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    Labradors, dog behaviour, health, genetics

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  1. No. I think it's strictly a modern human thing.
  2. "To begin with..." I credited that to poor breeding, due to the high demand and price for chocolate pups back when Chocos were rare. Back in those days I had an accidental Choco girl come out of a black and Yellow mating. She was typical Lab and when bred to a chocolate with good credentials, produced pups with solid Lab temperament. Thus I came to discount the negative views of Chocos. The work on redheads makes me admit to the possibility that there is a biological basis....that a single gene can affect temperament as well as colour.
  3. I've always poopoo-ed the notion that colour is linked to temperament. Specifically that chocolate Labs have different temperament than blacks or yellows. Recent studies with mice and humans show that pain tolerance and sensitivity to opioids are linked to a gene associated with red hair (and some types of blonde hair). https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/study-finds-link-between-red-hair-pain-threshold Or podcast (more complete) http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/6/redir/version/2.0/mediaset/audio-nondrm-download-rss/proto/http/vpid/p0kkfjts.mp3 I wonder if any such studies have been done on dogs.
  4. How was COI calculated? It's possible that a 5 generation COI looks good but a 16 generation COI is a disaster. I don't know if line breeding was fashionable for Staffies in past decades. DNA testing is preferred if a pedigree that goes back many many generations can't be found.
  5. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-025-00133-z?utm_source=Live+Audience&utm_campaign=790d82fcd4-nature-briefing-daily-20250116&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b27a691814-790d82fcd4-50644548 The article is not intended to be about dogs, or Australia, but if it comes through Anti-Venom is going to be both cheaper and easier to store.
  6. I bought a cheap (under $25) dog grooming kit (scissors and comb) from AliExpress to shorten coat and remove dags on my Springers. Have been happy with the result. My dogs don't tolerate clippers without restraints, and many don't recommend clipping for their coat type. Scissors get it done.
  7. Many years ago used phenobarbital. Mild seizures only once or twice a month. It worked. I reduced dose and eventually stopped giving it over a few years.
  8. Fenbendazole, Pyrantel, Moxidectin, and Milbemycin are all used to get rid of hookworm, so rotation is a viable strategy, along with only treating when required.
  9. Yoli finally slipped hers after a year of wear. It's lost in the bush somewhere. But it stayed good while it lasted.
  10. What parasites or pests do your pets suffer or are they likely to suffer? How serious is infection? I look for meds specific to the problem or likely problem. In general, pesticide is poison, but yeah, worth avoiding paralysis tick or heartworm.
  11. I can't remember ever having a vet spend more than 5 minutes on the “exam“ associated with a vaccination. Usually they pull out the stethascope and look at teeth and ears. Maybe also ask what I'm feeding them. I've owned a dozen dogs, and when I was a breeder, briefly owned 100+ puppies...so at least 150 vaccinations, not one of which ended out in discovery of anything that needed attention. Nor have I ever seen an adverse reaction apart from one litter of puppies getting kennel cough from a bad lot of vaccine (fiasco). Btw... mostly Labradors, a few Springers.
  12. Titres don't tell give the information you need. T cell based immunity is often effective long after antibody levels drop. So you may end up paying for the tetre AND the vaccination Btw, the article gives vaccination costs $90 to $250? Eeeks! When I live in the USA I bought vaccine and diy'd it. Cost USD 5. Ok. I can see paying something for a checkup and short consult, but ....
  13. Winston Peters is a nutter. Rehoming 2900 racing greyhounds in 20 momths is going to be a fiasco. I'm mildly against greyhound racing, but can't see that this has been thought through. The racing association and dog rescue organizations aren't on the same page. Shelters are overloaded, especially for large dogs.
  14. https://skeptvet.com/2024/12/nuq-cancer-screening-test-yes-of-no/ Some useful background on cancer screening. It may not be as helpful as it seems.
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