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Everything posted by Alpha

  1. Yeah thanks heaps, now all I need to do is get the dog in the car he does'nt know, secure him, drive a car I am not familiar with to a place I've never been and all will be well Meet you all tomorrow, fingers crossed
  2. Try this sitewhereisit Haven told me about it, place your address in and the address you are going to and you can get a map and /or directions I LOVE IT
  3. Many are motivated by stewarding/helping out in their club trial and being encouraged by their instructors. Some handlers are promoted too quickly throught the ranks and rush into trialling IMO. BUt it is a sport in which everyone can participate, just because one person does not believe that some elses dog is not ready for the ring does not mean they should not be encouraged. Years ago, a foot perfect gentleman by the name of Matt Mc Kerchener ( Vic people may know of him) approached me when he heard I was going to withdraw my dog from the ring as I was placed between two Rotties ( my boy had issue with large dark coloured dogs :D )I did not want to risk mucking up the other dogs but also have my dog get a bad rep after all the work I and my instructors had put into him. Mr Mc Kerchner ( he will always be Mr to me as he was a true gentleman of the sport) told me that if I lacked faith in my ability to command my dog then I lacked faith in his trust in me not to place him in a position he felt unsafe and I was doing myself and my dog a disservice. I did not withdraw I did the stays My boy did the stays My true "win" was not the second placing, but the sage nodding from across the ring of this knowledgable man who taught me more about having a go than I would even have learnt in the next decade of training. If we were all to "withdraw" on NQ's etc for the stays, what would the solution be where only one qualifying handler remained? It is a group stay for a reason. Proofing in the lower classes is what's needed, the more innovative the better, I have had hats thrown across in front of my dogs, plastic bags are for windy days, some of us have used guinea pigs as a distraction ( need a very steady dog for that ) balls, footies, kids, food, leaves, put them on a stay in a dusty spot, drop them in the mud, puddle, it's endless...opportunites arise all the time, sirens I always place my dog on a stay until it passes, skateboarders, minibikes, the weirder the better.
  4. A stay is a stay IMO, I suggest proofing your dog, even in classs two the instructor often skips by the groups, drags toys, throws balls. I have seen a dog stay whilst being mounted by another male dog Whilst you cannot proof for all scenarios, barking dogs and dogs moving about is one you can try to. Have mixed class stays with a few unstable dogs to mix it up a bit. Face the UD/Open ring when they are doing retrievals . I disagree with two lots of stays ;one for those sitting on passes and one for others...your dog either stays or doesn't. Poodlefan, Who's on a pass should make no difference. If a compettior has no faith in their dog completeing the exercise they can with draw and some choose to solely because they are not sitting on the golden number but just because some one is sitting on a pass does not make them more "privileged" than other competitors.
  5. Thank you haven :D Anything else we need to know while we are at it?
  6. I'm guessing there will be signs. As we are asking questions, earlier on someone mentioned about the place wanting proof of vacc or such ( will look later for post it was in) as Steve mentioned he has his dogs titre checked in lieu of annual vaccs...so do we need to bring along our proof of vacc. also? It is after all a kennel facility.
  7. Some one kindly pointed me in the direction of whereisit you can put in the place you are travelling from and the exact address you are travelling to and you can get a map and /or written, step by step instructions ( for the geographically challenged and those with map dyslexia like me ) The step by step instructions are brill as it's turn left at such and such an intersection and right at roundabout, etc.
  8. Oh goody at least my dog will be able to ark up if other dogs are there and no one will think WTF are they here. :D
  9. Your dog?, nah, that's my dog...you must be mistaken
  10. So I get to provide the entertainment? Oh goody Come on Ruffles, entertain the crowd with us ;)
  11. Thanks for the info, I just had our boy vacc'd for h/worm a month ago. This month he got a rash that the vet put down to atopic reaction to a flea bite , will keep an eye out now you've warned me. What was the cause of death of your dog? anything definative?
  12. Am I the only one going with my dog? :p Are you all gonna laugh at our expense? Might be good, no other dogs, no flying at leads length, no barking therefore the following convo will ensue" Steve: What a nice well behaved and well mannerd dog you have, why are you here Grasshopper?" Alpha" To learn more " Spectators : Loud applause YEAH RIGHT!!! ;) ;) :D :p
  13. Who's attending this? Just a bit of a game for me, to try and put a name to a dog/handler, when there. Indulge me, OK? ;)
  14. Exactly, having been the whole hog on bogus dog complaints and proving to the council it was just nastiness I could not agree more with Nekhbet. Be aware though, that the anominity offered by councils is loved by some people and your neighbours may approach the other neighbours with a pre written complaint to sign which they might happily comply to do ( as in our case). Contact your local Justice Department for the Dispute Resolution Centre for a mediation, they contact the other party/s and arrange a venue and everything, advise council you are doing this and let council know the outcome. Once faced with having to face up to the matter and discuss it REASONABLY many back down and council will see that as them being non geninue in the matter. We REQEUSTED council to investigate the matter by monitoring our premises even though they did not have conclusive complaints ( incomplete diaries and not for the same periods) they did and we also invited all FOUR to mediation only TWO complied. They cited we were unappraochable because we did not attend the street Christmas party ...tell something like that to Council and they see the complaints for what they really are. Meanwhile, council had monitored our premises and surrounds and found no case to answer. Barking occassionally and intermittently is permissable the law states " constant and consistent" and the definition of this has NEVER been tested in full in the Courts so it is very subjective. On the matter of cats, I think some councils( ours does) have a letter you have to put in neighbours letterboxes stating you are setting up a cat trap ( sort of defeats the purpose really does'nt it ) Debarking, in Vic anyway , requires a Court order and vet assessment ..BIG step, BIG ASK
  15. I agree totally, cowanbree. If you do the diary, council route it creates animosity as councils are often not very tactful in this area...basically saying theres a problem, solve it. They may let the owner see the diary to help pinpoint times and causation but by this time the owner would be cross that no one approached them. Often the diaries have sufficent tell tale info to point to the complainant anyway. Communication is the key and if you can discuss it in a mature and sensible manner, kudos to you. Use cowanbree's ploy that "several neighbors" are concerned it will give you an out if you have to go to council. IMHO, running to council first shows a lack of intestional fortitude, but that's just me.
