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Everything posted by lic_82

  1. Getting in early this week.... This is Diesel one of the rescue colts, he's feeling a bit sore and sorry for himself after being gleded this week... What a honey :heart:
  2. Aww KK, I wouldnt mind pulling up a seat in the sun with your pups.. looks very relaxing... great shot
  3. I think these ones fit, they were certainly moving (if they dont let me know)
  4. Thanks guys.... I'll sneak another in, this is my daughter and my dear nan (mum's mum)
  5. In the spirit of this week being mothers day, here is my beautiful mum & gorgeous daughter
  6. I am planning on adding a Cav or 2 to our home in the future. WOuld 2 females be ok together if they are raised together, or would opposite sexes work better?
  7. I dont need to comment You know I think you are awesome
  8. Quick post from me Ill be back later to comment :D
  9. Thanks SamiS & Luke, I did a google search and discovered it was a fairly old model so passed it on
  10. Just wondering if anyone here has one? Are they an ok external flash to start out with? TIA Lic
  11. I fell behind on my posting now that Im back at work so Im playing catch up... Last Week This is Charlie, he is a gelding who was bred by a friend of mine and had to be rescued back after being mistreated, 12 months on he is strong handsome and a total love bug This Week My gorgeous daughter at Hunter Valley Gardens
  12. awwww fm..... I really hope I can have a frenchie one day
  13. FM: Love the big pots.. Very Cute HELEN: Those portraits are beautiful MTD: nice macros KK: such a squishy cute face :D ANNIEK: oh what beautiful eyes DOGFAN: I used to have a budgie named Joey CC: What a pretty spot!
  14. My pleasure The dog was sitting on a grooming table, which was covered with a light grey piece of fleece. The background was a white wall. Lighting was provided mostly by on-camera flash, bounced of the ceiling. There was a little bit of tidying up in photoshop. Champion!! Thanks buddy, I will give it a try P.S I owe you peanut butter cups
  15. He is so cute! Luke can you tell me what your set up was for the high white shots pretty please with a cherry on top? PM if you prefer
  16. My pic for this week, I have no idea what week it is, im fried lol. This is a little baby who has just been rescued by Horse Welfare Inc he was part of a mob of 30 babies ranging between about 5 months to 2 years old that had been sent to the doggers So glad they are all safe now
  17. Lovely photos Luke! Have you got some more
  18. Just gorgeous!!!! Keep the photos coming Luke!!
  19. Its not a technically great shot but I love it anyway These boys belong to a friend of mine and are full brothers.
  20. redangel, she is such a nutcase and total crack up. She suits my sister perfectly!
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