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Everything posted by Alpha

  1. In case I forget GOOD LUCK TO ALL ENTERING THIS TRIAL [ Should be a good day, ground was nice and dry on Sat., puddles at entry gates to oval should be dried up by Sat. Word to the wise, ibis' get on the oval occasionally and ibis poo can be found about the ground at times which is somewhat interesting ( WHY???) to many dogs.
  2. Try these 4-M Dog Paws In Print used to be a good Aussie one but site is gone they were at www.pawsinprint.com.au but cannot find them now Noonbarra used to have a great supply about 10 years ago
  3. Some more info for those who have never been to a SODC trial, Boardman Reserve can be reached from the Calder entrance to Sunbury. There are three ovals there so plenty of room to run and practise off lead ( or even sneak in a non competing dog ...who said that??? ) Parking may be an issue but its not far to walk form the road. Enjoy!!!
  4. ONly for a look see between kids parties ohh and I got roped into making snagers for the judges. Not stewarding,... thank godness, been out of it too long and liable to stuff up.
  5. So true, Nekhbet...so many people think training is a once a week thing...I hate the "But you've trained dogs before that's why your dog is so good" comments Nah, I train my dog all the time, everything is training, nothing in life is free for my dogs. You want to play ball, you hold it until I say "give", you want me to throw it, you "speak" when commanded, you want the game to continue? Return wiht the ball and sit and hold until I take it. I hated it when I was doing heel/sit/ heel/sit and I got the comment "make up your mind the dog wil get confused", CONFUSED??? Think i know who was confused and they did'nt have four legs
  6. I think it depends on what people want from the class and it will always be different for everyone. At the club I instructed at, I took beginners almost every week with a second instructor as I could then take the handlers with "difficulties" aside at diffrent times during the class to work with them one on one. This way, they were getting practical help and felt there was a solution in sight. I would always remind them that everyone had been where they were at some stage and would tell them about my "bastard boy" who would be sitting quitely nearby, which they often found hard to believe. Maybe asking what everyones expectations are of the class, you might not be able to met them all but it would go a long way towards helping you define the exercises. For example, the person who only wants a nice socialiable dog can have it pointed out to them that the sit/stay command is good for it the are walking along and need to stop and tie a shoelace or such. No offence to any one here, but my experience now at obed club is there is not enough practical, hands on stuff, too much talk ,talk, talk...dogs get bored and start acting up and owners get even more bored and frustrated and eventually leave. I know someone who left the local club after TWO classes in beginners, because all they do is "talk at you" and show you nothing. If you look at it from the view of a "never handled a dog before" person, you can see where they are coming from. The club I attend has a "we will show you how to train you dog" policy, and that is were it ends, no help, no assistance; I think they are more interested in the accolades of competition than declining membership which is truely a shame.
  7. I love most things I do with my dogs ( I hate bath times cause they hate it) I especially like the breed club meetiings as we all bring our dogs and they all run about together and I love obedience as I did'nt realise how much I missed it or how much fun it was with a good dog :rolleyes: (Who said that??) I love just being out with them playing ball or letting them lay next ot us on the couch...I especially love watching my kids grow with the pup and the joy on their faces when they give a command or signal to the older bitch and she obeys...thats good to see
  8. I agree wholeheartedly I was the victim of an insensitive, biased instructor years ago who actually suggested I have my ACD boy PTS He was dog aggro due to an attack at 5 months , was all we could ever put it down to. I went on ;with the help of some much more experienced instructors ( over 30 years experience and 20plus obedience titles); to be able to get my boy to his CD before he tragically left us. I also went on to become a senior instructor and I took great joy in helping the people who may well have given up on their dogs and their own ability. I rather have worked with a class of frustrated handlers with rogue dogs anyday, it was grounding and makes me remenber where we all came from once, or still do. :rolleyes: You sometimes have to suck it up and spit it back at them later ;)
  9. Been there, done that so, so, so many times I can really relate to how you felt as you face was the reflection of manyof us at some time or another :p I am SO looking forward to reentering the ring althought sometime I wonder if i am just :p
  10. Me2 day preferred. Weekends better and depends on $$ and date ( hubby OS for work sometimes)
  11. New membership (single) $65 includes joining fee/VCA insurance component, after that $45 (single) plus $2 per dog per week, 2nd dog $1. Pretty on par I think, maybe shoud rejoin original club would have been up for life membership which gives you free membership if you accept LOL
  12. On and off for over 15 years, started with one club and then moved but stayed with original which trained fortnightly, joined local with trained weekly ( Sats) and another local club which trained Sundays (am) and trained there alternative Sundays to original club. Dog one: 10 years ( he was doing agility at 10) Dog two: 7 years, this pup has been in in formal club classes since Feb, but training begins at home. I also trained with other instructors every Weds evening for about 6 years and did ring run throughs and such and every Sat arvo under a patch of shady pines throughout summer break. Boy, when I put it all done I am NUTS like someone said I was once Fees used to be about $35 -$65 (hubby and I both members) one club charged per week also $1 per dog so $2 per week there. As an instructor I got free drinks. Travel to trials, entry fees, don't ask, could'nt tell. Friendships made and advice/experience gained=immearsurable!!!
