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Everything posted by ellz

  1. The inference being that nobody should purchase a dog from interstate or overseas because they are more likely to be scammed...... Umm, no. Just the usual reading and not understanding what is being said by people who then try to put two and two together and somehow stupidly come up with 3. I never said that you are more likely to get scammed buying a dog interstate. I said that people should not buy a dog unseen and have it shipped to them and that I can't understand why anyone would do it. If I am going to pay a substantial amount for a dog I would not hand my money over willy nilly to some stranger on the Internet. Thanks Anne but I don't consider myself to be any more stupid than you are when you go off on a tangent. You saying people should not buy a dog unseen and have it shipped to them is YOUR opinion and just because YOU cannot understand why anyone would do it doesn't make it WRONG as you have frequently said that you tell people. Some people have no option BUT to buy on the internet.
  2. The inference being that nobody should purchase a dog from interstate or overseas because they are more likely to be scammed......
  3. This! I have sold dogs all over Australia, to New Zealand and to the USA. Some have been sales based upon referrals from other breeders, some have been cold contact. It is a measure of trust on BOTH sides of the transaction. I've formed good relationships with many of my puppy people, some have faded away never to be heard from again. That's the way it goes and the same could be said of friendships that don't progress. I've had family members of a couple of my puppies come to visit the puppies prior to them going to their new homes. One of them was VERY scathing of his son's decision to buy a puppy from Tasmania when he lives in FNQ. However when he toured Tasmania he dropped in to meet me, see the puppies and meet their mother and he went home completely satisfied and wholeheartedly endorsing the transaction. There is good and bad in ALL transactions and from what I read even here on DOL, meeting a person before or when purchasing a puppy still doesn't necessarily safeguard against issues. Each to their own of course but open minds are infinitely more pleasurable for all concerned to deal with.
  4. Have bred a couple of different breeds since 1986 and been involved with friends in other breeds as well and I would say that I've seen bitches who have conceived stay in season and I've seen bitches who haven't conceived stop cycling immediately. However, that said, I think in MANY cases it is a good sign if a bitch goes out of heat after being mated, but I wouldn't bet the farm on it if pushed to put my money where my mouth is.
  5. To add further to my contribution...it can also be a preventative health tool. A friend of mine had their bitch ultrasounded to confirm pregnancy...or so they thought. What they found was a belly full of fluid and a raging closed pyometra. Had they not ultrasounded when they did, they could have lost their bitch. She was exhibiting a few signs of pregnancy that could in hindsight also have been illness. Very lucky indeed.
  6. :laugh: yep, my vet said he would say 4 or maybe 5 but didn't want to bet the farm on it. Koda had 9! :) I did however have an xray done to try and do a headcount so that I would be prepared at whelping time....13 films later and they STILL couldn't get an exact count so all we could say was that judging by her size and the jumble of spines in the clearest of the murky films.....more than a few, less than a dozen! ;)
  7. To confirm pregnancy for a start. May make a difference to show entries, travel plans or even health of bitch or viablity of a dog. To count possible numbers. To ensure that pregnancy is continuing normally and that pups are viable. To confirm pregnancy in case medical procedures need to be undertaken which may be dangerous for an in-whelp bitch. And the biggest one......curiousity! Just to name a few.....
  8. I agree, many people have very valid reasons for getting a pound puppy or a rescue dog and I am happy when they are happy. On the other hand, I do get VERY shirty with people who say they are getting a pound puppy because of their dislike or distrust of dealing with breeders.
  9. I had a discussion the other day with a person who'd previously contacted me for advice when he saw his bitch, which he didn't know was in season, get mated. She is a TINY TINY Stafford, BYB no papers and the sire is a very large, heavy boned "pitbull" cross. My first advice was to get her speyed. He enquired but apparently didn't have the money. His girlfriend is due with their first child when the puppies will be 6 weeks old....can you see where this is headed? He sent me a text at 2.18am one morning and said "she has had puppies, what do I do now?" Next he is on Facebook advertising the puppies for sale at 6 weeks for $400 each and that the new owners will have to pay for vaccination, worming and microchipping. A friend says he wants one but it's the wrong timing so "numbnuts" says he will think about "repeating the breeding". I suggest that for the sake of the puppies, 8 weeks at a minimum is better and that he should be the one to absorb the costs of worming, vaccination and microchipping considering the litter shouldn't have happened in the first place. And I reminded him that as the pitbull is a restricted breed here, that he should be advising potential owners to obtain proper permission from their local councils. So HE says on facebook that potential owners should lie and tell the council that they are Stafford cross and why should HE pay for the health care of the puppies because he'd never make any money that way. My reply "welcome to the world of breeding dogs Bxxxxxx" and "do me a favour, if you aren't going to at least LISTEN to my advice then don't bother asking me for any more advice or help in the future". And I left it at that. But he's Mr Ellz' apprentice so he cops it in the neck now but to his credit, where he'd always ring me and ask me to answer Bxxxxx's questions, now he just says that he isn't going there and walks away. Anyway, the bitch had 5 puppies OUTSIDE, in the wee small hours because he hadn't bothered to organise things so she could be comfortable. He has no idea whether there were more puppies because he only found them by accident when he went outside for a cigarette. He's just bloody lucky she didn't need a c-section for size disparity. Why do these people seem like they're made of Teflon? Easy matings, easy whelpings, seemingly magically the puppies rear themselves on shit food and he can sell them without qualms with no back up and very little knowledge?????
