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Everything posted by gapvic

  1. Love the purple dragon dogfan and the black nose Misteri! And Gila, that's a beautiful picture
  2. All the pics are great, aren't they? I love this thread :D Fattima, what an interesting wall! Where is it? What is it all about?
  3. Found some nice new presets here too: http://speckyboy.com/2009/05/08/35-adobe-lightroom-presets-adding-professionalism-to-photography/
  4. OK, many thanks! I'll just have to keep playing around with them. Thanks too Snook for the links! Downloaded some nice presets to add to the collection :)
  5. Thanks guys. When I was editing pics yesterday the presets I purchased for jpg (I'd got a set from Pretty Presets) seemed to look different, not as nice, over the RAW pic
  6. Hi all, I'm hoping someone may be able to guide me here. I've just started shooting in RAW, but all the Lightroom presets I've bought or downloaded are for jpg. Is it possible to crop, edit etc the pic RAW then somehow convert it to jpg to use the presets? Sorry if this is a stupid question Larissa
  7. Last night I tried to take a photo of my 18mth old filly and I - it proved to be far more challenging than I had anticipated. Getting the zoom and the focus right, when there was nothing to see in the frame, was very hard. This is the best of a bad lot, and as you can see, I've cut off her ears . Just another thing for me to work on :laugh:
  8. Another fabulous photo Katie and like Snook, I love the way you are using lyrics to tell the story of your photos :)
  9. That's what is so great about this thread - not only are we improving our photography skills, we are improving our editing . Snook, I had no idea what you were talking about when you said to use a graduated filter but I've had a crack. Do you reckon this is any better?
  10. Thanks Huga. Found it quite hard getting the light right as I wasn't there in the frame to focus on to get the lighting etc - very tricky!! I need to practice a lot more on backlighting :)
  11. Pixie Meg - how cute is that chicken?? Here is my week three. Not particularly happy with it but I was lacking inspiration this week... I'd come up with what I thought was a good idea but when I took the pics, they were terrible . I was feeling frustrated and down about it then I looked out the window last night, noticed the beautiful light, and thought I'd get out into it.
  12. On DWI it was listed at around $1400 last week, and I phoned Camera House in Croydon (Vic) yesterday and they wanted $1600 but said they could do it for $1500. These prices are body only. I'd be interested in hearing what quotes others get too. Great idea DA and it sounds like it's working
  13. Its like you read my mind. I have a D80, been thinking about upgrading to one of the 2 cameras you mentioned. So no help from me, but I would love some feedback too. LOL! I've been doing further reading / research and it seems that the D7000 is now the better camera, so I've decided to go with that... when I can afford to get one :) . Let us know what you decide to do too!
  14. Does anyone here use the Nikon D7000? I love my D80 but am thinking about an upgrade. I was tossing up between a used D2x or the D7000, but it seems I can get a new D7000 for not much more than the second hand D2x so that seems the better bet. Any feedback on the camera would be great!
  15. Snook - I love that photo!!! I don't know why you were worried about showing your face- you're beautiful! Sorry to read that the last few years have been hard... hope you are able to move forward now. PixieMeg - I wouldn't be able to decide either... both beautiful photos. Cool pic Mr Red Dog!
  16. Fantastic photo Huga! How did you do it? What did you do to make everything around the phone booth so dark?
  17. I love popping into this thread and seeing all the fantastic new photos! Great pics everyone I've been very inspired by Snook to have a go at the close up eye pics this week. It was really hard and took heaps of shots to get anything even remotely ok... and still the focus isn't brilliant on either of these shots
  18. But it's a beautiful photo LMS and you are so pretty! Snook, I love yours! How did you do it? What lens? AA, cool pics! Huga, I agree completely, it's really confronting. I've actually been doing some nude selfies as I love nude photos (nice ones LOL) but don't have anyone to model for me. Taking photos of yourself with no clothes on is extremely confronting
  19. I love this! Probably a stupid question, but do the shapes you're making with your hands mean anything?
  20. You've done a great job Whiskedaway with your self portrait! Did you have trouble with the focus? My first attempts were terrible as I had so much trouble getting the focus right.
  21. Remote will be on its way to a new home with Huga next week. Hopefully you'll be able to show me how it works when I buy the right one
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