  13. I know what you mean and agree, too many people make a spur of the momment decision about a cute puppy or a perception of a particular breed and forget the pup grows to a juvenile , then and adolescent and then an adult and they need to be taught what is acceptable and unacceptable as well as given some form of mental and physical stimulation. I like the idea of applying for a dog registration before you get a dog and having to attend responsible dog ownership seminars, puppy rearing info sessions and commit to compulsory basic obedience, exclusions for breeders and long term foster carers, proff dog trainers and guide/customs dog puppy trainers and the ilk. I 'm a bit tired of being jumped on by over enthusiatic, non trained dogs whose owners say "she/he just loves people" GREAT but people would love them more if they sat instead of jumped There is too much shutting the gate after the horse has bolted and too many good dogs being wrecked by irresponsible owners. May be I am being a tad overzealous with this ideal but if it was harder to get a dog it would help solve several issues 1. BYB and pet shop who sell animals out of business, 2. Increased awareness in breeds and understanding of canine physiology/psyche------> less dog attack incidents------>less breed related reports t/fore report by deed not breed 3. Increase in market share for breeders b/c BYB anbd pet shop out of the picture Very simplistic I know and lots of pros and cons for discussion I am sure but nothing is evenr black and white
  14. I'm with myszka on this same happened to me but I was dumb and trusting enough to allow a instructor to snatch my dogs lead from me and he placed my dog in a position where he lunged to attack and the instructor used the correction chain to lift my dog up and slam him down, he dislocated my dogs knee. Being new to the club I was heartbroken, no one offered to help, no one asked if he was ok, NOTHING. We took him to the local animal chiroprator ( George Schofield for thoese who know him) and he was aghast at how the dislocation happened. VCA could do nothing about it as it was an internal club issue and had to go before committee but as it was training related, it was a Training Advisory Committee matter and those meeting were held "in camera". It was then I decided I would prove them all WRONG and use methods I was learning from another handler who had offered to help, I became a instructor many years later and used positive methods ( much to their dismay) and went on to trial with my boy. Trust your instincts, nothing to say you cannot attend the club and use YOUR methods and the class is just a socialising/proofing area for you to train your dog.. YOUR WAY
  15. Being on the tail end of a similar issue ( least your neighbour had the intestinal fortitude to contact you and not the council) I agree with LilBailey Have a friend or someone hang about nearby after you leave if your dog is smart enough to realise you have'nt left. To check my dogs were'nt barking when I leave for school drop off and pick up, a friend parked down the end of the street or in the court behind and listened to check for a few days a week for a month. If you think it may turn nasty there is the Dispute Resolution Centre at the Justice Department, the service offers FREEmediation in matters such as this. Ask your neighbour about the barking, does it sound like the dog is playing, bored, Including them in the problem solving goes along way to an amicable solution. Explain to them that training the dog not to bark at nothing will take some time, there is no fast and easy solution, enlist their help if they are interested: if you find the dog barks because it is hungry instead of a bone or treat filled goody toy, maybe they can pop over and feed the dog if you are both agreeable. Best thing is TALK and COMMUNICATE, otherwise it can become a nasty, bitter, battle of diaries and counter claims, you really do not want to go there
  16. My aunts dog had diabetes and required insulin injections daily, trouble is you cannot really explain to a dog why you are jabbing it with a needle every day and they come to resent it. The vet put my aunt onto the anastetic bandaids they use for kids for blood tests etc, he tested them for her found little difference from the pain blockers used for animals and cut the bandaids into appropriate sized strips ( DO NOT TRY THIS WITH OUT A VETS APPROVAL AND ASSESSMENT) They placed one on her 15 mins before her shot and and then remove it for the shot, she had her shot whilst being groomed and she did'nt even know. At the rate they were going she was getting nasty and vicious about being picked up even. She was a JRT who was going on 15 and had been a diabetic for 7 years.
