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Everything posted by dogslife
I am one of the people who has very strong negative views on the RSPCA. Having said that, as long as you go in with your eyes open, then why not. The RSPCA needs to change.....and change from within is a great place to start. I know that you are looking to be trained and to learn, but you can also teach if you have the right attitude. Some of my best staff were those who knew "nothing" about the job..... but the attitude they brought with them taught much to the other staff members. Good luck
My sister has a property out that way and I have to say that most farmers would consider what the guy did to be normal. My sisters dogs are all well cared for, and have a good working life but in the country things are different. My sisters farm is an hour out of town. If a dog need to be put down ...... most farmers would not take a dog to the vet in town. I don't agree with it but its a reality. You need to remember on these farms they kill their own chooks for dinner.
I cannot speak for the others who have made comment in this thread but I can assure you that my statement is based on fact and I am happy to provide in a pm names and dates. All my statements can be backed up by facts and at least one senior RSPCA will confirm the truth of what I have said. I can provide emails to back my statements. Additionally a well respected vet will confirm my statement regarding the vet practices based on his direct involvement. He was requested to inspect a dog by an order of the Court and he found that they were treating a dog with a drug that was contra indicated given its condition. The RSPCA Sydney had custody of the dog and they were arguing that it was in the dog's interests to be put down. The independent Vet who inspected the dog at the RSPCA pointed out the incorrect drug that was being given, which was causing its condition. The dogs was released to GAP in Qld where it went on to enjoy a nice life. Further the Court records will show that the RSPCA was ordered to not put down any of the dogs involved and that they were to surrender them to other Rescue organisations. They fought the order and lost. What ever you believe about the RSPCA you must consider, in these days of checks and balances, if its acceptable that a Board member of a enforcement organisation is also the one making a profit from those prosecutions. We have police prosecutors..... they should be acting for the state not the RSPCA appointed lawyers.
now I don't know who to believe She is tellig the truth...... if you pop back into the Dane thread you will find some photos several months ago on the photo shoot when it was happening. Or you can search Meh posts to find it.... Its all true. Meh.... he looks great...... you would never have thought that the SOS would have turned out so well.
My view of the RSPCA is based on close contact with them in a professional situation. Although I found three members of staff very professional in my dealings with them, the rest that I encountered were so bad that I was really shocked. During my interaction we found that some staff had been stolen items seized from a property in a court matter that was required to be returned to the owner, no records were kept that documented accountability, that excuses were made for corrupt behaviour, a lack of basic vet procedures, a failure to provide vet treatment to dogs in their care, a lack of communication between management and staff resulting in a senior inspector organising the rehoming of a dog that was already dead ( the inspector had been told the dog was ready for rehoming when it had died two days earlier)........... I could go on and on..... The main problem is that no one overlooks the RSPCA yet it has a law enforcement role. The public profile is a very slick media campaign yet behind the front doors is an organisation that needs a total clean out. The clean out needs to start with the Board and under no circumstances should a Board member have a business that receives work directly from the RSPCA. By this I mean that on the Board is a partner from the law firm that handles most of its prosecutions....... It should be put out to tender. No Local Government organisation would be allowed to have its Mayor or Councillors also being their provider of their legal services. I have a very very low opinion of the RSPCA........ but one based on direct experience.
My daughters Belgian Shepherd lives in her first floor apartment with her. The Body Corp loves her and they leave the main front door open when my daughter unit door is open so the dog can wander around the outside yard. She often sleeps on the stairwell during the day while my daughter is at home. She visits everyone in the building to say hello. She loves being there and is happy usually to sleep inside most of the day when my daughter works.
Three Years Ago Now Kuga, A Very Special Old Man
dogslife replied to hortfurball's topic in Rainbow Bridge
I have followed Kuges over the years and loved hearing his story. He was a grand old man who knew how to make the world love him. We are poorer for his passing but he was loved and he loved you Horts. No dog could ask for more. We only get such a short time with these wonderful dogs. I will miss all his stories Hugs from all of us. Rest in Peace Kuges -
Where To Collect A Puppy At Sydney Airport
dogslife replied to Aussienot's topic in General Dog Discussion
The street is called Eleventh St off Ross Smith Ave. -
I can feed my three big girls together out of one bowl and there is NO fights or issues at all. I usually feed them in seperate bowls as one needs medication but they often get stuff together in one bowl as a treat. They adore each other lots.
I have three big girls ...all desexed. Two Rotties and a Dane cross. They all adore each other and we have never had a single moment with these three together. My daughter also has a desexed girl and whilst they love her, she has started two fights with my girls in the 6 years my daughter has had her. One fight was when another dog was visiting and she and my three were locked inside away from the visiting dog. She snapped at one of my dogs in her frustration that she wasn't allowed to get to the other dog outside. Fight was over in seconds. I think its more the nature of the dogs rather than the gender.