  10. What size ellz ? 22 plus I'd say....
  11. Le Suit Tahari Yep and Kasper too. Thanks!... I found a really nice suit actually on Ebay but i cant trust things coming from over seas they never get here in time!! Really? I have no problems whatsoever with International post. In fact it is usually quicker for me to get something from overseas than it is from some parts of Australia. Thus far USA to Hobart in 4 days would be the record compared to 8 days from Sydney to Hobart....even the yachts go quicker! :laugh:
  12. Anybody got any plus sized jackets for sale?
  13. I don't think you'll find any dog food nazis you'll find people saying if your dog does well on it then go for gold whatever the brand... :laugh: Don't bet on that....
  14. I have used both Uncle Albers and Great Barko (same company) with great success. I don't use it as a complete food when I do feed it though, and always supplement with bones, meat, veges etc. I have found it excellent for putting weight on and usually feed it to the greyhound during winter or he fades away to nothing. I have also found that most dogs will eat it, even fussy ones. Many of the dog food Nazis will get on and call it rubbish but for a budget dry food, it really isn't as bad as some would make it out to be.
  15. From what I have read, dogs have trouble opening their mouths due to the overgrowth of bone and it seems to be related to rapid growth. Apparently once the growth rate is slowed, the dogs are able to open their mouths again normally. So I'd say that any puppy which has problems eating could be a potential candidate.
  16. Haughty McNaughty, you are in Tassie I see. Aren't you aware that it is illegal to feed offal (even human grade) to dogs because of the hydatid risk?? ETA: <paste>It remains illegal in Tasmania to feed or allow dogs access to cooked or uncooked offal from cattle, sheep, goats or pigs. Offal refers to all internal organs from these types of animals. Fresh livers and hearts from butchers shops and supermarkets should not be fed to dogs.<end paste> http://www.dpiw.tas.gov.au/inter.nsf/webpages/cart-6sa36r?open
  17. I should probably come back into the thread and say that at many stages during the past 26 years I have had at least two breeds of dog in the show ring, occasionally more but that is generally because I have been roped into showing a dog for friends. I have only ever bred two breeds under the Ellz prefix....American Cockers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers and only once have I had litters of both breeds at one time and the American Cocker litter was a major oops caused by a precocious 11 month old puppyboy!!
  18. Vet! This could be a symptom of CHV (canine herpes virus) which can also manifest as fading puppy syndrome.
  19. It happens is my first response. What you should do depends upon a) the severity and b) the purpose for which your brother purchased the puppy. If it was purely as a pet/companion then provided the issue doesn't affect her health, ie eating, then I probably wouldn't do anything. As to whether a vet would pick this up. Some would, some wouldn't. For example, some vets do a cursory check of teeth, testicles, ears, eyes, heart and temperature with possibly a quick check of the mouth. If something is obviously wrong there might be a comment or a question as to whether this is a show or companion puppy with follow-up suggestions if necessary. For my part, to counteract this, I book an extra-long consult with the litter and have the vet complete a homemade health check questionnaire which I photocopy (keep myself) and put the original into the puppy folder so that the new owner can take it with them to the recommended visit with their own vet shortly after purchase (or for next needles whichever is first). And yes, I agree with the others, a mouth anomaly in a youngster doesn't mean it will stay that way. Development can do funny things to bites. I have had puppies with beautiful scissor bites which have gone undershot or overshot at 18 months of age and I've had puppies with inverted canines or overshot bites come back to beautiful scissor bites after teething has finished.
  20. Congrats to all Palmers and their canines!!
  21. It doesn't really matter whether they are "just chooks" or prize winning sheep, horses or cattle, the law is the law. I'm sorry that the farmer dealt with the situation so badly even though he was within his rights to dispose of the dogs. When I lived in a rural area I had an agreement with my neighbour....his animals on my land, fair game and likewise, my dogs on HIS land...he does what he has to do provided he lets me know that he has done it. And yes, whilst in an ideal world a "stockproof" fence COULD/SHOULD be a "dogproof" fence, most often, it isn't.
  22. Conversation overheard just now.... Him: "You're going to LOVE sleeping in your crate tonight!"" Dog: .....silence Him: "Don't look at me like that, I didn't shit on my bedroom floor last night....twice!"
  23. Exactly, because YOU believe it would be difficult. That's completely different to somebody else saying, "you should only have one breed because that is all you can do justice to"...... I get very tired of people who insist that they know best what another individual can cope with.
  24. Personally I think it is a very individual thing. Some people struggle to do the right thing by one breed, others are able to successfully manage multiple breeds. Each to their own.
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