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Everything posted by dogslife

  1. You came into our lives when I was doing dog rescue. You had been picked up with your Mum and brother running on the streets, and placed into the pound. Your brother was the image of my old dog who had died the year before and I just had to save him. You were micro-chipped so you had an extra week. I conned a friend to foster your Mum and brother and left you at the pound. I waited the week to see if anyone would take you…… the pound thought you were not worth saving. Too scared and flighty, they said you could never be calmed because of the abuse you had suffered. I returned the next week to find you still there. I had no room for an extra dog. As I watched you in the cage the vet arrived to put down the dogs who had reached the end of their time. They put you on a leash to lead you away. The vet turned to me and said “which needle”?.... “the vaccination or the green dream”………. I took you home. You were not great with other dogs and we had to watch the pack. You slept at night in my daughters room to get you used to people being kind and to remove the stress of the pack. You were so scared. To feed you I had to leave the food in your sight, out the back yard and move everyone away. You would run away from your food if anyone came close. It was never a treat. You watched with amazement as the other dogs took treats from my hands. You were so thin that every rib stuck out. My daughter called you Nala. I knew it would be months before I could put you up for adoption. We thought that you were six years old. As the weeks passed my daughter fell seriously ill. We visited the doctors and were transferred to RPA. Life changed to weekly hospital visits and long stays in bed. My daughter and Nala spent all of their time together. As my daughter slowly healed so did Nala. I realised that I could not separate them and Nala became a permanent member of the family. You never really fitted into the dog pack. You misunderstood many dog messages but they accepted you. It was an up and down relationship with the rest of the dogs and cats, but your love for my daughter was so clear. I often think that you helped her fight the illness that nearly took her life. As the two of you healed you rediscovered the world together. My daughter taught you to sit and stay, and to take food from her hand. You were food aggressive with other dogs but we managed to teach you to eat within the pack group. The other dogs were bemused at your habits. But best of all we taught you to love and to play. You even learnt to play with new dogs at the park. I look back at the fragile dog that arrived here and I wonder at the loved, calm and friendly dog that you became. We nearly lost you two years ago when you argued with the pack over a dying rat that you had caught. You lost the argument and you spent several weeks on a knife edge. We marvelled at your recovery. The vets had said that you would never run again……..but they didn’t know you Nala. You went on to start agility and you adored it. You became the talk of the vet world amongst those who had operated on you. Then life took another turn. You now lived in a apartment block with my daughter when she left home. You were the apartment dog. You showed the non dog people what a delight you were and they all left their doors open for you to visit. I would turn up to the apartment building to find you snoozing in the stairwell with all the security doors open to allow you visit everyone. The women loved the safety that a Belgian Shepherd provided. Couriers would stay outside the gates…. too scared of your sleeping form. The gardens were your backyard and the building voted you full access whenever you wanted. We discovered that you had a heart problem. You had a slight cough and a runny nose. The Vets explained that you had only weeks to live. But you proved them wrong again. You made 6 mths and they were delightful days. You responded to the treatment and to the untrained eye you were full of energy. You bounced through your final months. You had a great last day. You were with my daughter all morning, cuddling on the lounge. Then a visit to my house for a romp and a run at the park. You ran rings around the other two dogs and you bounced back to my place. Dinner was your favourite…. Steamed chicken…… and then into bed with me whilst the kids went to a movie. You cuddled me and snored…. a sweet combination. Your smile was beaming when my daughter arrived to collect you and the two of you played on my bed. You jumped all over the other two dogs. She took you home with you sitting next to her on the front seat. You died in your sleep that night…….loved and blessed at having found peace and comfort after a horrid start. My daughter has lost the friend that helped her fight her illness, who stayed with her though thick and thin. She has lost her love and she, like me, grieves at your passing. You were loved very much. You have gone to join Chantie who left us only 16 days ago. The loss of both of you in such a short time leaves us devastated and our remaining two dogs look for you both. We had a wonderful seven years with you. Goodbye my darling Nala. .
