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New Age Outlaw

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Everything posted by New Age Outlaw

  1. But doesn't the "horses mouth", in this case the drug manufacturers (I assume that's whom you refer to), have a vested interest to continue to encourage people to believe that annual C5s are necessary. I am just a humble dog owner, and I confess I am in two minds on this issue and I intend to do further research, but I personally would be taking the word of a company selling the product with a grain of salt. Given the questionable history of drug companies who provide human drugs, I admit I am a little sceptical of drug companies generally. This is not a "shot" at anyone, but I believe that the source of any information needs to carry some weight when deciding the value of the information itself.
  2. You might also like to try mixing a little yoghurt in now that she's eating. It is not only nutritious, but the bacteria can help restore her digestive balance.
  3. Poor baby! Fingers and paws here are crossed for her speedy return to health.
  4. If it were me, I would rather take my dog to the vet and find out I was worried over nothing than to not take them and find out I should have. But then, I am a natural born worrier! Good luck - I hope he feels better soon.
  5. This is interesting, as loads of greyhound trainers use ivermectin, and I haven't heard of any issues. I would be interested to find out more about this - do you have any links to info??
  6. I also use Sentinel Spectrum on my greys and have never had any problems.
  7. To add insult to injury, I just got a letter from Scotties saying no only are they not stocking the mince any more, but they are not doing any more home deliveries, and I can buy their product from the local pet store. I feel like sending the letter back to them with a note saying I'm sorry, but I don't buy from places that sell kitties and puppies! As soon as I run out of my current supply I will go and visit Canine Country. I will be giving the composite mix a try - it looks really interesting from the info on the website. Thanx to all for your input and help! I love DOL!!
  8. Sounds good! I will probably go down there when I run out of the mince I have now (shouldn't be long; my new foster arrived on Sunday ).Do I need to call and make and order to pick up, or can I just go down there and have a look first?
  9. You could try giving him some Bioflavenoid tablets (from the health food shop) - I have had great success with these in helping muscle injuries heal quickly. They improve blood supply which makes the healing process quicker. Hope he feels better soon.
  10. Thanx! I will give him a call - good website; exactly what I was looking for - I will definitely try it out!
  11. I have been getting kennel mince delivered by Scotties petfood here in Bris Vegas. It has been a convenient and well priced option for me, and the quality of the meat has been great (the girls love it and are looking good on it). However, when I rang to make my order today, they told me they are getting out of raw meat (not enough profit) and will only be selling the dog rolls as of next year. Whet I want to know is can anyone recommend me an alternative source of kennel mince or similar? I usually buy around 10kg per fortnight - if not a delivery service, I can go and get it but it would need to be open on a weekend - I live in the inner western suburbs. Any ideas anybody??
  12. Cleo gets Eukanuba for large dogs with raw mince and Scotties dog roll; Silver gets the mince and dog roll, but because she only has six teeth she gets alternately rice, pasta, occasionally a slice or bread, or breakfast cereal to replace the dry food. Several times per week I add veggies (peas, beans, carrot - whatever happens to be handy) and once a week sardines. They both also are on Joint Guard supplement and a fish oil capsule daily. The combo seems to work as they both look good at the moment (even if I say so myself). ETA For treats Cleo likes pretty much anything I give her (4X2 biscuits, sometimes liver treats), and Silver gets the odd Scotch Finger biscuit because normal dog bickies are too hard for her.
  13. I know you said no need to answer, but I needed to comment. Nobody knows Ollie dog like you do...I think in your heart, you will know/feel when it is the right time. Big hugs for both of you!!
  14. My girl Cleo loves those char chews! A much better idea for your girl. The dried liver idea is also good, but with either of these things it is best to introduce slowly if she is not used to them eg cut the char chew in two and give half for a couple of days and once she gets used to that got to the full one.
  15. Ellie is beautiful!! Cleo has been on season for nearly a week now. She a lazy girl though; I don;t think she is missing her walks, but I didn't get to take her to RSPCA open day last Sunday as I had planned, so Silver went on her own.
  16. I think the issues with cows milk are that some dogs are lactose intolerant (some cats too) so cows milk can give them the runs. Also, too much full cream milk could be problematic because of the fat content.
  17. My girl Cleo is also on at the moment - I usually don't take her out of her yard at all until it is over, because you just never know who you might meet (eg entire dogs) - I'd rather save myself (and her) from any trouble.
  18. My girls love greek yoghurt - the plain flavour one.
  19. I have seen a few greys clipped for racing, especially in the warmer months. I know they don't have much coat, and I don't think I would bother myself (don't care for the look of it), but some people like to get it done. I think they believe it is cooler for the dogs and also they dry quicker after being hosed (after the race).
  20. I think some dogs are lactose intolerant, so dairy can make them have tummy upsets. If you've have no problems, then your dog probably isn't intolerant, so no problem. I give my girls greek yoghurt or sometimes plain yoghurt and they love it and never have any problems.
  21. Vam paste, often used by greyhound trainers, is a vitimin and mineral suppliment high in vitamin B, which can help stimulate appetite. Might be worth a try? Edited because I can't spell!!!
  22. In the past I have actually given dogs sustagen (vanilla, not choc cause of the caffine) with success - mixed either in water or with pet milk, I have found that when my old girl is off colour or is not in an eating mood for some reason this picks her up pretty quickly. Otherwise, there is an electrolite product used for greyhounds called Recharge that may be of help too.
  23. All fingers and paws here are crossed for dear Ollie.
  24. I second West Chermside, but to be honest as they are specialists I don't go there for minor stuff (as it is quite a distance from my place); however for surgery and complex issues they are worth the drive. I'm not sure where you are (you sound like on the southside?) but I'm in the inner west, and I go to Indooropilly vet, although sometimes I still go to my original vet Greencross Woolloongabba, as I have always been happy with their service, and their hours are good for people who work (late opening on weeknights and open all day Sat & Sun).
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