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  1. Yep oatmeal ones made her itch as well. I'm now armed with calendulah tea, and goats milk soap... so I'm organised for the next 2 bath trials
  2. I'm sure I read Chamomile tea on here ... oh well. Trouble with living in a small country town, you can't easily get your hands on some of this stuff. However she seemed not too bad with the sorbolene wash, and yes I do blow dry her with the hairdryer. I've given her a bit of a clip now so she's easier to dry off. I've gotten some food for sensitive skin and will change her diet over, and will get hold of some goat's milk soap or calendulah tea for the next try (when I'm game!) and I'll keep this thread for all it's suggestions. Thankyou!
  3. As an update, I washed her last night in camomile tea and dried her thoroughly. She went crazy with itching about 10 mins later. I tried re-rinsing in cool water, in the end I had to dose her up with phenergan. She was crying and shaking! So off to the vet today. There's no mites or fungal problems. She's to have phenergan for 7 days, and I clipped her right back and I've washed her in sorbolene wash (the chemist said it's the equivalent of QV wash). So far so good tonight, she curled up sleeping with no sign of the frenzy last night. I have found she's less itchy and flakey with her hair clipped right off (but tend not to clip in winter). Does anyone else find this makes any difference?
  4. OK yes well thats just a crazy amount of money for a petshop dog.
  5. I've only just purchased a pup from a registered breeder, and to be honest I was quite surprised at how expensive dogs are. My last girl died, and I paid $1000 for her 7 years ago, she was 1 1/2 yrs old and an ex show dog. So I thought fair enough. Now this is about the price for a pup with a limited registration. I dont have a lot of money and yep price was a big factor in what dog I had. Sorry, but I don't have 2k to spend! While I'll always buy from a reg breeder and prepared to travel distances to buy one, in all honesty I can see why people buy theirs out of petshops/papers.
  6. LOL I didn't know Calendula was a tea! I think I have some Camomile around (it tastes awful!) Nekhbet, I did change her diet a year or so ago, just keeping her with fresh food like mince and chicken necks, small beef bones (no tinned stuff) and even away from the dry dog food and dog snacks. I dont really think it made a difference to be honest. I've got some QV wash somewhere, that I used on the horse so I'll try that. She's still a bit itchy from the last wash (about 4 days ago) and red under her tail but I'm putting hydrocortisone cream on that and so far I'm holding off from the vets. And if those dont work, I'll add Aloveen next. Thanks!!
  7. Hi thanks for the replies, can you buy the Calendula from normal petstores? I'm willing to give it a go! She needed the steroids and AB's last time because unfortunately I'd let it go for 2 days (weekend) and she'd scratched herself silly. It's funny, she doesn't get itchy on the flakey areas after the bath, just on those areas with less hair (tum/thighs/tail).
  8. I have a 7yo Pom, she is always itchy after a bath and I've tried several different dog shampoos all with the same result. If I dont wash her for a while (several months) she gets quite flakey (thickish) on her back and thighs. She doesn't seem to have fleas and she doesn't scratch or itch particularly much if I dont bath her. A few baths ago I took her to the vets afterwards, she needed prednisone tabs and antibiotics and the vet told me to use Malaseb. I tried Malaseb the next time and that make her start itching almost straight away. It starts directly under her tail, then her belly and thighs become red and irritated. Her back is ok though. I washed her yesterday with yet another shampoo, and rinsed her for ages, dried her thoroughly and she's just starting to look a bit irritated now. Any suggestions? I really dont want a vet bill every bath.
  9. Rysup, what you say does make sense thankyou. I have spoken to the vet, who was doubtful as she has no other signs to suggest a thyroid problem. I did consider cushings (as my other dog was tested for it) but again absolutely no other symptoms. The vet said I can bring her in to have a blood test to check anyway which I will do. Its not the end of the world if she stays a shorthaired dog And hey that means she wont need another clip this summer.
  10. Hi, she is 4 years old, and this would be her second clip that she's had. Nicole L, do you think it's likely she won't grow it back?
  11. She's hard to photograph, is never still enough! That darker patch is hair. My other dog's hair is growing back uniformly and her's was trimmed just as short. I hope there is nothing wrong with her Its just odd as I've trimmed her the last 2 years and it all grew back. She did get hot in summer with a full coat and I didn't (until just now) have air conditioning.
  12. I had my dog's hair trimmed last year in September for summer. She is a pomeranian with the usual abundance of hair. Last year I had her trimmed professionally and it was quite short. I usually do it myself with scissors and it has always grown back so by this time she should be a fluff ball once again in time for winter. Except this year nothing. The undercoat on her chest/belly and legs is growing back, and I have trimmed this myself to stop her looking totally ridiculous, but on her back and sides nothing. Is this normal? Have I totally ruined her coat and she'll always be shorthaired?? The trim last year in Sept: Today:
  13. God, it's dreadful isn't it. I still do it everyday, my partner took the photos of Chloe out of the bedroom because it is too painful for him. I had put some of Chloe's tail hair in one of the photo albums, forgot I'd put it there and saw it last night. The pain just hits you all over again. It's amazing how these funny creatures mean so much. I feel too, that I let her down so badly.
  14. Flight


    Already been three weeks, but it doesn't feel any easier. Still miss you like crazy.
  15. Flight


    Thankyou everyone.
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