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New Age Outlaw

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Everything posted by New Age Outlaw

  1. Ziggy on the day he was born.. At around 6 weeks Ziggy now
  2. OK. I might stick with the one I have for the moment and keep an eye out for a good macro. Thanx for the help.
  3. Kool, I shall see what I can find on ebay. What about for fast stuff (dogs running, cars racing etc)?
  4. Good question Tess32. No one thing, I guess I'm still experimenting but so far I am shooting dogs (of course ) and I also like wildlife stuff. I have had some fun taking close-ups of flowers and plants too, experimenting with focal length a bit. I would also like to take good pictures of cars, when I am out on car club events. Both standing still and racing cars.
  5. Thanx Luke. Maybe I should wait and see what others turn up on ebay. Given that I already have the f3.5, I am thinking a wider aperture one (eg f2.8)is what I would like to get, just to play with (and if the price is right). Any suggestions about what sort of length I should be thinking of?
  6. OK, so the camera I bought has a lens with it that is f3.5-5.6 16-105mm. So far, it seems a very versatile lens and has great flexibility. However, I have found an interesting looking lens on ebay that has a wider aperture (f1.7), it's 50mm. What sort of shots would it be best for? What other lenses (if any) should I looking at, keeping in mind I am just a hobbyist, with no intention of photography being anything more than a hobby. Thanx in advance...
  7. You can get soy yoghurt...would that be worth a try?
  8. OK, so I have been having a bit of a play this morning. It's all very new to me, and I haven't figured out how to resize the pictures yet so I apologise for the size , but I was reasonably happy with this one...
  9. YAY ! ! ! Congratulations - enjoy your new toy. Looking forward to some pics. I'm looking forward to having something good enough to show you all here! Might take a while though... ;)
  10. I went for the one I had decided on - the Sony A700. It feels so good in my hands - just have to learn how to use it properly now, but already enjoying playing with it a bit this arvo.
  11. Brisbane? I have had it done at Animal Options at Ormeau. I also believe that they do it here .
  12. The son of a friend of OH works at a meat works; they can get meat cheap. He gets me ox hearts for about $1.60 kg and kidneys about $1.40 kg...the only catch is I have to buy a whole box at a time and they aren't cut up (the hearts are sliced open and fanned out). So, OH and I cut and bag them into 1kg lots and freeze them. Last time we got a box of each I think we ended up with about 40 kgs of meat all up. It only took just over an hour to cut and bag it. It's good stuff too - human grade export quality (a lot of it goes to Japan & Europe apparently).
  13. I have had good success with accupuncture for dogs with arthritis. This link should give you some options for veterinary accupuncture in Tas...some of these practitioners may also use other alternate therapies. Good luck!
  14. Nice pics!!! I'll have to give it all some more thought...I'm not in a mad rush...gotta wait until Mr Rudd gives me my money anyway!
  15. Thanx for the input WendyH. I was favouring the 700 mainly because of the faster shutter speed (30 - 1/8000) and the faster burst rate (5 fps) - I' figured that for capturing fast moving images (eg dogs running etc) it may be an advantage (?). The specs stuff I have been looking at says the 700 does have live view...will have to check and see if that is correct or not. The more I read into it, the more I am settled on a Sony...it would be a toss up between the 350 & the 700. Ah, decisions, decisions!
  16. I certainly won't ignore any of the advice I get here - I am still considering everything. The Nikon D90 appears to have similar features and price to the Sony I am considering, but from what I can see the similarly spec'd Canon is a bit more expensive. Given that I am not planning on becoming professional I wouldn't have thought I would need huge numbers of lenses. One of the things I liked about the Sony is that the image stabilisation/vibration reduction technology is in the camera itself, as opposed to other brands where it is in the lens (and not in all lenses I think). Not having a go; just trying to understand the pros and cons of each, and the suitability for my purpose. :rolleyes:
  17. I've been thinking for a while about getting a digital SLR camera to extend my interest in photography. The last time I did anything with SLR type cameras was in school some 20+ years ago (I did film & TV class). Always wanted to get back into it but lacked the time and money to do so...now I am in the position where I can pursue this as a hobby. So, I have been doing a bit of research on various cameras, and think I have settled on the Sony A700...it has a number of features that I like. I guess I just want to hear from other owners of Sony DSLRs that they are good, what things to look out for, general advice etc. Also, I am keen to do a basic course to learn how to use it properly (once I actually get one) - am in Brissy so any recommendations on a course that is a) useful and b) doesn't cost and arm and a leg would be appreciated.
  18. Dandruff can have numerous causes. Though diet/nutrition can a common cause, other factors may be worth considering. One of my girls started to get dandruff, specifically on her back (not really anywhere else). She had never had skin problems before, and her diet hadn't changed. I tried oatmeal shampoo, which worked for a day or two but the dandruff returned. Eventually, the veterinary accupunturist said dandruff can also be a symptom of circulation issues ie lack of circulation to the affected area. She told me to massage the area daily and to increase the amount of fish oil. So, now Cleo gets a massage each morning before breakky, and two fish oil caps with her breakky and two with her dinner...dandruff is gone.
  19. Every pet owners worst nightmare! So sorry for your loss. RIP Charlie!
  20. Mine all get one fish oil cap a day, unless they are having fish that day. My older girl Cleo started getting bad dandruff on her back - the accupuncturist said it was due, in part, to lack of circulation in the back muscles. She told me to massage the area daily and up the fish oil dosage - now Cleo gets one cap in the morning and two at night (was told she can have up to 6 per day if needed). Don't know if it's the massage or the fish oil or both, but the dandruff was gone in a matter of days. ;)
  21. Mine love it but it makes Ziggy fart uncontrollably!!!
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