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Everything posted by gapvic

  1. I don't know how to do anything as complicated as that lol
  2. Thanks guys :). Snook, I love the first one too. We walked into this old abandoned factory and straight away I noticed a little square of golden light on the floor. It was quite beautiful :)
  3. I did a shoot with lifemodel Loz Lightyear today. Here are some of the pics - I've picked the ones least likely to offend by their nudity so if anyone is upset by these pics please just let me know and I'll delete them.
  4. He looks lovely PC! My big bloke is still looking for a home.... we've had no takers whatsoever. Poor old standardbreds.
  5. hahahah Trifecta, that's not actually my floor! We went down to Timboon late last week to collect a new addition to the family (Kevin the Chi Hua Hua lol) and spent the night in an airbnb place. I thought ooooooh, clean floor! Ideal for Marvellous photo! Roomba does a good job on my floor but it is still, inevitably, covered in dog hair, dust and dead spiders.
  6. Lovely photos everyone! 2/52 Marvellous, having recovered from seventeen days inside a small dark box, decided it was time to find out Where She Was, and more importantly, What She Was.
  7. Lovely to see some old faces here! Beautiful pic Helen. Huga, I'm sorry to hear Lola is struggling
  8. 1/52 This is Marvellous. Her journey began in Bulgaria, seventeen days ago. She doesn't know what came before. One day she Wasn't. The next day she Was.
  9. I agree - nice job Scottsmum, looks like a lovely spot!
  10. ooooooh, bumblebees! I love bumblebees! I had the most huge one land on my car when we were touring the Sth Island - so beautiful! Lovely to see one in your pic Scottsmum!
  11. Lovely jobs everyone! Dididog, do you use lightroom to edit? If so, slide your shadows slider a little to the right to show more detail in her head :)
  12. Congrats dididog, have lots of fun with your new toy! Glad to see you here too PC - lets both make it to the end this year :)
  13. Yes, thanks Trifecta! I've come up with a theme but might be a week or two late starting as I wait for the prop to arrive. I've picked something less ambitious and easier to execute than last year so I'm really looking forward to taking part again :). Hope some more people join us :)
  14. Yep, count me in. I failed dismally last year. Still trying to come up with a theme for this year but I do want to have a go :)
  15. Forgive me if it has already been mentioned as I only quickly scanned this topic, but my understand of dun greyhounds is that it's not so much about the shade of red/brown/milo/whatever you want to call it/coat but also about the colour of the nose. In dun it will be liver, not black. We have only ever had two dun greyhounds come through GAP out of the nearly 8000 dogs we've had here, so it's quite rare :)
  16. Thanks heaps. I'm off work today but will respond to your email tomorrow :). Yep Gillies St not Pets Place :)
  17. Thanks Rural Pug :). We are in Ballarat every second Wednesday - would it suit to meet there? At the RSPCA? Would you be happy for us to trial him to make sure he fits in etc?
  18. Sorry guys, I should have provided more information. Yes, all our greyhounds are assessed with our small dogs prior to adoption. This is done safely and carefully, with the physical and mental well being of our little dogs paramount. Anyone who has met our guys will confirm that they are happy, bright, bouncy dogs. When and if our little dogs decide they no longer want to take part in the assessments, we find them fabulous new homes. We currently have four dogs that assist with testing - Bingo, Stumpy, Django and Spike. Spike and Moby were the last two we got from DOL - Spike is brilliant at his job but Moby was scared of the greyhounds, so he is now being spoiled rotten by my parents. The four here have interesting, happy lives and are currently sleeping on various beds around our office as I type. None of our existing dogs are looking to retire but due to the high number of new greyhounds entering our Program each week, we are needing extra little dogs to assist with the testing so that the workload isn't too high on any individual dog. We are not fussed about breed - the dogs we need just need to be small (JRT size), prefer rough coat but not essential, and must fit the criteria listed in the OP. Happy to answer any other questions.
  19. Hi all, We are on the hunt for more terriers to join our family here at GAP. They need to be energetic, outgoing, and ideally have a love of chasing balls. It doesn't hurt if they are a little on the crazy side. They must be confident around large dogs and not dog aggressive. Our little guys have a great life here with heaps of play, training, and travel. If you have a terrier needing a home that you think would suit, please email [email protected]. Thanks heaps! Larissa
  20. 35 adoptions and 3 foster with a view to adopt - fabulous day and result!
  21. You could try Advanced Vet Care in Kensington rather than Melb Uni? It's a specialist referral practice. Stephen Holloway is a great vet.
  22. With mine, I usually have them put to sleep in the back of my car rather than in the vet clinic. It's a happy place for them. I always now have them sedated first; I stay with them till they go to sleep with the sedative then I usually go sob in the gutter while my husband remains with them as the vet puts them to sleep. I can't be there when they die.
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