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Everything posted by Livi

  1. That works for me too IDWT. I haven't had issues with dogs going too far in play but find they like to 'perform' inside the house So they get asked to "settle" and if they return to rumbling in the lounge room they get nicely asked to go outside..where they invariably don't want to play but prefer to sit at the door looking at me Takes a few repetitions but they soon learn if they want to be inside they have to "settle" so I guess the same principle would work for general too rough play. I don't mind a little bit of controlled rolling about on the floor but when they are full on wrestling and bounding around off the lounges etc it is a little bit too much for inside Out of curiosity Ah Ngau how long have you had your little pup and where did you get him from ? Do you have support from the breeder ? How many weeks old is he? Your ticker suggests not yet 2 months old so I'm thinking he probably isn't from a registered breeder ?
  2. Livi


    I've had an entire bitch and 6' fencing was always adequate to keep her safe during seasons. I left her in the yard when I went out or to work and never had an issue. I'm very pro-desexing and personally chose to desex my own around 6mths and rescue kittens/pup before rehoming but the OP sounds to be very responsible and understands how to manage a bitch in season so if she is willing to take the proper care and responsibility and is more comfortable waiting a little longer to desex it shouldn't be an issue. Pounds and Rescue groups simply can't afford to take the risk of sending out entire animals to new homes and it doesn't agree with the message and ethics rescue promote but on the other hand I know or know of many people with entire animals (breeders and show people) who are able to manage their entire animals without incident (and have done for many many years), it isn't difficult it just requires people to be responsible.
  3. Pretty scary to see isn't it My puppy had a seizure a few months ago and nothing since vet said it could have been caused by an insect bite or something, both dogs were playing on the grass and it is also possible in the fun she banged her head on the edge of the concrete near where they were playing. Hope your little one is OK.
  4. My poor Dobe wouldn't even know how to jump like that Awww well what he misses out on in leaping he gets lots of cuddles to make up for ;) Totally OT but while we are on the subject of Dobes, I am very proud of Jones...I rehomed some Foster Kittens this weekend and both families were very impressed with his obedience and gentle friendly nature...it is nice having the opportunity to 'educate' people about such a beautiful breed, when they come in and see him with a family and his little stump wagging and just wanting pats from everyone who visits it makes me a proud Dobe Mummy :D It is nice seeing people who are scared of big dogs come in and fall in love with the big sook
  5. LOL..we printed out a poem called "My puppy ate my Homework" and put all the "bits" in a plastic bag..teacher was
  6. Oh No !!! I'm glad he is OK !!! Very scary stuff..has to happen on a Sunday night doesn't it, how come animals never scare us when the vets are actually open ??
  7. My 8yo keeps 'accidently' leaving her homework sheets where our puppy happens to shred them for her before she can get a chance to do them
  8. I have a cat you can vacuum TB She is deaf, isn't bothered at all by the vacuum ;)
  9. Are you saying my dog barks like a girl ?? Try climbing my fence and he will disprove that theory
  10. The problem with a discussion like this on DOL is that pretty much all of the regular posters are highly responsible and well informed dog owners. The idiots are weeded out pretty quickly when they find posts like "I'm looking for a stud dog, CKCS, Maltese or Cocker Spaniel to mate with my Mini Poodle" are NOT welcome However the vast majority of the dog owning public are NOT as well informed or responsible...they will not make sure their bitch is secure not only from getting OUT but from other dogs getting in. They are not willing to pay (in NSW) $150 to register an entire dog and then go and desex later when the dog is more mature. They are not experienced enough to care properly for a pregnant bitch, deal with whelping and raising a litter and finding good homes for them..if they do have the resources to provide proper care they probably don't want to use those resources for that purpose..and then end up paying to desex their bitch later so it doesn't happen again. They do not want their boy dog going nuts trying to get over, under, or through the fence because the bitch next door is in season, they don't want to pay the vet bills when he gets hurt trying, they don't want to deal with the complaints if he spends days howling and carrying on because he is too much of a sook to hurt himself trying and they don't want to deal with the angry owner of the bitch if he succeeds. Their dogs are not canine athletes, they are dogs, they play ball, go walkies, and maybe know a few tricks like "shake" and "beg". Fact is while there are valid arguments for and against...for the vast majority of dogs out there pre puberty desexing IS the best option. I have also been told my Dobermann is leggier and not as deep in the chest as he would probably have been if left entire and I don't give a hoot He is not "funny looking" or inferior it is just that even if I did get him some fake testicles and snuck him into the ring at the next Royal he wouldn't be coming out with any ribbons...well he shouldn't but who knows in the fickle world of dog showing..stranger things have probably happened :D
  11. So what if they are taller and hairier or not ? If you are not breeding from your dog a slight difference in height and hair length should not be an issue. If it is an issue the owner needs to be responsible for ensuring no unplanned/unwanted litters result from their dog and be able to manage the natural urges of an entire dog/bitch.
  12. Haven't read all the replies but I would go "A" because my dog doesn't do well on wheat..and it lists rice, and because I also feed meat with any dry food so aren't too worried about protein/fat content.
  13. Puppies and Babies/Toddlers are tricky. You need to train both and a lot of supervision and seperation is required. This means a lot of hard work for you to ensure puppy has the right amount of stimulation/training/interaction and everyone is safe and happy. Babies and Puppies don't "know" boundaries, they have to learn them...from you
  14. Is your ticker out of whack ? Is that your pups who it says are 3months 1 week old ? I don't know but I would think even 4mths very young for a first season ? Be interested to hear if she is in season, I always thought 6mths was the earliest that could happen
  15. Livi

