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Everything posted by ellz

  1. Well, I've learned never to say that I want either gender because the opposite WILL happen so I would like a nice puppy with the combination of these bloodlines of whatever colour (will be buff or black) with either parents headshape, both parents dark eyes and earset, both parents length of neck and placement of shoulder, would prefer mothers' overall length with fathers' topline but just fathers' topline would be good, both parents tailset, mothers tail carriage (which is partly attitude related ) and mothers coat texture. Just a nice blend of both really. No outstanding faults on either parent to correct, but some lovely qualities on both to consolidate. Sire's grandfather is dam's father and they are mostly outcrossed through the dam lines with some very slight linebreeding a tad further back. I don't think I'm asking for too much!
  2. Almost 7 weeks...still not overly large in the belly area but still has the gummy discharge and today has milk.
  3. Like the masses, I'd be feeding less but more often. The metabolism is like a slow burning fire. It needs to be fed when the body wakes to give the body the energy to burn calories during the day and the fire needs to constantly maintained to keep burning. The last meal shouldn't be fed too late in the day either. To add extra "bulk" to the feeds so that the dog thinks it is eating as much, but isn't getting the calories, try adding heaps of grated carrot to the meals.
  4. Sweet potato is great however served, although as with "normal" potato you should be careful with the portion that is directly under the skin. Sweet potato can also be fed as part of a bland diet if your dog is unwell, along with or instead of white rice and chicken.
  5. My girl MIGHT be suffering from morning sickness (see my other thread) so cross fingers that it is a sign!
  6. If it hasn't affected them thus far as far as the poo factory is concerned then I wouldn't worry too much. Just make sure they drink lots and get bones to clean their teeth.
  7. If they eat too much, they'll probably get the trots. Just make sure they don't get the pear or apple pips which are toxic (can result in cyanide poisoning).
  8. Clipperworld are very good. But another alternative might be The BARF Shop. I've dealt with them as well and they offer "grooming packages" for professional groomers.
  9. This thread hasn't been bumped for a while!!
  10. Yep, the Ichthammol ointment is basically a poultice. You slather it on, cover it and allow it to get hot and moist under the bandage which softens the skin and allows the medication to pull the foreign body to the surface. In most cases it will either appear on the bandage, or at the very worst will be close enough to the surface that it can be easily removed without too much digging.
  11. It's also known as black drawing salve. It looks like vegemite (and doesn't smell much better). I have it in a tube, but I think it comes in a little tub as well.
  12. Definitely see an opthalmologist. Labradors can be prone to PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy) which can start as early as 6 weeks of age and causes gradual blindness (often night blindness).
  13. Very welcome raz....I didn't think PRS would mind me sending it on to you.
  14. Another vote for Ichthammol ointment. Awesome stuff, pulled a deep splinter out of the bottom of my foot many years ago. Foot was sore and I could "kind of" feel that there might be something in there so rather than go to the Dr (I'm a wuss), I went to the chemist and they sold me a tube of Ichthammol. I bandaged up my foot and kept applying the ointment and a couple of days later, there was this dirty great big chunk of firewood on the gauze!! AND it didn't get infected either which surprised me because it must have been a fair way in!
  15. Done. Looking forward to reading it. I'm looking forward to reading it as well. Unfortunately I think my copy took a detour via alpha centauri I'll send it to you razzle! :laugh:
  16. Done. Looking forward to reading it.
  17. Yes, have more to add but am waiting to see the information that you were forwarding to another forum member on EAD. Care to share with me?
  18. Should mature dogs only be allowed to be advertised on DOL if they're desexed? I'd say yes. so we should not be able to sell any main register dogs or bitches that are suitable for the show ring ? If the dog or bitch is not of show /breeding quality , then by all means desex before rehoming but there's nothing wrong with selling a mature animal to an approved home, it's no different to selling a puppy, other than the mature animal can be viewed. What she said!
  19. Miss Koda is home from Melbourne and appears to still be slightly puffy behind so fingers crossed!!
  20. OK, first misconception. A dog doesn't always itch if they have fleas. And likewise, they don't have to have VISIBLE fleas to have a flea allergy. It definitely sounds like skin scrapings are in order for diagnosis. Mites, lice and fleas are the obvious culprits. It could also be dietary. And if she is an indoor dog, it could be a contact allergy to something inside your house. Some dogs have issues with carpets for example. I'd be considering a basic elimination diet to make sure it isn't dietary along with a trip to the vet for scrapings as first ports of call.
  21. I was also told that Tasmania doesn't have a flea problem......we do!
  22. Exactly where on her tummy? If it is in the area of her umbilicus then I would hazard a guess that it could be a small umbilical hernia. These aren't necessarily a problem but most vets do seem to prefer to repair them. Many do it when the puppy is under for desexing.
  23. Not confined to Royals, the question I usually get is....."what's the difference, do they bark funny or something" when people are told that my dogs are AMERICAN Cocker Spaniels. And of course, the inevitable, "my grandfather/uncle/brother/father had an Australian Cocker Spaniel"..... *sigh*
  24. Koda Stafford says you don't have to be one of those fluffy things to wear a snood!
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