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Everything posted by ellz

  1. Yep, agree. This was why I made the decision I made for my girl. I couldn't bear to see a girl who had been so full of life and so outgoing become such a recluse and internalise so much. It broke my heart.
  2. I'd say possibly eye sight and/or hearing even. When my old girl started to lose her marbles she was funny and incredibly frustrating. She'd bark to go outside, then once she had wandered out, she'd stop dead and you could see her thinking "now what was I doing?", and then she'd turn around and bark again to come back in. Then once in, she'd pee. She also started to get the wanders and would wander off in the yard and then get worried because she couldn't remember where she was so she'd bark and bark until you came to find her. Needless to say, her little outdoor jaunts were curtailed quite quickly as I was scared she'd wander off and not be able to be found.
  3. 3 years. Then another 3 years until she came into season again. None of her children have had any fertility issues, male or female.
  4. and that would be a blessing *nods* *nods from me too* My puppies, I sell to whom I want to.....or don't sell to whom I DON'T want to and somebody who deems me arrogant because I want to make my own choices isn't somebody I would like to work with.
  5. The breeder can ring Dogs Tas and ask what the registration numbers are as well.
  6. I would suggest you contact Dogs NSW and ask them. I know that this rule is different from State to State.
  7. My puppies, my choice. I choose who goes into which home and when. Or not. Purchasers rarely, if ever, get to select the individual puppy. It has happened from time to time that a puppy an individual has been watching has been "right" for that home, but I make it clear from the outset that even though a prospective purchaser might have a "favourite" puppy in the litter, there is absolutely no guarantee that they will end up with that puppy. As always, both parties have the right to withdraw from the negotiations and transaction if not happy with all aspects of it. Offer + acceptance + consideration = transaction. None are necessarily set in stone.
  8. As with any "stud dog", I'd be more worried about prostate and testicular cancer than heart problems....
  9. I breed to keep, not breed to sell. Therefore I ALWAYS have first say in the puppy/ies that I keep. Usually by the time my puppies are old enough to leave home, I will have had enough feedback from prospective puppy people about the puppy that they like, but I make it clear from the outset that they may not get that puppy and indeed, there may not even be a choice of puppies. I also try and match puppies to homes and thus far have had good results. I don't let my puppies go until around 10 weeks anyway so a lot more of their personality is apparent.
  10. Contact wayrod here on DOL. If he cannot do it, I'm sure he can recommend somebody trustworthy and experienced who can.
  11. When people email me, I keep their emails in an "interest" folder on my computer. When I receive their initial email (or phone call), I will respond explaining my circumstances at that time, ie no puppies, bitch mated, litter on ground etc. I also find out more about them and the kind of home they can offer and will refer them to my online questionnaire (this goes for any kind of contact whether by email, phone or in person). If they complete this, I keep it if I feel they might be a suitable home, otherwise I thank them for their interest and file the questionnaire "appropriately" (ie, round filing cabinet) and suggest that they may be better off enquiring elsewhere. If I have a litter due or on the ground, I will go through this list, email people to find out their current situation and whether still interested in being placed on prospective owner list. Those who haven't waited or whose circumstances have changed, I delete straight away. This is usually about half of the names that I have. Then I work with the rest. Notify when puppies are born and send out a weekly "pupdate" information email to those who wish to be included. One thing that I make very clear is that whilst I am taking expressions of interest, there is still no guarantee that there will be a puppy available and also that whilst they may have a particular favourite in the litter, I do not actually "allocate" puppies until I am satisfied with my own choices. Most people are happy with this. If people have an issue with this, then this is used as a further tool with which to cull my list. This sounds like an awful lot of work, but in reality, it isn't at all. I don't have time to muck around, my time is spent with my puppies (and my family) but I find that this system works for me. Editing to add: And of course, if I have nothing planned, as is the case with Staffordshire Bull Terriers at the moment, I tell them this and wish them luck in their search, usually referring them to DOL and/or the various clubs and State controlling bodies depending upon where they are. I NEVER "recommend" other breeders. Because I don't know enough about how most of them live away from dog shows, I would rather not give personal recommendations because knowing my luck, it would come back to bite me on the behind.
