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Everything posted by ellz

  1. Which is precisely why Limited Register CAN be raised to Main Register upon application by registered owner and breeder of record. Not all breeders will raise a limited to main............seen some massive arguments over that before Which means that the purchaser needs to do their homework prior to purchasing their puppy. ALWAYS before I sell a puppy on Limit (and ALL of my puppies go on limit with the exception of what I keep for myself these days), I discuss with a person at length what Limited Registration means to them and what it would mean in the future. A purchaser should ask the questions before taking the puppy and that would include what would happen if they wanted to upgrade. In some cases, the breeder would be agreeable IF the reasons were right and the dog was of sufficient quality but I can understand why many wouldn't. The key point is though that communication BEFORE the purchase is essential. And yes, I personally HAVE upgraded a dog from Main to Limit. Will I do it again. I don't know, that would depend upon future circumstances. I will not rule it out, but I won't say that I will either.
  2. Which is precisely why Limited Register CAN be raised to Main Register upon application by registered owner and breeder of record.
  3. Would you mind PMing me if you've been around for a while. I have been asked to find out some information about somebody who claims to have the breed, or be a breeder and I'd like to be able to give them a relatively informed reply if at all possible.
  4. But the issue is, why does he need them if the pup is deceased? ANKC ruling is that they must be returned to the canine controlling body upon the death of the dog. As for getting papers when he picked up the pup.....sometimes there are legitimate reasons for the papers NOT being ready when puppies are collected. Whilst it would be wonderful to have all paperwork sorted and ready when the puppies leave home, the reality is that sometimes things are held up. It is not currently law for breeders in Victoria to microchip, although many do. It WILL soon be compulsory for breeders Australia-wide to microchip puppies prior to registration with canine controlling bodies. Until then, yes, it would have been good if the puppy HAD been chipped but certainly the OP had no legal requirement to do so.
  5. He may only be asking for reimbursement for the price of the papers (or the papers themselves) NOW, but can you imagine what the reaction will be if the OP were to send him a couple of bucks in an envelope, considering that in "real" terms that is essentially all they are worth for an apparently deceased puppy? The actual papers he cannot have, that is an ANKC rule. Papers for deceased animals are SUPPOSED to be returned to the controlling body for notation and disposal. What he'd want a copy for or why he would expect to get $30 for papers is apparently something that he has in his own mind. Would be interesting to find out exactly what his train of thought would be (trainwreck I'd imagine) but I for one am not putting up my hand to ask him!
  6. You don't see the body language change Corvus but the Stafford obviously does. The growl may be all it takes for that particular dog to react. I'm not there so I can't say for sure, but to be honest, I personally wouldn't have my dogs offlead in a dog park anyway no matter how much I might trust them myself. So in that case, again it's an owner issue and the owner putting the dog into a situation for which it is not suited IYKWIM. My dogs play here and play hard amongst themselves.....American Cockers, Greyhound and Staffords and the Pug and Puli when they were here too. But they were supervised and the minute things started getting a bit serious then it was time out and this spoilsport Mum pulled the pin on the fun and games until everybody has calmed down and things have reverted back to the normal status quo. If I were in a position of having to use dog parks to exercise my Staffords, then I wouldn't be going when there were other dogs there or if I did, my dogs would stay safely on lead.
  7. OK....been doing some thinking whilst tackling housework.....dangerous combination! Do you have a local Community Legal Service nearby? Or a lawyer friend who would write a letter on your behalf? Send this guy a certified letter on a legal letterhead telling him that under advice you require a copy of some form of certification as to the death of the puppy and that upon receipt of this you will seek further advice with regard to compensation. This might at least a) get you the necessary documentation to make a decision as to how you compensate him b) throw him a loop because he is probably not expecting legal correspondence and it may buy you some time to make further enquiries with the ACTUAL vet and not the nurse with the God complex c) make him call off the dogs because he cannot push you around as he obviously would like to.
  8. Did you speak to a vet or did you speak to a receptionist with a God complex?
  9. I have heard of a situation recently where a vet contacted a state canine control in regards to a breeder who apparently had dogs continually appearing at his surgery with the same health issues, I'd have thought this is a similar type of situation, so maybe if you approach him and explain, he may be more willing to assist and at least tell you whether or not the puppy you bred is alive?
  10. Yes to a dog which needs to be with its people, but like most dogs they do appreciate the occasional "me time" so 24/7 company is NOT an absolutely essential thing provided you give a lot of yourself to the dog when you are with it. Yes, they are a heavy breed and have been known to cause bloodshed when solid body parts collide with something smaller and/or softer. And they like to play and they play HARD! I do NOT agree that they are not suitable for smaller children. I have raised two children from birth with Staffords around them and found that almost without exception, the dogs behaved themselves with the smaller children in a manner in which they tend not to with older children or adults. My Staffords taught the younger two how to walk and were frequently seen being dragged around the house and yard by the tail, all with a huge good-natured grin on their faces. BUT a disclaimer here is that as with ANY dog, supervision is essential. However, I'd be more inclined to trust my "Nanny Dogs" with my children than some of the larger, more boisterous Gundog or Working breeds, and that actually includes my American Cocker Spaniels. As for Staffords having a short temper and striking out at strange dogs. NOTHING could be further from the truth. A well-bred, well-socialised Stafford from a good breeder in the RIGHT HANDS is no more at risk of doing this than a SWF is. In fact, possibly less so. There is an old saying that a good Stafford will not start a fight, but once started, he won't walk away from it. I have found this to be more the point. Part of the "problem" with the Stafford is that they are very intuitive and their handlers need to be alert and aware of what is going on around them, and that includes body language and unseen "signals" from other dogs. IMO, part of being a good Stafford owner is managing your dog and the situations around you and not placing your dog in a position where it has to defend itself or in a situation that may escalate or be misconstrued.
