them with Manchester Terriers? Min Pins? 52 cms is a difficult height to hit with today's Rottweiler stock That is the funniest thing i have read all morning :D Thanks for that Me too :D Are my dogs too big? Even my big-winning girl is oversized according to NannaS She's going to be gutted to hear she's THAT oversized. Or is that undersized given the double height ones that NannaS would be comparing her too Best be sticking to speaking about things you actually know about..... eta: NannaS if you would like to know who the ADRK (that Laneka quoted) are, Google will be your friend
  23. The first question covers a proposal that is just BSL disguised Have completed the survey, thanks for bringing it to our attention.
  24. All states in Aus have differing cat laws and some councils have no cat by-laws at all. In SA you can hire cat traps from the council and when you have caught the cat, either the council rangers will come and pick it up from your place and take it to the pound or you can do that yourself. It is not illegal to do this, the cat is on your property and as long as you are doing it legitimately, using a council trap, minimising hurt to the cat etc, it is all fine. It might be worth a call to your council to see if they hire out cat traps, if the neighbour wont listen to you, then maybe some impound fees will open up their ears. The other approach you could take is to call the council and ask to speak specifically to a ranger, explain your situation and see if they can offer any advice. The cat is disturbing your peace and creating a nuisance which under most state's animal laws would be illegal.
  25. I use www.3cdog.com Good range, good customer service, good prices and quick delivery
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