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Everything posted by sandgrubber

  1. So glad I moved to New Zealand. Australia is going crazy.
  2. Sounds like a sick (or malformed) puppy... not just a runt. Yes, notify breeder asap. Good if you can get a written report from your vet.
  3. More dogs die on United than on any other airline. Here’s why. https://wapo.st/2GP9QCm Bottom line is that United accepts brachy breeds ... other US airlines don't.
  4. What surprises me is the popularity list. Brachy breeds are taking over!
  5. I think that's because so many terrier breed we're created in the UK in the last two centuries.
  6. This may attract flames, but I see no harm in letting breeds go extinct, or creating new ones (presuming there's an adequate gene pool begind the new breed). If a breed has a specific purpose and that purpose is gone, and there has been no success repurposing the breed, let it go. When numbers get too low, genetic problems mount. Dog breeds are NOT species, or even subspecies. Some land races may have been around for thousands of years, but those were open breeding populations, with selection by fitness to purpose. Closed populations are less viable. It's ok that some of them go extinct. Canis domesticus is a huge variable and adaptable specie. It does evolve with the times. I see no need for living museum pieces.
  7. No one can say what is normal. It's not the sort of thing anyone keeps track of on a big enough scale to define a norm. I think the majority here think what you describe it ethical...provided there are no undisclosed problems.
  8. Sire, excellent. Dam, very good...no worries. If you get 0:0 0:0 scores, good chance someone is breeding with undue emphasis on the few measured and not paying enough attention elsewhere. Dogs with much worse scores than the dam live to a ripe old age with no arthritis of hips or elbows.
  9. There's lots of opinion about dog food and little solid evidence. What YOU prefer, and what you are not a fan of, are minor considerations compared to what your pup will eat. Soft poo is inconvenient, but not serious. Personally, I much prefer feeding dry food to feeding rolls, and my dogs are healthy as...
  10. Yesterday, United screwed up again. They mixed up two dog crates ... The Dane got sent to some US destination and the GSD, booked on a domestic flight, got sent to Japan. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/united-airlines-dog-japan-missouri_us_5aa949dee4b0004c04067a57
  11. For perspective: the yelpie kelpie is worse. Somehow, dog breed reviews seldom consider the piercing quality of some barks.
  12. To quote the folk song: You gotta walk That lonesome valley You gotta walk It by yourself, Ain't nobody here Can walk it for you. You gotta walk that lonesome valley By yourself. It's hard. Sympathy. Been there. But trust your heart...and don't feel guilty.
  13. Huntaway? Big as herding dogs go, and mellower than most. Smart. Want to please. Gawdawful bark, though.
  14. Has anyone seen anything about what breeds/types go farel? My sense is that some breed contribute nothing to the farel gene pool, and other, quite a lot.
  15. I think it's pretty common for top predators to prey on mid-level predators. A fox, coyote, or dog can have 8+ kits/pups a year. Historically, Eurasia and North America would be overrun with various canids if something wasn't killing them. If hungry, predators generally eat what they kill.
  16. Amazing to hear a dog has run the Iditarod at 12 yrs!
  17. Based on experience elsewhere, it's hard to win. RSPCA is likely to have top legal advice who know the ropes and love the RSPCA. If you can find someone who hates the RSPCA and has prior knowledge, you have a good chance. Otherwise, expect to pay through the nose.
  18. No experience with the situation, but it might help to describe "bleeding".
  19. It is reasonable to approach the breeder (politely). If she does testing and follows health guidelines, and if there was no health guarantee, it's unlikely you have a legal case, but many breeders will do something to compensate above and beyond legal obligation. Bottle feeding is irrelevant.
  20. This stuff bothers me a lot, in the same way it bothers me that some company had the gall to name a not-especially-good dog food 'Science'. This is one badly executed commercial use of some tiny portion of the genome. The error rate is high. Sucks that it can be called a DNA test.
  21. What an awful product name. I shudder at the thought of faith healing.
  22. I'd say commercial DNA testing is the problem. Thoughtful analysis might give useful insight.
  23. Did you read the pinned post on diabetes? Sorry if the question is intrusive. I'm just frustrated with wading through all the pinned posts on this site to get to the recent posts.
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