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New Age Outlaw

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Everything posted by New Age Outlaw

  1. View of the river from the zoo Croc Barbirusa Otters Mongooses (or is that mongeese?)
  2. Some pictures I took at Singapore Zoo last week... Assorted moneys and apes...
  3. Our house block is about the same size (around 880sqm) and we currently have 3 greyhounds (and about to add a 4th); at times I have had 5 here when I have been babysitting for a friend - the space has always been perfectly fine for that many. As others have said a lot is to do with what other exercise/stimulation you provide rather than just the size of the yard.
  4. Mine had beef mince and lamb heart with some pet milk.
  5. I'm certainly no expert, but to me the skin doesn't look to have the crusting and thickening that would indicate a long term skin condition causing such extensive hair loss. So, I would concur with the dachie/crestie mix thoughts. I have to say I love her though - if I had room I would take her in a shot. :)
  6. I had a greyhound with a low grade murmur - she never had any problems from the murmur and lived until 12 years old (from bone cancer - completely unrelated to the murmur). Good luck with your pup!
  7. A greyhound one (what else?) - Murphy's Law
  8. One of the articles I read made the implied that it is the same vaccine, just labelled as annual rather than 3 yearly. The article said that negotiations are under way with manufacturers to change the labelling of vaccine products in this country. Don't know how true that is though - you can't always trust everything you read in the papers!
  9. RIP littler Vader. So sorry for you Steve, and for the puppy owner. I know a little of what you're going through - many years ago I ran over my own cat in my driveway...to this day I will never forget that feeling in the pit of my stomach when I realised what I had done. Hugs to all involved.
  10. While, as others have pointed out here, it is theoretically possible to re-educate the dog to some extent (though it is a long and arduous process to do so correctly), I would never be 100% trusting of the dog even after that, especially when it has the apparently extreme reactions that Myrtle has. I have seen these sorts of dogs go OK for a week, a month, even a few years and then, with no obvious warning, revert to the cat attack behaviour, with tragic results. To me personally, it simply wouldn't be worth the risk.
  11. I have used the Rescue Remedy drops on several anxious dogs (particularly foster dogs on their first few nights here) and I find it works well.
  12. Oh no! Fingers crossed that it is nothing serious & Penny is OK! :D
  13. Champa sounds to me like he is displaying chronic anxiety. I have seen this in dogs before and it is not always caused by having suffered abuse in the past...like people, some dogs are just like that. Many dogs that display this kind of extreme behaviour are (as you have found out) very difficult to manage. Medication may help (worth disscussing with your vet?), but there are some dogs that don't respond not matter what you do. I'm sorry that doesn't help you; I do hope you can get it sorted out, for your own sanity.
  14. I do this too! Unfortunately they are a bit too far away to use for everyday kind of stuff, do I have another vet I use for other occasions.
  15. Oh goodness, where do I start? Ziggy is a bit of a fraidy cat. Mainly, he is scared of men has hasn't met before (eg when a tradesman comes). Usually once he meets them a few times he is fine with them. He is terrified of being in the hydrobath. I can't wash him in the hydrobath because he panics and starts thrashing around until it almost tips over (he is 35 kgs!). I have given up now and the girls get a nice warm hydrobath but Zig gets the cold hose in the back yard. The water itself doesn't worry him; it's being enclosed in the bath that is the issue. They don't get bathed too often anyway, so it's not a big worry. He also gets a bit afraid of small fluffy dogs - he will tend to hide behind me when he meets them. Big tough guy he is not!!!
  16. Canine Country has other flavours with no chook...I often use the beef (red packaging) and the roo (blue).
  17. The sad thing is that this article was apparently written in 1989...and we have not progressed one millimeter from where we were then on this issue.
  18. Happy Birthday Ollie - you are a brave and a truly remarkable dog!
  19. Generally I only take mine to the vet when they are sick, except for my old gal (now 9 years old) who gets a yearly checkup and a blood test to check her liver & kidney function etc.
  20. OMG, I'm so sorry to hear this! Leo was a dog with an enormous personality, and I know your home won't be quite the same without him. RIP Leo.
  21. A friend of OH has been involved as a trainer at Tivoli/Ipswich, and also trains his own dogs there...he has long experience of Border Collies and still has them.
  22. I totally agree! Rehoming a dog like this is really only passing the problem to someone else...it doesn't help the adopting owners and it certainly doesn't help the dog. Thought unbelievably sad, sometimes PTS is actually the best and kindest option.
  23. I actually like this approach. I am assuming that a vasectomy would prevent the ability to procreate whilst still allowing the production of testosterone - a win win situation in my book, in some instances anyway (sporting dogs and the like). I like the idea that there may be a number of different options to fit different pet owners circumstances, rather than vets pushing only one option (either for political reasons, or because they don't really know any different). Are any vets in Australia are doing vasectomy type operations as opposed to castrations? Just curious - don't have any entire males here at the moment, but it would be interesting to know for the future.
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