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Everything posted by ellz

  1. Unless I'm trying to point Woger at a car while being yelled at by Mr Trafford.... And trying to remember which is right and which is left whilst Mr Trafford gets grumpier and grumpier!
  2. Can highly recommend the Pupkus dryers. I have just purchased a Force 2 + stand. Not quite as much "grunt" as say a Liberty Ultraforce (barrel) but honestly this isn't necessary in many breeds and if you have a breed that needs specialised straightening or "fluffing" for trimming or whatever then a slightly lower powered pedestal dryer is probably more suitable for you anyway. I like that it is powerful but I can adjust the heat (and airflow from high to low), is ultra maneouverable and doesn't lose stability if I have it very tall to suit my Terrier table. It has proven to be excellent for my Lowchen. Also good is that I can use it as a barrel dryer without the stand but fitting to the stand is as easy as using a few screws which even me at my non-mechanical best can manage! The thing I like the MOST however, is the price. I purchased mine direct from Pupkus and got the dryer and stand plus a small grooming arm for less than the dryer alone from other retailers and with half the fuss. Ordered it on the Monday and it was here on the Thursday and I'm in an out of city area in Tasmania.
  3. MOST important to remember that whichever direction you point the head, the back end will follow and don't try to kneel or hunch down behind a large dog, you have more control standing up.
  4. I have Kickatinalong for the Staffords and the Greyhound had his as well. But when I went to their site, it looks as though they don't do them for smaller dogs any more.
  5. Yep, saw that and he has a "jacket" but he is in a show trim and it's his bare bum and legs that get so cold. That's why I'm needing the all-in-ones. Sorted now though because Andrea is going to kindly whip me up a pair! :)
  6. Normally I would just make my own but I'm not in a position to do so at this time (no pattern available and no fabric store here in St Helens) and my Lowchen is LITERALLY freezing his butt off!! I've followed a few of the links given here previously to no real availa, and was wondering if anybody had a CURRENT link to all-in-one PJs for small dogs please? Many of the online sites are calling basic dog coats pyjamas, but they're not what I'm looking for. Help...please???
  7. Neuters can only compete in the classes offered for Neuters at shows and in SOME states in Australia, Neuter points are offered. Not all.
  8. To be honest, provided it is essentially right, I wouldn't worry too much. It's only if the name is completely wrong that you might have to do something about it.
  9. So in saying that your girl is pregnant...is there any particular reason your friend couldn't purchase a Cocker puppy from you in the first instance (apart from colour???)? Or was there some other issue??? Apologies if the question is too blunt, my cynicism gets in the way from time to time.
  10. Cover his eyes. Many moons ago I had a Cocker Spaniel which was TERRIBLY motion sick. One day his snood slipped over his eyes during the journey and he arrived non-chucked and quite happy. From then on, his snood was put over his eyes or he was situated in the vehicle where he couldn't see out and he arrived as cool as a cucumber.
  11. To be honest, I'd like further clarification on the whole "accompanied baggage" situation for dogs because it was my understanding that dogs as baggage on flights from Australia to any overseas country were stopped years ago. And anyway, the most conclusive information about export requirements can be found on the AQIS website. Regardless of WHO ships a dog overseas there is protocol and procedure that must be adhered to. Some countries require specific blood testing and/or vaccinations such as rabies. These are, in most cases, best left to the people who are qualified to arrange and oversee them. For this reason alone I would highly recommend contracting a known shipping company to undertake the preparation to export.
  12. Doofus :laugh: Puppy teeth fall out all the time. The most important thing is that the judges you choose to show your puppy to. A bad judge can do untold damage to a teething puppy.
  13. Started feeding my boys the supplement this week. Took "before" photos. Will see how it goes on them.
  14. Don't forget DOLer Wayrod for a quote as well.
  15. Never EVER give my dogs ham bones!! And from bitter experience, they don't get leftover pea n ham soup either, no matter how much they beg for it.....it ain't pretty coming out!!
