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Everything posted by ellz

  1. Not about any breed specifically, but I have heard people saying that if their purebred bitch has a mismating with a crossbred dog, or a dog of another breed, she is ruined for life and will never breed "pure" again...... :laugh:
  2. Gotta be the old potato about Staffords having a "lock jaw". Yeah, they may well be able to hang on, but it's the super-strength masseters and the iron will that does it!!
  3. It just amazes me that they have completed university degree(s), one would think they have a modicum of critical thinking skills. I'm sure they do have these, but are smart enough to abide by the old adage "you don't bite the hand that feeds you".... :laugh:
  4. Wooden crates are generally a lot heavier than plastic too so take that into consideration. I have imported a number of dogs over the years and would always give preference to varikennels which are very easy to adapt to a "quarantine approved" crate and which are more practical after the importation as well. The wooden crate that came from England became a white elephant in the corner of my grooming room and was used as a cupboard whereas the varikennels saw lots of other use at home and at shows.
  5. Things I have learned over the years.... 1. It never hurts to go back to basics. No matter how long you have been exhibiting dogs for, sometimes it's a good thing to go back and start again. You'd be surprised the little things you can pick up. 2. Don't assume that because you know what you are doing that your puppies don't need the occasional "formal" show training lesson. Each dog is different and needs different ring preparation. 3. You "own" the space in front of you in the ring. If you are pushed up on top of the dog in front of you, it's your fault. You choose your speed and your distance. Always allow plenty of room for yourself and your dog. 4. Have a mirror set up somewhere flat so that you can practice stacking your dog and seeing it as it will be seen from the middle of the ring. Just because you think it looks great from your side of the dog, doesn't necessarily mean it is so. 5. Have a wide variety of leads in your possession and don't be afraid to try something new. Just because a lead looks the best with your outfit or the dog, doesn't mean that it will be the most effective for the job. 6. Listen to the stewards and the judges and don't be afraid to ask questions to clarify if you think you may have misheard. 7. Remember that you take the best dog TO the show and no matter what anybody else thinks on the day, you also take the best dog home with you.
  6. I've been using VAN, but am in the process of switching over to Augustines Approved which is a lot more "user friendly" for me.
  7. It's like the hairdressing industry. Different salons are sponsored by different product brands. They don't recommend any others and none of them are very kind about "supermarket" brands of product either.
  8. Incidentally, for those who feel the need to supplement a diet with calcium, don't waste your money on the calcium powders. Invariably all that will happen is that your dog will produce calcium-powder-coated poo. Nil absorption. Liquid calciums are far better and more readily absorbed by the body. And a lot easier to dose correctly as well.
  9. Miss Matilda (aka Semajon Tantaliza) is making her show debut this weekend. She has been to two sessions of show training and all indications are that she'll be a showy little creature! Took this photo yesterday after her bath, clip and trim.
  10. Maybe they have some kind of quarantine station rest area, similar to the one they have at Heathrow. The dogs are still under quarantine laws and restrictions but are only handled by certain people and are kept within a "sterile" complex and environment.
  11. Most states say that the age is the age as at the first day of the show, and a one day show means that if the puppy turns 12 months on that day then they are no longer eligible for puppy.
  12. Ditto! Best prices and most importantly, best service!!!
  13. Been there done that...the only thing that could keep the tag-team fridgebusting pair out was duct tape!
  14. I'm going to have to make some enquiries with ASAP on Monday because I have received some DNA results from them for colour which simply don't compute. According to them, my brindle dog is dominant black (Kk) so apparently his stripes are a figment of our imagination.
  15. This is what I'll be doing. I can get a never-ending supply of good bones and they do love it so much as well.
  16. Interesting stuff. I think I may look into this myself for my dogs. Especially now that Woger appears to be allergic to "something" and keeps springing hot spots on his tail.
  17. I don't think ALL generic meds are "created equal". I use Panadeine Forte a lot and have found that none of the other brands work the same (or as well) which meant that a normally controlled migraine would end with a trip to A&E for "the big guns" (ie pethidine and Largactyl). For that reason, I also don't buy generics for eyes or ears if they can be avoided.
  18. Updated Matilda photo @ 10 weeks of age!
  19. Teflon, knife proof flak jacket! :) Seriously though.....my sense of humour!!
  20. I'd be refunding the lot. And then mutter "good riddance" when you send it off. My gut tells me this could have been a transaction filled with heartache and angst. Editing to add: After years of second-guessing the intentions of puppy people, the cynic in me says that if you keep ANY of the deposit it may be used against you later on if the purchaser talks to too many people and decides that she wants a puppy from you down the track. Also, check canine controlling body rules and also Fair Trading rules...in some places full deposits must be refunded.
  21. Not sure if you're aware of it ruthjones but Dogs Tasmania have specific rules about the taking of deposits and the refunding of same. You should possibly read up on them with regards to your practices.
  22. Personally I wouldn't do this. Many reasons but first and foremost, why on earth should you have to lie? Circumstances change all the time and at the end of the day, it is YOUR puppy and you have an obligation to it. Don't make up excuses, just come straight out and tell the girl the puppy is no longer available. At worst, tell her you have decided to keep it yourself and immediately return the deposit. Don't get drawn into making excuses, they can backfire.
  23. Farrell's kibble was really good, and yes, just like crumbled 4 x 4 biscuits. I used to feed that and also Meat Bits, which I haven't seen in years. As for onion. NO NO NO!!! Yes, for those who have fed it with no issues, it might well be ok in small doses THIS TIME, however next time might be too much. Think of it as your dog being like a bucket of water, small drips don't fill it until you have reached the top level and then the smallest amount of water can be too much....that's pretty much how it is with onions.
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