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Everything posted by Livi

  1. Great News, Parvo is such a nasty thing, I'm so glad she pulled through !!!
  2. That is the best news I have had all day
  3. Awww look at Elliot http://www.petrescue.com.au/view_animal.cfm?animal=9652
  4. Also consider having a look in the Rescue Forum or on www.petrescue.com.au Please don't buy a crossbred pup from a BYB or Petshop. Out of curiosity how much was this person selling the pups for ? A rescue with desexing, vaccinations and microchip will cost you $200-$300.
  5. We haven't factored in the third and fourth type of person #1 Type who buys from Registered Breeder #2 Type who buys Rescue Mutt (pure or cross) #3 Type who buys from Pet Shop #4 Type who buys from BYB I think the main problems come from type #3 and #4..obviously from #2 the problem is eliminated by early desexing.
  6. OK how about this, phasing in of it being illegal for private people (ie: individuals who are not registered breeders) to advertise and/or sell puppies. Might make BYB and irresponsible pet owners think twice !!!! When the choice of the general public is restricted to either expensive petshop mutts, pedigree dogs from registered breeders or rescue/pound puppies we might start making a real difference. It is FAR too easy to get a dog, that is the base of the problem, any idiot can get a dog (from the wrong sources) and there is currently nothing being done to stop it.
  7. Just found this info, but doesn't look like that particular vet offers it. http://www.carecredit.com.au/index.html
  8. It just seems that laws get written but absolutely NOTHING is done to enforce them. (microchipping that is)
  9. Good points Jed Sadly it is too easy to ignore the microchipping laws in NSW. I know someone who just bought a pup from "a breeder of 14 years" no papers or microchip Yes BYB but the average GP don't know/understand the difference Nice looking pup and parents to my uneducated eye (I've seen pics but am not qualified to judge the quality) I don't really think there is an easy answer to the problems of dumpage and overpopulation. Or rather any easy answers will be expensive ones and councils aren't willing or able to fund them
  10. Livi

    Toilet Problems

    If it is any consolation kazzakanary the weather is starting to get warmer That is the worst bit, taking them out in the cold/wet night and walking around the yard in the dark watching intently for the "squat" lol.
  11. Livi

    Toilet Problems

    I thought it was a bit gross but when I had my Cav the lady across the road had a little dog that pee'd inside at night, she put rubber backed bathmats down for him and would wash them in the morning LOL I don't know if it is a breed thing but I became convinced that my girl was just a little sook, didn't like to get her feet wet, probably nicer to wee on the warm dry carpet than go out in the dark/rain/cold wet morning or evening ground !!
  12. Livi

    Toilet Problems

    I had a CKCS that was a nightmare to house train, especially at night and when it was raining. I would definately invest in a crate and/or pen and follow what ellz has posted. I've never experienced anything like the problems we had with that little Cav, ironically (or not ??) she died of bladder cancer.
  13. Fixed. Thanks for that samoyedman
  14. I maybe should have posted this in the training/behaviour section ? You are correct showdog in that these have been 'over the top' cuddles, but I guess my question is, should I be training the dog or the humans to prevent future problems from this behaviour ?? My instinct is to say "she doesn't like you doing that...so don't bloody do it !!!!" but I don't want to ignore what could be a problem in the future....
  15. Nahhh just a grumpy bitch who doesn't like hugs
  16. Thanks Kavik, I thought it might be that (feeling confined/threatened). Will make sure the kids don't try to cuddle her, get them involved in other ways of intereacting and slowly get her more comfortable.
  17. Our rescue pup (16wks) has started growling at both my daughter (8yo) and hubby when they have given her a cuddle. This has only been in the past day. I'm a bit perplexed as she will happily obey commands from anyone in the house (come/sit/drop) and is not food aggressive, doesn't display any dominant behaviour I can see She is a pup who seems to like her 'personal space' as opposed to our Dobe who is a 35kg lap dog I've had a chat to the family and told them she obviously isn't comfortable being hugged and am planning on making sure everyone does a couple of minutes obedience with her daily (in case she is 'testing' the other family members to see if she can get one up on someone ??) Any advice from the experts will be much appreciated, I don't want to go into panic mode but I don't like a dog growling at people *not that it matters I suppose but she is believed to be a BCxGSD*
  18. To be brutally honest I think the educated/responsible dog owners are far outweighed by the uneducated and/or irresponsible ones. Except through people I have met via dog shows, obedience and rescue I don't know one single person who has much of an interest in dogs, though I know many who own them One question, possibly stupid, but would a bitch who was sterilised as opposed to desexed (if that is the correct wording) still come into season ? I'm assuming they would. If so is it 'humane' to have a lot of animals in surburbia being driven crazy with the desire to mate, and being unable to do so ?
  19. I'd phone the vet, I wouldn't imagine they would charge you a consult fee to have a quick look at her if you tell them you think she might have caught KC when she was there but just want to make sure it isn't something stuck in her throat.
  20. Exactly !!!!! It is sad this pup in the OP suffered complications, but any surgery has risks. Gosh when my daughter had her tonsils and adenoids out I was told the most serious risk was DEATH I was bloody terrified taking her in, but knew the risk for a healthy child was extremely minimal, and the effects of not having the surgery were going to be high and ongoing reduction in her quality of life. Same with puppies, the risk of complications of early desexing are far lower than the risks of leaving a pet dog entire. Even as a responsible owner I know I can keep my dog IN, but can I keep other dogs OUT ? An accomplished digger or fence scaler could easily get into my yard, where there is a willy there is a way Also I would HATE to have a poor entire male surrounded by neighbours entire bitches trying to get out to do what nature is telling him to do every time he caught a whiff of a bitch in season Only registered breeders with the knowledge and intent to breed should have entire dogs or cats. There are probably many thousands of dogs out there who have been desexed early by rescues, responsible breeders, pounds, RSPCA. If there was a high risk of problems with these dogs we would be hearing a lot about it !!
  21. Hehehe, thanks so much for sharing myszka Keep the stories coming Divani We love hearing about the antics of your crazy Mum from a puppy perspective ;)
  22. My boy is a pathetic sook, but everyone in this household knows that even LOOKING at me before I have decided it is time to get up and I've had at least three sips of coffee is a very dangerous thing to do !!! He sleeps inside and if he wakes before me he gets sent out to the doghouse and I go back to bed Lets just say that doesn't happen often
  23. Yes my little girl is gone now RedX3, though she would have loved a play with your girl I'm sure You and Freckles best beware of Dobe toting Cav nappers though !!! Nahhh I wouldn't do that, would settle for a cuddle (from the Cavs that is...just so I don't scare you off !!!)
  24. There would be people with much more knowledge than me who could help you RedX3 but speaking from my own experience with a Cavalier just like yours I think she would be a little bit too scared ;) My little girl hid under the chair under my legs at puppy pre-school haha, the vet nurse advised me to get up and move away so I did and she just ran under someone elses chair !! I took her to regular obedience and she did get more confident with gentle smaller dogs but was never the type who would enjoy an offlead area with lots of larger dogs. Like yours she loved people though and would enthusiastically greet any human she met. I would suggest obedience classes, let the instructor/s know she is scared around bigger and/or more boisterous dogs and they will help you to help her :D You have to be really aware of what is going on around you at all times though to keep control of the situation. Once when I was signing in to obedience I felt a little tug on the lead and looked down to see a Golden Retriever at the end..I couldn't see my little Cav, she was underneath him He was "only being friendly" but for her it was like horror of horrors
  25. Hahaha, well I was thinking about it but I'm scared he will be too naughty now :rolleyes:
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