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Everything posted by ellz

  1. When you say shortcoated, HOW shortcoated do you mean? I would never dream of using a slicker on my Staffords or the Greyhound. A slicker is designed primarily for medium to longcoated breeds.
  2. It looked amazing! I take my camera with me wherever we go now. We usually go on a Sunday drive and explore the countryside around where we live so there are always lots of nice photo opportunities. I'm loving it!
  3. If you do a search, I raised a similar topic last year, but also asked for input from "the other side" as to the kinds of things THEY would like to see included. It was in General.
  4. Yep and some foals are trying to stand while they are still "in the chute"! Cord already broken Standing to pass placenta
  5. Boxer puppies? What boxer puppies? *ellz trawls back up to photo* Oh THOSE Boxer puppies... I expect an invite to your wedding Fran!! Glad you're doing well Jed, you're in my thoughts a lot! ;)
  6. I don't think I've ever left them on for 10 minutes but if that makes you more comfortable, then go for it. Generally by 10 minutes the puppy is dry and back on the milkbar and sometimes has even been taken off a couple of times for the arrival of more puppies and the clamps would make that difficult IMO.
  7. Again I agree with Ceilidh. You can't win BIG because you won't even be in the ring competing for it. The show schedules would clearly state that there are NO challenges for a particular breed or breeds on offer. Therefore NO challenge would be issued. As I explained, the awards of Best Dog and Best Bitch are made, and then a NOMINAL Best of Breed but that Best of Breed winner DOES NOT compete in the BIG lineup but can compete in their Class In Group lineup.
  8. Agree with Ceilidh. Classes are still judged as normal but Best Dog and Best Bitch are awarded instead of dog and bitch CC. Best of Breed is name only and the winner does not compete for the group, but all "normal" breed eliminations are still judged to completion. Class of Breed winners can compete in group lineups, including the animal awarded the NOMINAL Best of Breed award. There can be no participation in any judging which awards championship points such as BIG or BIS.
  9. Dont waste your time - if he knows the purebred world is upset with him he will love it - in fact he will use it against us. The only way he would think that you or I were upset, is if we projected it onto him. This is why I think venting here is fruitless. A rational debate on HIS site, would prove much more effective. I've already started a thread on his site,click here, if you don't want to ad to it, that's up to you. Personally,I can't see insulting him on here will achieve anything. Good luck. You aren't doing anything that hasn't already been done in the time he has been around. It is pointless to argue with him or post anything against him or to raise rational debate with him because he is such an egomaniac that the only result is him preening even more because he has our (collectively) attention. Just like a troublesome child, the best policy is to take the high road and IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE. Kiss him or kick him, he is receiving the attention and that is all that he wants.
  10. Just be aware that this may make some bitches do the exact opposite to what you desire. Many will find the urge to remove something from their puppies that doesn't belong there too strong to resist. Personally, I find that once they are no longer fresh, the bitches don't bother much with them anyway. Okay, think I'll play it by ear and see how things unfold with her. Do you hemostat, cut and tie Ellez or leave it to mum to "shred"? I squeeze the cords, then clamp and cut or break depending upon what is going on and how quickly they are coming or whether or not the puppy is a bit flat. I try not to leave the cords too long but I generally just see how things go. Some cords are longer than others of course, I do tie some if they look like bleeding a little more than others but I try to remove the ties fairly quickly. I only intervene if she's trying to chew at them and that is normally only in the first couple of hours and I'm there constantly anyway to divert her if she becomes insistent. My girls really resent having strange things on or near their puppies so leaving the floss on them draws more attention to the cords and they will try and nibble the cords until the floss disappears...hence why I remove it if possible. Mum licking the cords helps them to heal and dry too, I was told years ago that dog saliva can be antiseptic to dogs themselves unless they are ill.
  11. Psst....they actually got married at the Gracelands Wedding Chapel at Las Vegas I believe...not Gracelands itself. :p
  12. It'll grow out. One of the most bizarre events in my life occurred when I was working for a pro-handler in the States. I bathed a Bedlington and went upstairs to go to sleep. Came down the next morning and found said Bedlington in his crate covered in yellow globules of singed hair. As you can imagine, I freaked. Turned out that the handler decided the coat would benefit from a singing to help him scissor the dog into shape. The dog looked SENSATIONAL when he was finished I might add!
  13. Just be aware that this may make some bitches do the exact opposite to what you desire. Many will find the urge to remove something from their puppies that doesn't belong there too strong to resist. Personally, I find that once they are no longer fresh, the bitches don't bother much with them anyway.
  14. I wanted to get another classic shot except Mr Ellz wouldn't stop the car. It was a fully bloomed wattle tree with snow in the background. Very confused tree I'm afraid!
  15. I have an Olympus SP600UZ which was released in February this year. I was chatting to Michael Trafford about it and he investigated it himself and liked what he saw so much he is going to buy himself one as a portable, take anywhere camera and a backup to his professional gear. The only thing he isn't pleased about is the viewfinder but as he said, he looks for different stuff to other people so it wouldn't bother most. From MY point of view...I love it. I had a Sony Cybershot before this one and really liked the photos that I took with that, but the Olympus is a step up again. You can do basic point and shoot with it, or you can put it into manual mode and adjust the settings according to what you need or want to do. It gets a definite from me!
  16. Laws have been changed in WA too now to close the former loophole that existed, so my guess is NZ.
  17. And this is the Dept of Fair Trading procedure so is absolutely spot on.
  18. If they'd said "is the puppy/dog still for sale? I'm interested" that would be one thing, but if they cannot even specify what they are interested in, how do you even know what they want if THEY don't seem to know what they want?
  19. You'll see that the quote said "no nutritional benefit in MINCING chicken frames" not that there is NO nutritional benefit in minced chicken frames. DON'T mince the frames....feed them whole, mincing is a waste of time and energy for a young dog, or most dogs for that matter and they also get the benefit of tearing the frames apart and the whole bones massaging teeth to help clean them.
  20. I obviously haven't eaten my dogs food. And with all due respect I am after constructive advice and ideas. I am willing to try new things but as a newbie I am VERY confused when it comes to providing a nutritionally balanced and budget worthy diet. Actually very seriously, many people do taste their dog dry food. And I'm being very serious....as dry foods go, you can do a LOT better than Supercoat. I WAS a die-hard Supercoat feeder for many years. Fed it to my adults, recommended it for my puppies. Until a few years back it appeared to undergo a change of formulation and it wasn't the same after that. Dry skin, dull coats, itches, voluminous SMELLY output. Incidentally, there is no nutritional benefit in mincing chicken frames.
  21. Have you ever tried the stuff? I'd knock it back too! ;)
  22. Celeste (short for Celestial) Comet Flare (as in solar flare) Twinkle Glitter
  23. aww.. woger. I love his huge grins though.. forgive him for anything if he shot me one of those smiles Like this one? ;) :) YES!!!!!! love it! And note........NO EARS!!!!!!! :p ;) ;)
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