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  1. Rest in peace little boy Sorry to hear about your loss
  2. What a beautiful girl. :rolleyes: I am very sorry for your loss of such a devoted friend
  3. well, at the moment, they're sitting in a cupboard collecting dust. however, there is/was/might be an intension to make either a quilt or doggie jackets with them. Preferabley dog Jackets-or buy already sown dog jackets and sow the ribbons on. we have enough to do both.(brag brag) Edited Because AD can't speeel
  4. We make our dogs barf diet from scratch and it is actually SO much cheaper. we use chicken, roo and beef mince then mix it in with 30% vegies, liver and other interesting organs. chuck it in the blender and vwala! we also mix in linseed oil, malasses and more health products.
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