I think this article is discussing the pros and cons of feeding raw meatless bones and may be relevant only to people who feed these as recreational treats (or include them in their dog's diet). It doesn't surprise me at all that the author thinks that feeding whole meatless bones (particularly large beef bones), as opposed to ground, seems a pointless risk. The author has deliberately stayed away from discussing the (very) meaty bone as a nutritional "package", noting more than once that he is referring only to bare bones. So, not relevant to people who do feed meaty bones, which have extra benefits, such as the tremendous enjoyment dogs get out of all that ripping, tearing and crunching, the associated increased dental benefits, and the health benefit from consuming cartilage (ie. the author does not note this source of chondroitin) and tendons, etc along with the muscle meat. But, it is a straight forward, interesting article and these are always helpful for further info.