  2. Can someone who knows the link for donating via the childcare centre please list the info so that I can donate. .
  3. I am so happy for you. I think he is in the right place. Give him a hug from me. .
  4. The outcome was crap. She lasted a week and they sent her home because they thought she was well enough. She had survived the surgery and made it through the worst week. We all felt she would improve faster at home and that I could bring her in during the day and nights at home. She was home a day and night. She was so happy to be with her pack. I adored having her home. I loved my baby. She went downhill in the second evening. We spoke to the vet and then took her back in at midnight. She had a blood clot go to her lung. She died at 6am. The house is so wrong. My baby was the glue that we all needed. The other dogs are lost wthout her and my shadow is missing. I miss her when I get up in the morning, and when I go to bed at night. I keep expecting her to waddle in as I eat a mandarin..... they were her favourite. Hug your babies tight. And smother them in kisses. I grieve every day for my dog. .
  5. She came into our lives as a friend for our Rottie x puppy. Our elderly dog, Boo had just died suddenly and our 7mth old Ella was missing the company. We visited many rescue groups and pounds looking for a friend for Ella. Ella was terrified of all the dogs we took her to meet. I had nearly given up when I heard of two wolfhound pups at a rescue group. As I loved big dogs I thought that one of these might be the dogs for us. We arrived to meet the wolfies but the lady brought out this 5 month old scraggly thin Rottie cross girl with wiry fur. Instantly Ella ran to greet her and they ran around the house together. They licked each other and rubbed muzzles. I was so surprised. I asked to meet the Wolfies but our Rottie girl hated them on sight. The lady brought out the wiry Rottie again and the two dogs loved each other as they nuzzled each other. I hadn’t planned on a second Rottie but these two were meant for each other. Chantie became our newest family member. The rescue group that had owned her usually insisted that you wait 24 hours before taking a dog home. But these two were so meant to be together that they allowed her to leave with us that night. We got home about 8pm and at 9pm I rang the woman who had fostered her to tell her of what I was watching. The two girls were sharing the same bone…… one at either end. Chantie became my shadow. She stayed next to me or her new sister all the time. When I took them for a walk I never had to have a leash on her. She would walk next to my left leg and watch me as we walked together. I loved her and so did our family. She became the glue that linked all of us. Her fur grew softer as she learn to swim in the harbour and she started on a natural diet. She had been horribly abused before the rescue group had saved her but she flourished here and held no grudges. I joined the rescue group and became a foster-carer myself. Chantie loved all the dogs that arrived here. She cleaned all the puppies and licked all other visitors. I loved her more and more every day. She slept in bed next to me with her head on my pillow. The minute I open my eyes in the morning she would lick my face. She rejoiced in life and her enthusiasm was catching. She was a food thief and was a master at getting to food left unattended. I often surprised her in the kitchen when she thought no one was around. She would have jumped up onto the bench’s to graze at food left out. Stealing butter was a favourite. She once stole my daughters 1 kilo chocolate from Haighs that she got for her birthday. A $600 vet bill to have all the dogs throw up was the result. She was known as the family garbage bin and a mandarin was her favourite food.her sisters followed her lead on food. She was so well and happy that it never occurred to me that she could be ill. She had just turned 9 years old. Last week we all went to the shops and I bought everyone a pigs ear. She refused hers. I knew she must be ill. We raced to the vet and she was transferred to the ARH. She had a tumour that had burst. She went up and down over the next week and every day I drove the 30 mins each way, several times a day to see my baby. She wouldn’t go to the toilet without me so three times a day I went to take her out to the loo and tempt her with food. After a week they allowed her home for the night to see if she would pick up at home. She was overjoyed to be home. She lasted one day at home…….she went downhill so rapidly. She threw a clot on her lung. She died this morning back at the vets. My baby. I loved her so much. .
  6. I can totally understand what you are saying Gaylek. Tonight I have no dogs here. I have never been without a dog here in this house for over 20 years. My baby is fighting for her life at the specialist vet hospital and is not expected to live. My other two girls are with her to provide fresh blood transfusions overnight. I have come home and no one has greeted me, no one has licked me and no one has farted. It is so wrong. I feel lost without them. My Rottie girl who is in hospital was my shadow...... she never left my side. I never needed a leash as she walked right next to my left leg. She was bleeding internally...... one min she was fine..... the next she crashed. I raced her straight to the vet and the rollercoaster started. My baby Before she was ill... .