  17. $45 here including consult. chk heart, lungs, pad, joints, asks about diet, etc...this vet is on it for the love not the money. Other one in town charges $45 plus $45 consult fee and WILL always flog you something else or find something that needs treating.
  18. My vetis the same as Bellaspersons vet, mine calls to check no reaction to vaccs!!!!! Let alone anything else, antibiotics, calls daily to check, bite wound: change dressing FREE of charge for 4 days. I do not pay an arm and a leg for this service either, he is actually less for an consult and vacc than the other "animal hospital" in our town. I am with the others, you are within your rights at ask for refund or the costs of the 1st misdiagnosis and meds to be repaid or deducted from the cost of the upcoming surgery and treatment. Just because a tumour that size is not normal in the animal that age, does not discount it as possible if the symptoms fit .
  19. I do liver in a low oven for 10-20 minutes, dries nicely and packed in zip lock sandwich bags..no pocket mess, easy access. Cheese is a fav and cabana,ham and stras too. I think anything they would not normally have is a good rule of thumb..I saw someone use Twisties once as she'd forgotten her treats The dog worked the best ever but she has declined to use that treat again
  20. Is her eyesight ok? Some dogs have a sight prob and will feel threatened if they sense movement near food, evening the light fades as does what little sight they had so they are fearful and when you are leaving they are left to contend with life in a shadow...just a thought
  21. Jaybeece.....Unfortunately he left us four years ago after 13 wonderful years, yes he was able to work on and off lead with other dogs about but as I never really knew the exact trigger as it was so variable I was always alert. It took 3 years before I was ok about entering a sanctioned event ( fun days and such I was ok) He would have been fine to have entered 18 months earlier I am told. Being very food orientated and trained with food he was 99.9% recall perfect so I could have him off lead in play and if he had a ball, me and food he was foolproof. I say 99.9% as I never pushed the enevelope and placed him in a non training situation where he was threatened IE: off lead in play mode, with a ball, me and food.
  22. Interesting topic , with valid advice and commentaries by many. I concur that aggression can be "trained out", I ,too, was one of the socialise and experience troupe, meet and greet all and sundry who were amendable to it. One nasty large, black dog v's one 6month old ACD and it's all over, red rover :D My boy never trusted another large dark dog ( bitch or dog) again, he took on an "attack or be attack" MO and had trouble even excluding long haired breeds from his repatiore of dislike. Over time and with much positive reinforcment, I was able to enter an obedience ring and not tremble if I noticed the dog next to him for the stays was a Rottie, GSD,Lab, Wolfhound or whatever. I would search out the competitor/s and ask if we could allow the dogs to met prior to the competition; for them as much as me, I would hate my dog to cause another to break, many were happy to do so when explained the reasons. It was never intended for the dogs to be best buddies...but to show my dog there was no threat and enforce the idea that "stay" meant "stay", I was proofing my dog in an area he was falliable in. I always walked about with eyes in the back of my head and pre selected my route through masses of dogs at trials and for all that my boy never broke a stay for a blue.
  23. Mrs D, I was in a ring Feb 1997, bubbie was due mid March and hung out till end of March Coulda got another trial in had I known :D :p I thought most clubs intro'd retrieve as a play exercise even in beginners now as it is soo hard to teach it later I was always taught to bring a play article and by the time mine were 12 months, they had old graduated to dumbells
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