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Everything posted by Blakbelgian

  1. <Shall log BB out to continue> CC
  2. Bilbo Baggins, Cavs must be complete sooks. When we had Schipps microchipped at 6 or 7 weeks they didn't even wimper. Poor Zarah did she get a cuddle afterwards? BB
  3. Depending on which side of Melbourne you will be there are shows nearly everywhere. Beconsfield. Bendigo & Rochester. All starting approx 9am. Due to the hot weather policy check the VCA website on Friday to see if either shows are cancelled just so you don't wast your time driving to a cancelled event. BB
  4. CC & I went to the funeral today. Good to see other dog people there. Was a very lovely service. BB
  5. Melb had nice weather today so pups spent all day in the back yard in a seperated area friom the others. Don't think they were that keen though. Next door is really noisy with building nioses, thats ne way to desensative them. SBT101, no idea on your milk problem. Jess does the weaning when she is ready. Bilbo Baggins, how did you go at the vets? BB
  6. I would go white or cream or Ivy and put some breed stickers on it. Friustrates me to drive past a trailer and you can't guess what breed is in it. Or put a mobile number & kennel prefix as its one way to advertise your kennel/breed. You wont be able to see a black trailer in the dark or on stormy days on dark roads, for safety a white color would be best. BB
  7. :cry: :( I soooo wish I was going to these shows. OH loved going to the seafood co op & buying fresh seafood & cooking on the bbq. I wish you all have nice weather unlike last year. BB
  8. Thanks for the suggestions guys. Was hoping to try to mix both parents names. Two pups have pet names so far, two need names. BB
  9. Have you thought of starting up an account with a Credit Union instead so you have access to cheques? I haven't heard anything in our news that banks are doing this? Wouldn't they loose out on making money from these? BB
  10. HI All, I am after some registered names for our pups before OH makes some names up from his OLD record collection. 1 girl 3 boys all black SCHIPPERKES. Mother is GR Ch Beadale Like A Hurrican Father is Ch Beadale U Son Ova Gun. Can now have 30 characters in their name. Prefix is H*****T Thanks for your time :party: BB
  11. Just a question: Why wasn't de-sexing mentioned once the pups reached 6 months of age?????????? Or did I miss that conversation with the owners? BB
  12. Does anyone know what is the MAXIMUM age a bitch can bred from? From an ANKC ruleing. BB
  13. we have Schipps only. Before we rehomed one of our pups our older boy would play with him for a long time and eventually would get rougher. In the end I would call time out and seperate them or make them sit & relax for 10 mins. Body health wise they are both fine no permanent damage, but then Staffords are much stronger. LizT is correct, Schipps beleive they are a Big Dog in a Small body so dont know when to give up. Enjoy Daisy, before long time will fly and she will be 12 months old. BB
  14. CONGRATS Entourage on your win. :laugh: Can some one tell me how the Schippies went all weekend? BB
  15. I heard that a Dalmatian was BIG and Julie's G Dane was RUBIG. Hope no one got too hot yesterday. BB
  16. :laugh: So sad to hear of this news. She was a lovely, lovely person. She will be sorely missed around the ring. PLease pass on our condolences to Ian. BB
  17. she looks so sweet & innocent. BB
  18. I wormed my guys the other night and noticed their little razors are coming through the gums. they are 29 days old. Does anyone else have teeth coming through? BB
  19. So next meeting is 13th feb 2011??? Can some one please repost the rules, time and equipment that we need to bring. Cost? What if the weather is forecast for 30+ what are the arrangements? I am still trying to get to one of these events. BB
  20. SBT101, so sorry to hear about your sons injury I hope he heals fast. How did you manage to take so many pups to the vet? did you have friends carry one or two or were they put into a laundry basket? I remember taking 7 Schipperke pups to the vet in a laundry basket for their vet check/microchip adn boy did they cause a scene with their cuteness. BB
  21. Nothing like an empty tummy to make a pup eat. Hope she starts to clean them soon otherwise I don't envy you having to clean 5 pups bums regularly. BB
  22. She is soo cute, love the smile on her face. Hope you raise lots of money for flood victims. BB
  23. geee its been mighty quiet in here lately. I guess everyone is busy playing with their puppies. Gave mine a taste of raw chicken mince last night, gee did they love that. BB
  24. CONGRATS :p ;) :D ;) She looks mighty happy with herself. BB
  25. Good luck on getting your bitch pregnant. If you are close but not sure how close, could you leave the girl with Stud dog now until mating happens? Or perhaps have the stud dog at your place until mating if you hvae the room? BB
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