  7. Food....I can tell by a dogs smelll if they eat commercial food. They stink. If you are game then switch to a natural diet and the change in dog smell will surprise you. The guide dogs association have just switched their dogs over to a natural diet and their vet bills have dropped by 82% (from memory) Just try it for 6 weeks and see if you like the difference. .
  8. I think Barkon is in the wagga area and she may know of someone who could help. She is often in the M&M thread. .
  9. Where are you?? What state? If you get stuck there are lots of people who can help. What breed is she? Is she a big or small dog? .
  10. I have used my vet once for this. Dropped the dog off for an overnight stay. The dogs are happy because its somewhere they know and I collected them the next morning.
  11. Someone had a great link to a chocalate and dog web page that clearly explained the risk. Search the pages from 2-3 weeks ago.
  12. My daughter has a Belgian Shepherd in her apartment. She is on the first floor and she has had the dog for 7 years. She has lived in the apartment for about 4 years without an issue. The dog love her life there and the other residents adore her. She leaves her front door open and the dog visits the neighbours upstairs who keep treats for her. The dog has a run every day and the common area/garden is the dogs playground. She often did zoomies around the outside of the building. The block of units is fully fenced. When I lived in New York and Paris, big dogs in apartments was common place....... In New York we were on the 34th floor and there were lots of dogs on our floor....some big...some small.
  13. My daughters dog Nala has the same. She was told that she may not last the week............. its now 3 mths later. The vets are really surprised. She is on lots of drugs but she is doing well plus she is happy. Don't give up hope just yet. Horts in the M&M thread had a Dane cross who also had the same. He lasted years after they diagnosed him......against all odds. Good luck.....and hugs
  14. I am somewhere in here.......... I think I am the squished one.
  15. It was even worse Rozzie as we didn't know which dog ate it. It was a 1 kilo choc frog that was a birthday present for my daughter. All three dogs had to be treated and it was at the emergency vet. The bill was an added joy on the night
  16. Ring your vet straight away. My Rottie ate chocolate recently and the vet said that it depends on the brand of chocolate. With Haighs chocolate it is toxic at 100grams per 10 kilos of dog. My 45 kilo rottie ate 1 kilo. The vets made her vomit and gave her charcoal to eat. If you can get him/her to vomit straight away. Most chemists have stuff to make them vomit.
  17. This is her usually...... She is a Dane crossed with an English Pointer....... but the brains of a Dane usually...... :dancingelephant:
  18. I have no idea what method but I do know that they both have a wedge in their legs. One funny bit is my dane after her surgery recovered well but always had a bad limp. I worried alot about it and we returned to the vet often during her recovery to see if there was anything wrong. The limp was still there after a year and the vet and decided it was "one of those things" that would never be explained. ......... until I went away for 3mths and friends dog sat. I had asked them to keep an eye on her limp and if it got worse then to take her straight to the vet. Every phone they claimed they never saw the limp........I just thought they were blind and not watching her........... On the day I returned she was delighted to see me.......and after she calmed down..... she limped across the room My girlfriend exclaimed...ohh she's limping......this is the first time she has done this since you left.... Over the following weeks we worked out that the "limp" was for me and me only.... :D She has not bothered to limp since we worked it out but the bloody mutt had been putting it on for more attention. ;) I had never thought that she was that smart.
  19. I forgot to add that my girls are a Rottie X and a Dane X....both over 45 kilos
  20. Don't do it..Don't do it.... I have had two dogs done...... and the bloody things can now jump up onto the kitchen bench and steal food. I told my Vet its his fault.... Seriously though..... its not cheap but a great outcome. Both dogs can jump further than they could before surgery and my benchtops are cleaner. I would do it all again if I had too. :thumbsup:
  21. Agreed...... I think Julie needs a cheer for all the work she has done today.......... A very unselfish act and not everyone would rise to the challenge to help another....... I hope Vicsta is sleeping better tonight knowing that others are prepared to help a total stranger in need.
  22. How many boxes..... ??? Beds etc.....???? I think they have a spare storage room so I will call them.
  23. How long will you need to store the furniture....??? I have a friend in Adelaide that I will ask but she will need to know how long the furniture will be there for.....
  24. I am against caged birds as I have to deal with the after effects. I have three cockatoos here who were all insane due to being in cages as pets. These birds are too smart to be locked up. They live to 120 years and in my view its a crime to have them in a cage.
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