    Advice Please

    Good Luck with puppy school. Without seeing the behaviour it is hard to tell if the dog is aggressive or just playing and needs to learn some manners... I'm no expert anyway but do you understand dogs body language ? Does her stance etc appear confident, playful, nervous, scared, aggressive ?? Whatever the case you have a pup there that is going to grow into a big strong dog so you need to get all the training and advice you can now while she is little. Is your older dog a large breed too ? I noticed you were looking at rescue dogs, did you get the pup from rescue ?
  16. Livi

    Advice Please

    How are you trying to get her out ? I would just call her out, use a treat if you have to, but don't crawl under there and try to pull her out. She might be a bit scared or tired and is going under there to feel safe and have a rest, just leave her be if you can. With that breeding she wont be able to fit under the sofa for long anyway
  17. How big is the cage ? Can the dog go to the toilet in there (comfortably) ? I would approach them but say other neighbours have been whinging about it and don't want to say anything so you wanted to let them know. Like cowanbree said that way you aren't putting yourself in it if they don't act and you have to take it to council Also if that happens and you do take it to council be prepared to lie to their face and say "I have no idea who reported it, could have been anyone" Is the dog only barking in the early morning or all day long ? Some dogs think we should all be up with the birds and the sunrise, maybe they could put his bed in the garage where the light and noise wont wake him so early ?
  18. Livi

    Shy Or Scared?

    If the problem is only after meals I would say puppy is tired and wants his personal space to have a rest Some puppies just aren't that snuggly my 6mth pup likes to be near me but wouldn't sleep in my lap like the 3yo Dobermann will
  19. Wow she is going to be a handful when she grows up, bossy little thing isn't she !! :D I've seen older bitches do that, and also that chook scratching thing with their back feet afterwards mine used to do it at the offlead area cos she could smell the other dogs that had been there. I think you will have to keep them outside, or at least don't give her the run of the house and keep her confined where you can keep an eye on her (and is easy to clean up) if outside all the time doesn't suit.
  20. I'm not a muzzle grabber myself. I find "yelping" and/or saying "Ah Ah" and replacing your hand with a toy to bite and praising for that works well.
  21. Glad she is fine A simple way to tell if something is blood is to get a damp tissue/paper towel or a baby wipe and give it a wipe..you will know then if it is blood or not :rolleyes:
  22. Please explain I got a bit overexcited there !!! When the OP said her pup was bleeding and was told it looked like she was in season...I was picturing blood dripping and swelling. Having only seen a large short haired breed in season, well it isn't quite like the puppy/desexed female bits and is more obviously vaginal discharge then piddling blood Hopefully this pup just needs a good bath and all will be well
  23. You say she is peeing a lot inside ? Assuming you are taking her out at appropriate times for toilet training, how often does she wee ?
  24. Ohhhh poor baby Hope the vet can sort it out quickly Peeing blood is so NOT normal
  25. Is it from where she wee's from or her vagina ??
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