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Everything posted by ellz

  1. Photo taken just over a week ago (approx 6.5 weeks gestation). We have some absolutely insane boobage changes and unless I'm very much mistaken....I felt some rather hearty little thumps n bumps when I had my hand on her belly last night. So........ Unless we're having one WHOPPER of a phantom......there are Ellz babies on the way in a couple of weeks!
  2. Crossing fingers for my first Stafford litter since 2009, due around March 22. Not doing any testing or anything.....still not convinced it is going to happen so just doing it all the low-tech, old-fashioned way!
  3. But they must have a black nose... T. And genetically, this is impossible.
  4. Thank you everybody. I have passed the information on and they are heading to the vet first, then the chiro and then will decide what route to proceed, pending the outcomes from these.
  5. Yes, vet is first port of call and following that, the chiropractor. Ruling out pain first, then try and delve between the ears next. Editing to add: Sandringham.
  6. After recommendations for a friend who is having trouble with unexplained, unexpected dog aggression from a 6 year old dog who has never previously been aggressive.
  7. The backyard and the paddling pool just aren't the same today.....my stripeyarsed Woger is sadly missed this Christmas. No Harvey Wallbangers for you this year my boy. Say hi to your Dad for me......I miss you both terribly.
  8. Ch Ellz Forever Now aka "Roger" to his many friends worldwide. 22.11.2009 - 19.5.2015 I bred him, raised him and loved him. He was my best friend, my most staunch confidante and in many ways, my youngest child. He loved me, and took care of me with every ounce of his Stafford being. He was there when my mum died. He was there when my dad died. He was there when my husband died. He died on the 3rd anniversary of my dad's passing. When he crossed the bridge he took a huge chunk of my heart with him. Nothing will ever be the same. I will never feel as safe in my car, I won't have to hide the chocolate any more and I won't hear him talking to me in silly Stafford language. I hope he's with Wade and my parents now, taking just as good care of them.
  9. Pleased to report that the puppy has made a 100% recovery. Hair has grown back, lesions and spots are gone and the skin is nice and soft and pink and healthy again.
  10. Plus Malaseb baths. I have Malaseb, leftover from American Cocker gunky ear days. It will be good to see it get used up lol
  11. And why would that be Rebanne? Thank you for the constructive input from the other posters. I believe the dog is on a reasonable diet with very little dry food. I will tell them to watch the Ivermectin and monitor progress. From what I understand it has only been on this for a few weeks. I think they have been adding the Augustine's Approved supplement to fresh raw food in an attempt to support the immune system so I will suggest they leave things as they are for a few more weeks. If no change at this time, I will suggest something new. I did warn them that any kind of resolution would probably take some time and to expect setbacks if the fine balance was upset.
  12. A friend has a puppy with pretty severe generalised Demodex. I've had no experience with the condition so have nothing to offer her. Puppy has been prescribed daily oral Ivomectin at 1 ml per kg, but that's about it.
  13. Interestingly, today they're posting on FB that they have private consult and treatment rooms now. And a few people have made comment about the lack of confidence shown by the treating vet which they claim to have addressed. Somebody also posted enquiring about de sexing and they said that this would be coming soon.
  14. The day that Shek and her critters and I were in there, the young vet was wearing a very new looking Murdoch University polarfleece vest. Body language and the way she was dealing with people gave me the impression that she had not had a lot of experience dealing with people, let alone her tentative touch with the animals.
  15. I went there the same day as Shekhina (and I was absolutely stunned with what was going on with Shek and her critters - couldn't help but overhear because of the open treatment area). Mine was only a very basic thing, I just needed to get a Stafford cheek swabbed for DNA testing. The girl had no idea what she was doing. I think it was more good luck than good management that saw that the swabs were acceptable for purpose and that was probably only because I wasted a set of swabs demonstrating what she needed to do. What REALLY turned me off is that she asked what breed of dog I had and when I told her she commented that my puppy was so well behaved and that "she had heard" that Staffords are vicious. Nope...never again.....!!!
  16. Depends upon the dog and the people showing it. I purchased a dog from the USA some years ago now. He arrived in Australia as a 7 year old. It took a year and a bit to get him back into coat. He hit the showring as an 8 year old and won a Best In Show (All Breeds) 2 days after his 9th birthday and his title a couple of months after that. So it can be done. On the other hand however, I had a nice bitch and tried to show her as an adult but she just hated it so I didn't pursue it. She had one litter and it was a good one. She was very happy with her life on the couch. As to the original question. I have upgraded a Limited Register dog born in Tasmania to Main Registration (dog resided in Victoria). I arranged to have the dog evaluated by a trusted friend in Victoria. Then the owner and I both wrote to the TCA (and included relevant cheque) to request upgrade to Main. It was ratified by the committee and upgrade was done about a month later.
  17. I reckon that's a Yankee cocker haha, I think it's just a puppy, the american's stop is way more noticable It's actually a not very good example of an American Cocker. Quite typical of what is seen in companion homes in the USA where the American Cocker Spaniel is known as the Cocker Spaniel.
  18. That would be Greyshaft. Sued for something which apparently the breeder SHOULD have known the dog could contract, presumably via crystal ball. Was really a landmark case in many ways. Certainly from the point of view of breeders, it made many more aware of the benefits of testing for ANYTHING that might be known to a particular breed of dog.
  19. I seem to recall you were the first target of Beau's Mum's ravings! :laugh: I think I've been the target of most people's ravings at some stage or another!
  20. Congrats! Certainly been some coming and going around here.
  21. It clearly states in rules and regulations that the paperwork (ie certified registration and pedigree document) is the property of the ANKC and that it should be returned to the organisation upon the death of the dog. BUT, I doubt anybody actually does it. I know I never have.
  22. You can "sell" a puppy at any age (many are "purchased" prior to birth even), but the age that a puppy can actually GO to a new home is mandated.
  23. Dunno...I think Tassie is a bit "out there" too......they cannot get on amongst themselves within the organisation at the moment, let alone do much else.
  24. My Stafford girls tend to welcome their adult daughters back with their teeth! Love their sons, HATE their daughters!!
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