  11. Ethoxyquin is an anti-oxidant (ie preservative) and most dog foods contain preservatives of some kind or another. It is what stops any fat content from going rancid in the packaging.
  12. Black Bronson, if you're going to quote, then do me the courtesy of quoting the entire paragraph IN CONTEXT and not just picked at to suit your own argument. The only thing I will agree with amongst your statements is that of not getting involved in other breeders' politics. I've been around the dog scene for a very long time and am sick to the back teeth of having to fight other people's battles. If I want to use a stud dog and that dog is the BEST match for my bitch, then no matter who owns it, I will enquire. If they say no, then I move onto Plan B (there is always a Plan B). And likewise, if somebody I don't like contacts me and asks to use a dog of mine then I will consider it IF I believe that the match is a good one. I will not deliberately go out of my way to step on another breeders toes but I am doing this for the benefit of my breed and I will not allow personal likes or dislikes or petty politics to stop me from making the best decisions accordingly. If somebody doesn't like that I've used, let use or purchased from or sold a puppy to another source...then that is THEIR problem and not mine. I'll make my own friends and enemies thanks.
  13. I think you'll find that the rules and regulations state that the papers are actually "owned" by the registering body and technically are meant to be returned to them upon the death of a dog. Of course, I'd bet pounds to peanuts that very few people actually do this, but you could try telling him that is what the rules say.
  14. You'd have to ask the breeder that. Until the OP clarifies the situation and maybe asks the breeder, nobody can say anything for sure, it is all speculation.
  15. I think the point is that the puppy IS apparently registered but on MR which the purchaser didn't want. It would be interesting to find out if my theory about the breeder not downgrading the registration is on the mark. That is what I believe has happened. ALL puppies in the litter have been put on MR, and rather than pay the money to downgrade to LR, the breeder has said MR or nothing but because the purchaser didn't wish to pay the "full" price, they have sold the puppy without papers instead. The inference to MR and the breeder being dodgy is more the OP pointing out that if the breeder had been dodgy, they wouldn't have offered MR in the first place because it wouldn't have been available. That's how I read it anyway.
  16. Well that's how what I have highlighted below reads to me. That's not how it reads to me? It would have been nice to have limited reg. papers at least. I didn't want full registry as I have no intentions to breed or show. I was offered full rego by the breeder should I have been interested in breeding or showing but no mention of limited reg. papers. At the end of the day, no damage has been done I suppose. I do have a beautiful dog, the sort of dog with a temperament that I have always dreamed of. My other dogs are also beautiful but there is something extra special about my beautiful girl.
  17. The dog IS apparently registered, but on Main Registration which the OP didn't want. As I suggested, chances are the breeder didn't want to, or couldn't be bothered downgrading the registration from Main to Limited. Depending upon when a puppy is sold, often the registration papers are NOT available at the time of the sale so non-production of the papers isn't necessarily a sinister thing. There can be many reasons for this.....not back from the controlling body, stud documentation not signed by stud dog owner for any number of reasons, breeder waiting to grade puppies prior to selecting those who are going to be registered on Main and those who are going to be registered on Limit.....just to name a few.
  18. Not guilty! I couldn't remember the name of the registering body and whether it was a Club or Association, hence my usage of the word "organisation".
  19. My guess is that the breeder took the "easy" way out and registered all of the puppies on Main and couldn't be arsed downgrading to Limit so that was why Limited Registration wasn't offered. I'm still a bit curious as to why you would have copies of the parents registration, your dog is registered and yet the breeder didn't give you so much as a photocopy of the registration papers of the dog itself??????
  20. Are you positive? If you only saw photocopies of their registration certificates, you won't know what colour they are (unless they were coloured copies). Limited Registration and Main Registration certificates are printed on different coloured paper with different coloured ink.
  21. BTW, the "breeder" having copies of both parents' papers doesn't necessarily make them legitimate OR a registered breeder. Many "breeders" can provide copies of parental registration certificates, as given to them (or other people) by the breeders of the parents. It is whether or not the litter and puppy are registered and the "breeder" can provide the puppy registration certificates, whether they are a registered breeder with the state controlling body and whether they are current members and hold a prefix that says whether or not they are legit.
  22. ellz

    Dog Food Brands

    A few years ago, I fed Supercoat exclusively and recommended it to my puppy people. Then it seemed to change in formulation and my dogs' coats didn't look as good, they started scratching and their output was voluminous and revolting so I stopped feeding it and have never bothered to try it again.
  23. Only the breeder and registered owner can apply for upgrade/downgrade.
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