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  1. Hi all I have a 6mth old Border collie and a 7 year old Blue Cattle dog. Lawrence, is more of a puppy than my 6mth old roxy!!!. He constantly wants attention, he loves playing ball EVERY minute of the day, he loves being pampered like a puppy, he loves puppy toys, he loves to do tricks for treats!! he is fantastic. alot of people see him as 3 years old, when i tell them he is 7, they dont believe it!!!
  2. Hi all I have a 6 month old Border Collie. She is absoulty beautiful. However, she seems to have fun pounching and catching toads. she has ripped apart many toads, and frothed at the mouth. I always rinse her mouth out. but she keeps going back for more even after a time out. Could someone please help me with some ideas of what to do??? ;) thanks lhorosko
  3. hi all i have a 6 month old border collie. Tonight she was chewing funny. i had a look in her mouth and 1 of her back teeth is dark and looks like its about to fall out. what do i do? pull it out? leave it so it falls out naturally? put a chew toy under her pillow? thanks lhorosko
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