  12. Thanks Tris! :) Yep, baby scenthounds are truly just a nose on legs!!! Unless of course, they are auditioning for a football team!!
  13. Haven't you guys ever read 101 Dalmatians? It is called the "Twilight Barking" and is probably our equivalent of the 6 o'clock news! According to Walt Disney anyway. OK, so that is utter bunkum, but you never, ever know!!! :laugh:
  14. We have a new puppy! Her name is Candy and she is a PBGV. Talk about a funny little dog with a very keen sense of humour! We just adore her. Took these photos last night of Candy playing with my 14 year old son.
  15. Go Mr Ellz! :laugh: and of course, you know Mr Ellz, so you can just see him saying it too right? :D I've got a new pronunciation too...... Staffordshire Bull Terrier is NOT pronounced "Staffy".
  16. Or you could be like Mr Ellz at an aggie show last year, totally fed up to the gills from explaining that our dog was a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, NOT an American Staffordshire BULL Terrier or an ENGLISH Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Bogan woman asked "what is that?" waving in general direction of dog. Mr Ellz replies without blinking "a dog"......... I and then
  17. My new baby made her show debut on the weekend. Not a terrifically successful weekend, although she DID manage to win a fringie in Baby Sweepstakes under Keith Brown (NZ) at her very first time in the ring with MOI. We did, however, have an absolute BLAST in the ring! I rather suspect this little lady is going to give me a lot of fun! Meet Princess Candy (aka Goldtreve French Kisses).
  18. Finish Lap hoond. Lots of different pronunciations for Lowchen, most common seems to be Low (as in rowdy) Shen. PBGV = Pet-ee bassay griff-ON VON-day-ON (how I was told to pronounce it anyway) (btw, translation is Small Wirehaired Basset type dog from the Vendeen region of France! :) ).
  19. One in a crate, she gets too hot anywhere else with her coat and spends most of her time panting. The other two.... My bed......
  20. Woger met a PBGV too.....AND....he gets to sleep with her every night! :laugh: I used to show Bassets for a friend of mine years ago now. And the first dog that was ever "mine" was a lovely tricolour boy from the now defunct Houndsleigh Kennels in Sydney. Of course, he had the UBER original name of "FRED"! Well I was only five....
  21. My take: Permissible is "ok if it is there but would prefer it only if everything else is spot on" Tolerated is "yeah ok, if you REALLY must have it and there is absolutely no other option" :laugh:
  22. Ummmmmm.....I WAS by myself, and it was a fight between two bull breed dogs. Wheelbarrow is essentially useless and I would NEVER do it again. As for throwing the dog....two bull breeds....you'd be throwing TWO dogs!!
  23. Sorry but last time somebody here used the "wheelbarrow" position, the dog swung around and latched onto them....and that person is me. It IS possible to be bitten like that!! I wasn't thinking clearly and didn't approach the skirmish like I normally would, ie break stick in, choke hold on collar and push dogs towards each other. They have to breathe and if you cut off their oxygen supply, they WILL open their mouths to grab a breath and this is the time to quickly separate them. I have also had success with a hose down the throat or nose or a spray bottle with lemon and water or ammonia and water sprayed in the face. Be careful you don't spray it on yourself or you'll be no help whatsoever. Editing to add: And yes, definitely easier to prevent fights rather than break them up. And if you do have dogs which are more potentially volatile make sure they always have a collar on!!!
  24. I used them, paid for the full screening but had to contact them to get them to test for one of the colours that they didn't do (but should have). Can't really complain, it was worth the money. Just sad that despite coming back clear for HC and L2-HgA, my dog was diagnosed with a cataract in his right eye a few months later. This means that whilst he is clear by DNA, and clear by parentage of "hereditary" cataracts, there is apparently another strain of cataract that appears in the breed.
  25. Another vote for the Les Poochs brushs. I have two and the Matzapper is BRILLIANT!!!!
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