  16. If he's undermotivated at obediance, what about using the agility course as a reward for the obedience part?? I did it with my "can't be fagged , OH there's a dog to get aggro with" boy and he learnt after two weeks that he got the agility course as a reward. Worth a try, maybe.
  17. Leather dog leads is the link for the leads on eBay. Is parachute cord good as a light line? And where on earth would you get it? Cut someones chute lines Now I'm being cheeky :rolleyes: ...really tell me more about parachuteline pleeeze.
  18. Hmmmm * Alpha runs to the "supply cupboard" the check* OK 4 flat leather collars: 2 working dog type with HD buckles currently on Gem and Lawson 2 correction chains 4 leads: 2 handmade leather ( one broken) one "y" lead for two dogs made from lunging lead, one light puppy lead one Halti ( medium) Jemma's handmade flat plaited leather collar made by a very good friend,( name embossed in the leather) worn only in the ring, it's our lucky collar :rolleyes: various light lines, box of clips( different weights and sizes) one snub lead ( why I do not know) tennis balls, special inside tug toys, In the pockets of my Drizabone jacket: bag of treats, silent whilstle, light line, club ID card, special "been very very good" treats Favourite: my decade old leather lead as it holds so many good memories and yet helps keep me grounded for the dreams to come true.
  19. WOW So many products and availiability from what I knew to be about ; can't seem to get my head away from using a leather lead though. I like them more than I thought. I did order one from an eBay store as I discoverd i was admiring one someone had and it is masterfully made, and as it has my dogs name of it will keep it for trials, I think. I really like the K9 ones too, am thinking my girl deserves a new lead too...any excuse to get two different ones :D I like the yacht rope idea...we used similar to tether the dogs in the back of the wagon when the door was open.
  20. K9Force's leads come in 4, 5 and 6 foot lengths Alpha - I'm getting the 13mm plaited black ones. The climbing rope type ones come in two thicknesses and a range of lengths. The lighter ones (I have small dogs) are about 8mm and the wider nones would be about double that. I think they are made by Prestige Pets but don't quote me on that. They come in a great range of colours!! They do fade a little but last well. I like having synthetic ones for the beach/water... I am off for another look at the K9 page to puruse ( read spend), I thought they were all same length as the Premium handlers leads. Thanks I have a Y lead a friend made from doubling over and stitching a lunging lead I used for recalls once, she was on a creative/utility binge and it is wonderful takeing two to the beach/dam or just wet weather walks.
  21. Yeah, I looked at them, too long for my liking and I LIKED them A LOT A friend has e mailed me an eBay shop who does them any length to 1500mm complete with complimentary embossing of dogs name. I will havea sticky beak there, I think. If I get one ... Never again will I have a lead nicked at a trial after a steward places it on the ringside table How wide are the "climbing rope" style of lead,poodlefan? I am used to about 1/2 in thickness.
  22. Every one has a personal pref when it comes to leads, short, long, light, heavy or a vaiable depending on what you are doing with your dog. I have had the same two hand made leather leads for over a decade, they are saddle soaped several times a year and wiped down with dubbin at least yearly. However, Lawson managed to snap one, just where the handle is a few months ago and I am unwilling to risk the other one ( the fellow who made them has passed away). I was searching about and was surprised at the miriade of leads available. Personally, I like ( and need ) strong leather ones of 4 and 1/2 feet ( 138 cm). I use a light line of cord for off lead and recall training. But nothing else. What do others like and what else is strong, durable and safe?
  23. Definitely, We learnt from experience with Tolkien but as I have said before Gem is bombproof, unfazed and focused on the task at hand, be it obedience ( she has retired from the ring but I do some work with her now and again for her own stimulation ( no jumping) or play, she is intense. Lawson is from a line of workers and even a UD dog, he is very switched on and motivates easily for a task, he learns very quickly and I had to be careful not to instill/ encourage mistakes with him as he tends to pick up on them fast. Right now, I have crooked sits on returns on recalls to correct...need some broad jump beams
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