Many Dolers will be aware of a prosecute first, ask questions later attitude with some RSPCA inspectors. A well respected doler was charged with neglect over a dog she had less than three days. It had been pulled out of the pound and transported to her via two other dolers to be looked after. Some RSPCA people are not interested in the facts...... I would never call the RSPCA myself. I would see if I could find a reason to chat to the owner....... maybe knock on the door and ask them if they had a Douge. Tell them you love the breed and you would love a pat. Have a chat......... then if you are concerned call the Local Council.
I had a Neo that I pulled out of the pound and he was all skin and bones. He could barely stand up. It took me over 6 mths to get the weight back on him. Talk to these people first........ the rspca can cause more issues than they solve.
Oh Horus.... I have only just seen this. I cannot believe that it has been three years since Lucky came into your life. He was in the best of care at your home and I know he would have enjoyed his final years with you and the hounds. Hugs from me and mine. I am so sorry.
They can have 12-14 babies or just 2. The mothers give birth and the babies are left to themselves to survive. Mums have even been known to eat their own young. The best you can do is to create lots of hiding holes for the babies that they can hide from the dogs. Old terracotta pipes half hidden into the ground are good or piles of rocks. If you see any babies, move them to a safer place away for the dogs.
I have several reasons why my dogs stay home when I go away. 1. There are three of them 2. They are big 3. I tend to travel to parts of the third world where they would eat them....... ps.....Hi Danios...
Relationship Between Dog Size, Yard Size And Exercise?
dogslife replied to jacqui835's topic in General Dog Discussion
Two Large and one Giant. Three all up. Inner city semi with yard. They sleep all day and have to be dragged outside to the toilet. The Dane x loves to lie with her head over the back of the lounge in the front room and watching the people walking along the street. They enjoy sleeping more than anything. Before I had knee surgery, I walked them every night and took them for a swim in the harbour. For the last year they have not had a regular walk but I am not sure that they have missed it much...... they are all 8 years of age. They do get lots and lots of people contact, and they have humans all day with them as I work from home. -
I will put this one my face book....... Maybe others can do the same....... Is there a contact number?????
I would ask around and see if someone wants a dog during the day as well. Not everyone can have a dog but they would love to have a dog once or twice a week. An elderly neighbour who cannot afford a dog may love the daily contact. And not all strangers are a worry.......... you only have to see people helping total strangers in Qld to remind ourselves that 95% of the population are good and decent people. You may make a new friend. Go for it.
Looking For Someone Handy To Make A Big Kennel
dogslife replied to Danois's topic in General Dog Discussion
There are stacks of cubby houses on ebay........ have a look at this one linky -
For the story on him please read... link
I was at a friends house in McMahons Point for the fireworks and they had their dog in the house. I was surprised as I had thought it bad news to have a dog near the fireworks. We sat out in the yard watching the fireworks and the dog sat at my feet and ignored the noise. It fell asleep during the second lot of fireworks. And no.... the dog is not deaf. Its a 2 year old lab.
Actually.... I would rest the dog for a few days and see what happens. Most vets will tell you to watch and see. I treat the dogs the same way I treat myself and my kids. A bit of a strain on the ankle and I would rest it for a few days. If its a cruciate ligament then waiting several days will not matter. I have had four dogs do their cruciate ligament so I am well versed in these. Watch the dog and no walks to see if he is stilll limping in a few days.
I would agree to uniform rules if they were based on NSW law. But the problem is that we would end up with very restrictive laws. I live in an inner city of Sydney and we are allowed as many dogs as we can manage...... as long as they are not a problem to neighbours. A single bored dog can be a bigger noise problem than 7 Great Dane who sleep all day together. Same with cleaning up....... it depends on your standards not the number of dogs. Every park is off the leash in my Council area and we have very few issues.
I flew a 70 kilo Neo Mastiff to Qld with no real issues. He was a massive sooky boy. We went Qantas and it was fine. We went late in the day. The only issue was finding a crate big enough for him. The one that was hired only just fitted him. I watched them load him whilst I was on the plane. I could see him out the window and they were very careful. They had three dogs that they were loading. They did have lots of paperwork for me to sign at the other end but the staff just let me sign the bottom as he was howling once he heard my voice and he had started rocking the crate back and forth. I think they were terrified that he would break out and they didn't like the idea of a 70 kilo black dog loose. He was also bloody loud with his howling.
She is very bright Sue.....at 7 mths old she ate a pin cushion with pins ......... great vet bill. :D