  16. Another vote for the Lowchen! Don't need to be high maintenance, very healthy and a lot of fun!
  17. This! And grinding (whilst still the same thing) is faster than filing as well.
  18. Have been through a slightly similar situation to this. It has coloured all of my recent dealings with other breeders. I purchased a dog from a well known and successful breeder for what was a typical fairly high price for the breed back then. At the time there was no real discussion about restriction of breeding, just that I would need to be careful with which bitches he was bred to for various reasons and in particular a kennel was mentioned who were highly suspected to have major eye problems in their dogs at that stage. It took some time for the papers to arrive because it was the time of the ANKC changeover to a national registration database and when the papers arrived, the dog was on a 20 year lease and not the outright ownership I had expected. Biggest mistake was not dealing with it then and there, however at that stage I had no real reason to doubt that all the breeder wanted was to ensure that I could not transfer the dog's ownership to another party. The dog was injured as a puppy and didn't start a show career until he was 10 months of age, but won a juicy Specialty Best In Show in Sydney at his first show which brought him to many people's attention. A little later, a few stud enquiries started rolling in so not knowing the breed all that well, I referred back to the breeder for advice. For some time there was always something wrong with every bitch, a list not unlike that in the OP. And I'm talking some GORGEOUS bitches that could potentially have come to my boy but even multiple BIS winners were being knocked back summarily. There came a point when the dog was about 3 that I decided enough was enough and agreed for him to be used at stud. WELL...did that start some major explosions. To the point where I was receiving letters from lawyers, nasty phone calls and threats to "repossess" my dog. The first letter stated that I had violated a lease agreement and that I had to return the dog and receive my "lease fee" back. To which I replied, you show me a copy of that lease agreement and I will take it to my legal representative for further advice....which ended that route but opened into the next. Over the years, that dog went to about 7 bitches in total, including 3 litters of my own. I had never intended to pimp him out and I did not do so even after the furore. In the years of his life, due to their "friends in high places" he was de-registered, put on Limited Registration, his puppies were de-registered and others put on Limited Registration (all without a paper trail or my signature) and all of this was halted by the ANKC at a meeting some years later when representatives from two states asked that the matter be tabled on my behalf to end the continual crap which cost me many thousands of dollars in legal fees and my marriage (as a result of the stress and angst). The last time I spoke to the breeders personally was on the day of his 7th birthday when the breeders rang and offered me what I paid for him for me to send him back. I laughed and suggested that $500 for a proven, Specialty Best In Show winning, Royal BOB and group winning champion was a gross underestimation of their own breeding program. My then husband yelled out something rather loud and unmentionable about their parentage in the background and they hung up, never to be heard from again. The fact that that dog was the youngest male Specialty BIS winning dog in the history of the breed and the repeat breeding wasn't as successful has never been acknowledged and to this day he still isn't on their website but that's just collateral damage. I still go down in history as being one of the only people to have ever retained ownership of their dog bred by that particular kennel.
  19. Not all greyhounds are bad offlead. Come to that, not all OTHER breeds are necessarily GOOD offlead either . Depends upon the dog, the situation, the training and how worth its while you make it to come back! :laugh: Seriously though, I'm not a big believer in offlead anything much these days and whenever I took my Greyhound out anywhere he COULD be offlead, he was on a very long lunging lead for my peace of mind more than anything. There are a few good rescues about, but if in doubt, head to GAP first.
  20. My first supply is already on its way to me as of this afternoon! :) Can't wait to see how my boys do on it!
  21. Have just received an email to tell me that K9 Showstopper has now officially landed safe and sound in Australia!! Has landed safe and sound and will be available for purchase soon. The importer (Danny) is working with a few suppliers but in the interim it will be available via a website currently under construction. As soon as he sends me the information about the website, suppliers and prices I'll post here! SOOOOO excited, I've been waiting for this stuff for what seems like forever!
  22. No arguments from me. Many winters ago my family nearly lost one of our toy poodles to a paralysis tick. Because we weren't living in an area where they were commonly found, it was deduced in the end that the tick itself came to our house on a load of East Coast firewood. So yep, can still happen in winter!!!!
  23. I wouldn't. I would deal directly with the exhibitor. Me too...the steward isn't there as a mediator.
  24. You mean a plastic crate? Like a PP40 or a varikennel type crate? Take it apart and put the top inside the bottom...put the screws in a plastic bag and put it in the middle layer. Put some tape around it and you should be ok. Australia Post cube everything that is a "regular" shape. When the crate is disassembled, it is no longer a regular shape so they have to charge it on weight and not dimensions.
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