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New Age Outlaw

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Everything posted by New Age Outlaw

  1. Not sure about the theme - maybe an American pioneer west kinda thing? It was kinda kool though.
  2. Buffalo enjoying the water Bison Tiger Antelope at play
  3. These are from Schonbrunn Zoo in Vienna. Mongoose Giraffe Penguins
  4. Yeah, aren't they? They were heaps bigger than our usual pigeons too; more than twice the size!
  5. Just got back from my overseas holiday, so thought I would share some of the pictures I took. Today I will put up some from Jurong Bird Park in Singapore - an awesome place! From the "Birds of Prey" show:
  6. I wonder if that is the same guy that was there when I used to go...can't remember his name though.
  7. I know of one greyhound that was adopted as a pup and has done well at obedience. From memory I think they were planning to eventually try him at agility. I just think not many go to pet homes as pups, which is why you wouldn't see too many at obedience.
  8. I used to go to them nearly 20 years ago...they were very good then (I know that doesn't help you now! ). I can also recommend Greencross at Woolloongabba all the vets there are good, but I mostly see Dr Tim.
  9. She wasn't my girl, she belonged to a friend of mine, but Jenna has been part of my life for a long time. I always looked after her when her mum went away, and we shared many moments. She had a wonderful personality; she knew she was better than the rest of us but deigned to share her love anyway. This sweet, gentle princess was called to the bridge on Tuesday night, at the age of 12 years, and I was privileged to share her final moments with her mum. Goodbye Jenna! Please say hello to Dylan, Ernie & Silver for me.
  10. Is the dandruff all over, or just localised? I have a grey and she gets dandruff but just on her back - her accupuncturist told me it can be related to reduced circulation in the muscles of that area; she told me to up the amount of fish oil (Cleo now gets three caps morning and night) and daily massages of the affected area. It certainly seems to work for Cleo.
  11. Sorry Kirislin, I misread what you said...I thought you said "If I was in Melbourne". Too early in the morning for me for sure! :rolleyes:
  12. Just got an email from an auction group (I like auctions! ) and noticed they have a big photographic equipment auction. There seems to be loads of stuff (lenses etc); thought someone here might be interested? The link is here. It is in Sydney, but you can place online bids as well. Cheers! ETA - If you do want to attend in person it is in Annandale and is on Saturday 9th May.
  13. Oops! Didn't even see that - too late at night! :rolleyes:
  14. I think it's not common, but I had a cryptorchid dog who had one drop at the at of 12 months! I had long given up hope of seeing any, and then one day there it was! I was so excited I took a photo of it (no wonder OH thinks I'm nuts! ).
  15. Yep! I had a vet appointment with a sick dog once. They called me at home before I left and asked if I could bring the other dog as they had a very sick dog that needed a transfusion. So, Ziggy came to the vets with me and donated blood and saved the little dog's life. He's usually a real sook but he didn't squeek once - I was so proud of him.
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