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Everything posted by ellz

  1. I used to have VERY good results on the American Cockers with The Stuff. BUT....be very careful if you decide to try it. I could rival Torvill and Dean any day because of overspray on a ceramic floor!
  2. A grey! Hmmmm.....writing that one down. Princess Tia will probably be going to a stallion next year (possibly around this time) and at this stage, I'm looking at a grey so the resulting foal has a 50/50 chance of being grey.
  3. Errrr...no, actually I don't. I live in a part of Australia where it IS illegial to have dogs hanging off or out of a moving vehicle. All dogs must be restrained so that they cannot do so. I'm not haing a go, I'm merely pointing out that your advice is really NOT all that clever, nor is it legal (despite what you may have done yourself...just because you do/have done it doesn't make it right) and therefore, you need to be careful giving it on a public forum. Incidentally, I find it very difficult to read your posts so would you mind using capital letters and a bit of punctuation in future. I'm sure I'm not the only person who thinks this but as I'm the one "having a go" I might as well "go" the whole hog. BTW, I don't need to take part in a popularity vote...I may not be the most popular person here, but I HAVE been a member for a VERY long time and many people know that my advice is generally worth at least considering. Unlike yours...........
  4. Could somebody in the know please post either the section of the legislation and/or a link to the legislation that refers to dog numbers and the enforceability of same by councils in NSW please? I'm writing a submission and I would like to include the NSW legislation as it appears now if possible.
  5. A large smooth rock in the bowl can help as well in the short term. It slows the dog down because they have to concentrate from eating around the rock.
  6. I have to confess that I'm in two minds. It is one thing having a dog that IMAGINES it has a prey drive, no matter how good an imitation it gives, it's an entirely different ballgame when that prey drive is actually realised and the dog becomes obsessed and even in some cases, possibly dangerous. And of course, there is also the risk of disease and as previously mentioned, poisoning.
  7. Has anybody else noticed that whenever the words "foster failure" are mentioned, SC seems to ignore them?
  8. As I said, in some parts of Australia it is illegal to have any part of a dog hanging from a vehicle. It is also law now in some parts of Australia to have animals restrained inside a moving vehicle. You do what you like, but I honestly cannot see many of the people here following your advice and allowing their dog to hang out of the car.
  9. Ummmmm....today is the 28th but it's only Tuesday!
  10. Believe me Pandii....WE can't believe we have snow either!!! Last night's drop has all but melted now but the forecast is for more today so we may see more yet. It's certainly feeling "snowy" out there and the clouds are holding a bit of promise. I'm thrilled we had it....but I'm disappointed that it happened overnight and I didn't get a chance to watch it come down....I love watching it snow and hearing the whispering noises it makes. PS. Pretty horsey is a bastard most of the time. It's a good thing he's a gelding....I can only dread how opinionated and unruly he'd be if he were "two stone" heavier!!!
  11. Are you aware that in some parts of Australia this is highly illegal? Aside from the fact that you are running the risk of your dog getting something in its eyes or even losing its head if you happened to collide with something.
  12. Bit hard to see much (bad angle, dark footage, dark puppy). What I do see immediately is that he is throwing his right leg out a lot and appears to be quite sore in the rear end. But of course I might be wrong. Are your floorboards slippery? That's not all that good for a developing puppy either.
  13. Pet Network have them. I'm still looking for those metallic (gold or silver) elasticated sleeve holders which I like to use as number holders when I'm wearing a nice suit. The kind that you use on cardigans and blouses to keep long sleeves up higher on your forearms. They used to be sooooooo easy to find at the discount shops, usually about $2 for a pair of them but I haven't seen any in yonks and I want some!
  14. I realise that Jed. I just didn't want the OP having incorrect contact information that's all. I have no opinions either way about whether or not the person concerned is genuine or whether or not Pacers can even help her. That's none of my concern. I still think that it should be pinned somewhere on the various parts of the forum that Steve isn't to be contacted via PM. So many people still make the same mistake.
  15. I know that Jed. I'm just saying that it is pointless to give advice to PM Steve because her preferred method of contact is NOT via PM and her inbox is full for that reason. However she deals with it, is entirely up to her, I just wanted to let the OP know that CW EW's advice to PM Steve is incorrect.
  16. Remember too that a Stafford from behind is NOT supposed to look like a kid with a full nappy when it walks. They are an "elegant blend of bull and terrier" and should have long, elastic muscles, not short bunchy ones. Too many people think that a piggy, low to the ground, bulky Stafford is correct and nothing could be further from the truth!
  17. No...DON'T PM Steve. She prefers emails and her inbox is always full for that reason!
  18. Don't laugh.....put a snood over her eyes for the journey. This used to work for a very sicky Cocker of mine. Discovered it quite by accident on the way to a show one day. Used to have to spend hours with potato flour desicking it until the day it somehow wriggled in its crate and pulled the snood over its eyes. Actually made it to a 4 hour away show DRY and CLEAN!! We tried it again at the next show...put the snood on but left it over the eyes on purpose and it worked again. Never had another spewy drive with that dog!
  19. Another cracker of a Spring afternoon so the camera came out to play again! My homebred filly Tia. She's starting to look more like a grown up horse and less like a foal. Roger doesn't share his bally with just ANYBODY!! And just BEEcause....
  20. Nothing to add, except that even if a puppy is not eating or drinking, there are still ways to treat it, so don't think badly of the breeder in that regard.
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